Rotary Clubs Iaunch campaign to aid berea, Imagine b-eîng awakened in~ the miiddle of the night to be inform-ed by the police that your son hlas been killed in a car accident. Or to be advise4 Yvonne Trafford won not but also was the winner of the ner in the flower shows held only the best arrangement in most points in the decorative in Orono with her ar- the recent Orono Hor- section, rangements and displays. ticultîtral Spring FloWer show Yvonne is a constant win- Winner of most points in entire show Minnie Zegers, another constant winner at the local flower show, was again out "HOME CHJECK" ease your mid WihlIe VoL Are Away, Reliable References Barbara 786I-2996 is YOUR BUSINESS IN DIFFICULTY Cali L.D. Macinnis (416) 571-1355 to assign a Counsellor to advise you on your business probi em s FEDERAL BUSINESS D EV ELO PMEN T BANK CASE ZO N ELIN G on top with the award for the Congratulations to both most points in, the entire above winners. event. Classified Ads (Continuled f*ruru, page 11) CAREER TRAINING FREE Career Guide describes 2W0 lear n-at-home correspondenice Diploma courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Businiess Manage- ment, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journalisms, Teleision Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto 1-800-268-I 2!. AUCTION SCHOOL- - 14th year, 1,2W0 graduates, courses April, August ansi Decemiber. \Write Western C(anada School0f Auctioneering, Box 687, Lacomnbe, AB TOC 150. Phone (40-3) 782-6215. n/C I8ELP WANTED - AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC CLASS "A", year-round, well equipped, newly ex- pandei, NMuskok, Shop. Scope experience essential. Front endi an asset. Contact Dave Biese. Port Carling (705) 765-5618. n/c EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY AGRICULTURAL WORK TRAINING OpportunitiesABROAD. Must have two yecars practical experience andi be single. Australlan, New Zealansi, andi Buropean host famiies. Write to: International Agricultura Exchange Association, 1211 - IItis Ave., South West, Calgary, Aberta. T3C OMS. n/c PERSONAL DATES GALORE. For ail ages andi unattachesi. Thousands of members anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintancet CalI, 'Toil free 1-800-263-9163 Hours Noon Till 8 p.m. / VACATIONS ONTARIO WATERWAYi Cruises on Rideau Canal ansi Trent-Severn Waterway; Private cabins ansi ailmeais on board, 2-6 days; June i to- Oct. 14, brochure, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7 (705) 748-3606. il/c PETS FOR SALE Speciaiizing in Breeding OLD TYME LONG EARED Black ansi Tan COON HOUNDS for excellent yoice & great hunters. Pups availabie now. Phone (519) 773-9472. ni/c by a doctor your dai has cancer. Terri fyýig, tragic nev changes your world fc News you don't want (c LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Ontario SIMMENTAL Wcekend Sixth Edition - June 7-9, 1985. fering 250 head o!' quality Simmental breeding stock. The largest of ing on one weekend anywhlere in Canada. Agenda - Friday, June 7: tarlo Simmental Ciassic Sale, 7 p.m. Barrie Fairgrounds. Tw( selectesi females ansi 18 hierdbull prospects selectesi with both the ci merciai ansi purebresi breeder in mmid. Salurday. lune 8: JL Farrn Guiest, Consignors Production Sale, 1 noon, o h am Shelbumie. (519) 925-5434. Double M Farms & Ouest Consignort duction Sale, 5 p.m. on the farm, near Stayner, (705) 466-3048. Sunc June 9: DJ-Kilmorlie Production Sale, 12 noon at the farm, near Bi ford, (705) 458-4333. Sale Heasiquarters - Continental Inn, Barrie, tario, (705) 726-1834. For catalogues ansi further information con the sale managers, Trasiscon - Charcan Livestock Services Ltd. 609-' Ave., N.E., Calgary, Alla T2E 2L2, Telephonie (403) 276-9717. ONTARIO CLASSIC SHORTHORN SALE. lune 8, 1985 i p Peterborough Exhibition Grounsis. 58 heasi Ontario's finest SHI THORNS. Fouindation female ansi herd bull prospects. Contact Mur Pimmett, R.R. 6, Pterborough, Ontario K9J 6X7, (705) 748-3331. FOR SALE "PENN Y- ROLLER". Wrap penies, nickels, dimes ansi quar quickly ansi easily! One wraps ail. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $î prepaisi. (Please asis .63 tax.) Sensi cheque, MAO. to Penny-Roiler I duels, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie. Ont. L2A 5N2. A great gift for De S§PRING-GARDENING. Everything to start: beeds, nutrie heating, ighting, germination kits, greenhouses solar openers. Mv Halides at best prices in Canada. Sensi $2 for catalogue ansi pricelisI Western Water Farras, 1244 Seymour S.. Vancouver. V6B 3N9 ( 682-6636. ONE STOP BUILDING SHOPPING CENTRE. Al! Steel, w frame, straight/slanti, lalf round. cladding. Free brochures on reqt For action value ansi answers. Cal! Wally (416) 626-1794. Leave mesý or collect evenings andi weekends. STEEL BUILDINGS. Inventory Clearance. Examiple 32 x 50 c piete with door $4,929. Sizes avallable up to 120' wide. Limitesi q tities. Act Now. Caîl toi! free 1-800-387-8130 (Arca code 80)7 416-828-6262.) FARMERS. Sprayed Urethene insulionii. Quallty woiîk at Wet Ontario prices. Cer tifiesi applicators. Experiencesi in agricultural retr since 1975. Cal! Warmth Insulation. (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, tario K7H 3G1. WATER PROBLEMS? New Tecchnology to CANADA - C.S.A. provesi - Ellmingtcs chemical contamination, nuisance ansi colif bactersa, iron bacteria, staining, smell, iron, basi tante ansi more messy chemicals - maintenance frec - testesi andi proven in over 10, rural installations. Eliminates the neesi for liquisi chlormsators ansi v distillers - Free 30-Day trial offer - Try It Out - Sec the resuits yourself. Absolutely no obligation ansi no cost to you. Backed t 20-year written warranty - If you want BElTER WATER for BETI COUNTRY LIVING Cal 1011 fre 1-800-2.68-20~6 or (416) 624-434 Write Water Purification Systemis. 