-e is înterest even.for the voung at Curvply plant. 1Curvply Wood Produets, Orono, Ontario, Canada's iargest mianufacturer of mouided piywood, bias recently been soid ta D & E Woo)d Industries ofl Mississauga. C'urvpiy wîll continue to operate with the same personnel In the samre location. D & E Wood bas bec.gun -,a haif a mnillion dollar expan- sion programme :to rmoder- nize and update Curvply's capacity. New,mutopng mouiding presses wîth mnatch- ed aiuminumun dies wiii be in- stalied. A mnultiple rip-sawý, whichi wiliibe able to) rip up to 12 pieces at one pass. Sanding equipmien(t to bulinose, sand edges and faces in one pass, wiil fully automate the san- Ryan Farrow of Newton-. faon. The museum bas on people, new poeple as weli as ville found interest at the of- The formner mode of" display mnany features regar- community changes. ficiai opening of the Clarke transportation in this picture ding the miuseumn in its com- The museumi will remnain Museumn old Kirby Scbool caugbit Ryan's eye and in- mlunity, mroving objects, old open through to the fait. House iast Saturday after- tecrest. *ron Ueetp >tme Published Every Wednesday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, April 17, 1985 IG-jAisponsoring thed 150 attend ainnual ChildàAlert program Oro£-no lfairbaqe IGA and Food City stores aie iaunching a free child fingerprînting and identifica- tion program supported by the ministry of the Soicitor Gieneral of Ontario, i n response ta parental concern, over the recent disappearanîce and murder of a small chiid in York County. The program;ý caiied "Chiid Aiert", wiii be heavi- ly advertised and carrîed out Aprii 22, 23, 24, 29, 30 and May 1 between 2 p.m. and closing in 143 IGA stores in south-central Ontario and In the 45-store Food City super- market chain. Parents wbo bring their chiidren ta the stores Will be giveni a Chiid Aier bookiet in -which the fignerprints mnay be stampled, using- the samne ink strips, whicb Canadian police use ini officiai fingerprinting. The booklet aiso contains space for a photo of the child, description data (and how ta update), and a list of do's and don'ts ta heip 1'stretproof, cbiidren. Aithough, similar limited programs bave been con- ductedi by service organiza- tions recentiy, the IGA-Food (Continued page 3) Some over 150 attenadeo the annuai Durham Centrai Ag-riculturai Society banquet heuld in thie Orono United Churc:h basement on WVednesday, evening of iast week. Entcrtainmcnt was provid-_ ed by tbe Orono Fair Queen, Shelly Geddîs witb a niumber of vocal numbers being ac- companlied by Ross Metcaife on the pianio. Dav id Brow N, Newcasle,brought anin i- terestingS set of siides ta thie meeting of is visit ta Australia as an excbang-e stuL- Curvpiy's moui1di ng departme nt is being revamped to provide moi--re holding area for storage and cc-ooling, and cleanerlyup Curvpiy will purch ase a new flow,-thirough fiat press, 72" x 121", ta manufacture cut-o-sze ener fat plywoodi for its sisteýr com- Pany, APCMI, Mississauga and its parent D & E Wood Industries, and the tradle. Curiýly wili continue to supply the trade with the higbhest quiaiity curved plyoodcomonets:drawer fronts, table skits;crved trim for chesterfieids; office and contret chair parts, such as armis, seats and hacks, us- ing oak, walniut and maple. Homebrew talent at final concert series The Newcastle and District Concert Series Orgaffizationi completed their season on Sunday night in the Newcas- tie Community Hall with a special concert featuring home-brew talent from the area and district. The age grouping ranged from 50 young. voices from the Newcastle Public Schooi to senior aduits. The highlîgbt of the con- cert had to be the appearance of the 45 voîce choir of the Jiorseless Carriagemeni of Osh-aw,ýa wbo brougbt a stan- ding ovation fromn the au- dienice with twNo selections which the group wi present in competitioni on the weekend of April 20tb in Hamilton. The Osbiawa group placed second in the comipetition last year and expecitot better tbecir performance this year. T're pei formnance on Suin- daywas more than worth the price of admission. The Country Four of Glenn Allun, Jack -Aluin, Merle Brown and Don Staples once agarn presented an outstandîng performance of excellence to the deiight of those in attendance. The whole programn was a community effort starting witb the young voic,ýes of the Newcastle Public Schooi, a boy choir from the school as wveil as Glen Cain, accordian, and his sister Jnt harp, both of Hamupton, playing solos and a duet. The program included numilbers by Shelley Gray, soprano, singing 'Sound of Music' and 'Mine Eyes Have Seen the Giory'. Shelley was accompanied by Doug Dewell on piano. Joan Santomnero of Bowmanville ptesented a (Conttnued page S Receive Achievement A wards at Orono Carnival r ~iapp~îîùigzY. J TENN DANCE BEJNG HELD ORONO TOWN HALL A "Spiring Fling" is being beld in the Orono Town Hall on 1ýMe n Friday, April 26tb for the area teenagers. Music is being provîded by a DJ comiplete witb a light. shlow,. Doors open at 8:00 p.m. and dress is semi-formal. These dance at tbe Town Hall bave met witb great success over tbe past couple of miontlhs and are sponsored by the Great Pineridge Kinsmnen Club. Profits from the dances are beinbg re- taiïied ta irýe a live band somnetimie in the future. ~ AWAIT APPROVAL, FOR NEW FAIR BUILDING Tl'le Durbiam Central Agricultural Society are awaiting ap- proval for a new, fair building ta be consitructed at the Orono Fair ~ grounds from -)lithe Departmewt ofAgr[icLture. Tlie Socity b as accepted a bid for the construction of the 40x72 hbuilding ru be used for agrltuerltdexii tte1n . __ nual tair. Work will flot srart until deuparimeut approval is receiv- saturùday een1ing of iast Cees aenGrio, ifg. ed. Teabovýe six young week. CSeanson KareGrr isn Guest skaters along with PINES TENTH ANNUIAL MUjSIC NICHT( Orono Figure S kating The awards are donated by ShmlannonMBregor, nLisa senior members of the club Thie Piîies Senior Pu(blic Scbool is holdinils î,ý entb anrnual members were presented with local interested parties and Thmolian Bradgangley. provided some excellent 1,: Night, "A silall ord on WVednesday, April 24 com- local Achievement Awards are presented forimprove- The arnival agin dthew skating entertament white - ?ncn a :0 pn. ITle prugram featýUreL1s snes dancrs. and following the completion of ment in skating abiiity during tolrecod ihtes the. younger groups were inîrmetaiss.$300per family, $i.00 sîirie aduilt, .50 cents the annual Orono Figure the year. pferom anedbt Saturday again eih o h ag cbildren, ~~Skating Club carnival on Pictured above are: Tanya afennadStrayn audiences.