Orono Horticultural Spring Flower Show, colorful event There was a large crowd ini attendance both for the Junior and Senior Hor- ticulture Sprine Sh-ow ,on Thursday eveiiing at the church. Our president openied the show. Mrs. Prust played 0 Canada. A short buisiness period followed and delegatesý were selected to go to Wind- sor to thé convention. NMr.& Mrs. Lawrence Staples, Doreen Lowery and Orville Challice. Musical entertainiment was prov idedi by Jessica & Arnold Mlostert and much enjoyed by a-Il. We are invited 10 Ludley Deelys rose gardens oni Ta unton Road the first wveek .in July. We con- grat ulaie Mr. Deely on his re- cenit honior on- being picked as one of' îwenty-five rose growers across Canada Io' hiave a show garden. Isabelle -ChlricëîntroduTc- ed tire guests for the evening, Jack and Margaret Arnott on "Bee Keeping". Jack showed slides of some of the early pineswho developed our bee kecepi ng that we have with us today. There are 21,000 bee keepers in Canada today and they produced 97 million poundOs of honey in 1984. And they export 34 million pond o1 the U.S. Jack brought many interesîing in6~ts about beeeeig Margaret brought us a talk om honey and nutrition and stated h-lonev is a good natural health food. The -large crowd enjoyed (Continued onpage 4) I UgIy Duckling dance nets $4,OOO for Memoriai hospital Dudley Deeley oif R.R. 4 Bowmiianville- and a memiber of the ooorlclua Society has been l hoouredl as his rose gardensý have boeen chosen one of twenity,-five frmacosCanada which ils convention in Tlùîoont the mnay be viisted this Junýe by latter part of June. mebr o h Wrd Dudely is pictured above Federatiion of Roses. with Doreen Lowery, past Thie federation. is holding président of the local Society. DelIghted to repay Joan The Newcastle Village an d District Historical Society have notified the Mayor and members of council that on June I5th, 1985, they are prepared 10 repay the boan of~ $6,000 to the Town which was granîed the society last year 10 assist with the reprin- ting of the, John Squair's Book, "The Townships of Darlington and Clarke". The Society had souight assistance throuigh the boan from the Town 10 proceed with the reprint and were given three years in which to repay the boan. Through a letter from the Society it was pointed out tIhat sales were beyond expec- tations making it now possi- ble to pay off the boan of the- The lban repayment 15 10 be miade at the annual Heritaee Day dance "Danc- ing Through the Decades", being held in the Newcastle Comimunity Hall on the even- ing of June l5th. TO START WORK ON TOWN HALL STEPS Work is te start on the reconstruction of the front steps aI the Orono Town Hall this coming week with the project t0 be completed during the week. Over the years the steps have deteriroated t0 the point that chunks out of the steps have proved dangerous. The- pro- j ject is being undertaken by the local Hall B(Yard. LOCAL TEA AND BAKE SALE The Past Noble Grands Club 62 of Heathier Rebekah Lodge are holding their annual Tea and Bake Sale on Satuir- day, June Ist commenicng at 2:00 p.m. and continuing until 5:00 p.m. The event is; being held in the Oronio Oddf'eillowýs Hall, Oronio. Everyvone wvelcomie. ORONO SJDFlWA-LK and COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE The Orono Downtiown snessAssociation are holding their annual idewalk and community' ýgarage s ale on1 SudaJuly 201h. Thsihn pace in the downitowni for ic garýae a aresked 10 contact Ann Drieslinsýki ai clo,983-9757. lin co-opeat ion ithh ir Geat Pineridge Kinismen a free sîreet dance îýi, hing held Saiurday eveing w \ith a barbeque alsoing pý lart oi tue erly evninL events. The Ugly Duckling Bal Club sponsored a most suc- cessful dance in the Orono, Arena on Saturday eveing and raised over $4,000 whý0ich will be turned over w0 the Memorial Hospital building fund withinthe next LoCuple of weeks. A few oversen hundred jammed mb th le ,arena for the Excited over findings. on U.S. journey "For me il was excitinkg and informative", states Counc. Diane Hamre who visited a number of waste manage- ment operations in the states of New Hampshire and Massachusetts last week with the Durham Region Public Works Committee. "I only wish everyone could have seen what we saw", she said. The councillor front Orono did state that everthing was not perfect but at least a good effort was being made to han- d le the problems of waste management in those areas visited by the Durham Regional group. The group visited incinera- lion plants in 'Pittsfield and Portsmouth along with a recycling depot in Worchester and a recycling centre in Wilton. Hamre said the answers were basic on the most part and serving communities up. 10 over 8,000 in population. She said, "we as elected representatives have an obligation 10 gel down 10 work instead of wringing our hands as we have in the past. The councillor said the answer lies in co-operation between thie local mnunicipalities, the Region and the Province. She said in- cineralion and recycling has 10 be looked aI for this area. Europe, she said have had to rise to the occasion to deal with waste management and noted that in Kitchener, an operation which was visited last year, is well on, ils way 10 meet what could be a crisis in waste managerpent. The visit 10 the two states in the U.S. is just prior t0 the tabling of. a final report on waste management in Durham 10o be presented 10 the public works committee this week, Tuesday. Counce. Hamre said it was evident, that whole com- munities. were behind the operations they visited and that everything was separated at the house before pick-up. She also pointed out that in- cineration was conducted under stringent regulations and that even the smoke was burnt-off at a very high heat. Bulk in one case has been reduced by ninety percent. Citizens may either take their separated garbage 10 the recycling depot themselves or contract out the 'pick-up 10 individuals. : Residents of Wilton using the Wilton Recycling Center are required by ordinance to separate trash and repeated failure t0 do so resuits in a summons t0 court with a minimum fine of $10.00. The Wilton operation bias the-ý fulI co -operationyi of the community and w\orks excep- tionally well. Hamnre said there were still afe pro- blems 10, iron out as 10 somie (Continiued on page 4) occasion and 10 dance t10 hie music of the renowned Cana- dian band, "The Good Brothers"'. John Siater The evei was spearheaded by Johni Slater and the crew o-f the Uly Duclingswhich 1o1 onily ruh a class band of mnusicians Io Ormoobut also assisteLýd in thle finanicial aspect of the planned addi- Lion for Memorial Hospital. The evening as well as dan- cing also included lunch and a1 numnber of draws of which the maini prize wVas a Dia- modDinner Ring valued at $345A)0 and donated by A&A eelesof Toronto. Ant antique pocket watch doniated by Danny Hooper of Hooper's Watch and Cl'ock repairs was alsodrw at the even-t as was a wline set donated by Doug Cýrough Disc Jockey Services. Ani added interest for the eenuIing wasthe se qOof dLance cards wi:,t h priize s for, i'ý'he teni danices b eing donated by Phîl Pisai CntrcioOrono, Cow'an Pontiac anid uick, BowmnvileKounltry Cuti anid CuirI, Oshawýa, Jade Forumii Restuaant, Highiway 115, Fox-'s Sport, Newý,castle, AlloiMSic Il, Oshawa, Labaît's BrewAeries and Cor- by Distillers,. The Ugly Duýckilngs ws (Continued onr pageý 8) An interesting and winning e xhibit An interesting contest at submnitted the winning ilhe recenit Orono Hor- scarecrow shown above. ticultural Show was that of - The, audience voted their scarecrow, exhibits of which favourite and with the voles ther ere five on display. being tallied Donna came up Donna Hutton, Orono, the winner. rulse Evr wdesa OronoWeekly Times, Wednesdaiy, Mqy 29, M95 $