203-1030 Kamato Rd., Mississa L4W 4B6. 4 Double siding 2-door COKE COOLERS, excellent condit $1,350. each. Approx. 24,000 kisis t-shirts, assortesi colours, sizes.$ 1 dozen. (705) 687-8293. ~3est an n/c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SEASONS - Canasia's 1lsi naine in Colour Analysis and Glamour Con- sultants earning $100 - $300/Day. Page 84 April's Chatelamne. ACADEMY CERTIFICATION, Supplies, Seasons Cosme-tics, Skmn Care. Siik Scarves, Replica Perfumies. CaIreers, across, Canada. -800268-493.7 (Toronto 675-5527) n/c CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needesi. Now is the timne to train for your class "'A"- licence. For prc-scrcening ansi job placement information contact M1erv Orr's Transport Driver Training, St. Cathiarines (416) 685-4453, Brampton (416) 791-1292. n/c COMING EVENTS PALMER RAPIDS BLUIEGRASS FESTIVAL, July 26-28. Ontario's finestsiva site. Asivance tickets on!y $15 up to Junec 8. F-ree camping. Phone (416) 537-5887. n/c BUJSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NULT & FRUIT KIOSK in busy Mail in a growng area for sale. Ideal as family operation or retire d couple. Caîl (519) 941-0691 a fier 6:30 p. m. i FOR SALE POOL SALES. Leasing manufactuer with a limjitesi number of 1984 mosieLsis having a clearance sale. Package includes mnotor, pumnp, filter, skimmcr. l ner, fence ansi deck. Regular $2,095 reducesi îo $1,295. Cal! anytime 1-800-265-8142. n/ ARTICLES WANTED GOOD WOODEN ROW BOAT. Cail Johnï (705) 765-3101, R.R. 2, Port Carling, Ontario POB 110. n/c CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCEING. Transport drivers needesi. Now is the time 10 train for your Clans "A" license.. For prc-screening ansijob placement iniformnation contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training. Ottawa (613) 523-3489. ni/C LIVESTOCK & FARNI EQUîPMEN4T AUCTION FROSTY HOLLOW HEREFORD Dispersai. Saturday, lune 15, I p.m. County, Road 18, Kemptville. Frce listesi, Top pedigrees. Cattle equipment ansi haying machinery. Joynt Auction Service (613)283-4730. n/c QUARTER HORSES - Gelding 3-years, ideal youth horse ridesà drives. Yearling Staliion by BRINK'S PERFECTO TE, Eligl ~.....Futurit'y (613) 342-7069. FOR SALE-PETS GREAT DANE PUPS, purebresi, registeresi, Fawns ansi Brsndll Born April 17/85. Wormed, first shots, parents on premises. Ready r June. $300 Cropping extra. 1-613-267-5826, Perth. and- ýible n/c les. m id Inspection Station Ail Vehicles Including Dump Trucksi Sohool Buses PROPANE Propane Conversions and Serv ice MAN GAR'S GARAGE Orono - 983-5130, We have openings for a few good sales peole in our BQwmanville office. Whether you are Iicenc- ed or considering taking the Real Estate course, cali Tony Klompmake- fgr a confidential inter- view. 623-3393 W. Frank Real Estite Limited 234 Kirng St. E., Bowmarîvlle, Ontario' Pray it neyer happens. Yet, tdie hard, cold fact of life is Stha-t thi.s kind of tragedy does Shappeni. When it does, igtr Bereaved Families of Ontario ugtr is there to provide mnuch- s's that needed support. Bereaved Famnilies of Oin- orever. aro is annpoi ohear. charitable organization aim- ed ai providing support for Of- families that have lost a ffer- mnember to death. This On- organization was initiaed in enty 1978 by the chaplain of the comn- Ms &, Hospital for Sick Children, near Toronto, as a mutual, self- Pro- help program. In 1985 it is rad- deeply involved in expansion On- as a provincial body to em- tact brace already existing paren- -35th tal/sibling bereavemnent nc groups. - This year, the Rotary .m. Clubs from many Ontario OR- communities, are joining irray hands with the organîzation n/ to endorse the distribution of donation boxes in local ters LCBO stores in June, and M.5 Brewers' Retail Stores in ia! September, to collect funds ni/c for bereaved familles. -- Rotarians have undertaken mets, letal the responsibility of st to: distributing, monitoring and (604) collecting the coil boxes. Al revenues raised will be wc. designated (o the particular, ood commnunil'y in Which it was lus. collected to initiate or assist ssage in developing programns. nc Through his campaign, in- volving respective Rotary [uan- Clubs, Bereaved Familles of cal! Ontario hopes to heighten n awareness of the organization n/ and apprise public of- per- tern sonalized professional ser- rofit Vices. On- The program provides n/c assistance in such areas as - one-on-one discussions, smal Ap- groups sessions and faniily fém nights. In addition to pro- - no )00 viding support (o the bereav- Vater e d persons, the s for organization's aim is also ta by a educate both the general and 'ER 4 or the professional health care auga communities as to the impact grieving has on the home life n/c and productivity of the ini- tion. dividual in the work place. $6.00