last Thursday evening in the and other works being shown Cowling, Caria Werry, Orono United Church. by the club members.' Carolyn Hinton, Tara The show was excellent Pictured above is a number Young, Andrea Trafford; with many creative posters of the members who were front row - Jennifer Barrard, present for a brief photo ses- Katrina de Jonge, Brandy sion. Langly, Danilie Borman, Back row - not known, Christine Sikma and Mathew Renee Pleasance, Michelle Trafford. Junior Gardeners -spring show Tihe Orono Jr. Gardeners have been very active in the last two weeks. During their May l6th meeting each learn- cd how to make a cactus garden with various cactus and succulent plants. They were also asked to use their creativity- by designing a poster to promote the Hor- ticulture Society's Strawberry Supper which will be in J une. Both projects were entered in the Jr. Gardener's Spring show on May 23rd. There was a great turnout of comn- Big booýt in -Orono Junior Gardener menzbership Orono Weekiy Tirr petitors and many entered al five classes. Prizes winners in the Junior and Senior classes were as foliows: .junlior's, Best in Show - Katrine de- jong. Most Attractive P'oster -DanielleBorman Most Points in Entire Show - Katrina deiong. Ciass One - Gacitus Garden: Caria Werry, Danielle Borman, Brandy Langley, Matthew Trafford. Class Two - Strawberry Supper Poster: Katrina de- Jong, Brandy Langley, Danýielre' Bormnan, Matthewý Trafford. Class Three - Cup & Saucer Arrangement: Katrîna de- Jong, Caroline Hinton, Christine Sikma, Matthew Trafford. Class Four - My Collec- tion: Katrina deiong, Mat- thew Trafford, Christine Sikma, Danielle Borman. Class Five - Per-Haps Spr- ing: Katrina deJong, Caria Werry, Caroline Hinton, Christine Sikma. Seniors Class One - Renee In the Junior division of- the best arrangement whiie the Gardeners' show Katrina Danielle Borman, exhibited de Jonge won the award-for the most attractive poster. AI Lawrence report (Continued from page 4) economical access to loronto for residents of the Scugog, Port Perry, Manvers, Cavan and Newcastle areas. "When it was cancelled four years ago by the prevîous government, this train was heaviiy used by our people, who protested it was as economicaily sound as any service- then operated by VIA," Mr. Lawrence stated. "'It's restoration fuifilis a Progressive Conservative election promise. Now it's up to the residents of those com- munities served 1_yjle train to prove by using it that they stili want and need the ser- vice." On weekdays the two diesel railcars will leave Peter- borough at 5:55 a.m., arriv-, ing at Toronto Union Statio . ,at 8:30 As previousiy, there wili be fiag stops for passen gers ai Cavan, Manvers Station, Plontypool, Burketon Station and Myrtie. The return train leaves Toronto at 5:30 p.m. reaching Peterborough at 7:59 p.m. Some examples of same- day return fares to Toronto: from Peterborough $18; from Pontypool $13; from Myrtie $9. "This train wiil become faster and more efficient as soon as up-gradlng of the track is complete d, " Mr. Lawrence stressed. "Unfor- tunateiy the Toronto- Peterborough line, owned by Canadian Pacific, was allow- ed to deteriorate over the past four years. " To mark the' re-openiing, the VIA train wili make a special advance run with a band and special guests on board on Suinday, June 2nd. For thaitrtip only the train leaves Toronto ai 10 a.m. and makes two stops in Durham- Northumberland - at Myrtie Station from 11:50 a.m. to 12:20 p.m., and at Pontypool between 1:00 and 1:30 p.m. Everyone is invited t o corne to those stations on June 2nd to see the train and welcome i s rel urn. NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD 0F EDUCATION WESTERN AREA SUMMER SCHOOL 1985 NEW CREDIT COURSES The fol Iowing programs are planned in the Summer School. Courses wîlI be offered where enrolments and staffing are suff icient from JuIy 2 to August 9 inclusive - 8:30 - 12:30. There are no registration fees although there are some maintenance charges. New credit and make-up courses wiII be offered in the following subjects at the advanced, general and basic levels: Art Typewriti ng Computer Science CounsellIi ng English French Geography H istory Introduction to Computers Mathematics Science (General, Biology, Chemistry, Physios) World of Work (Co-op) REGISTRATION: BOWMANVILLE KIGH SCHOOL - MAIN FOYER DATES: TUESDAY, MAY 28-THURSDAY, MAY 30 TUESDAY, JUNE 4 THURSDAY, JUNE 6 TIME: 7 tI 9 p.m. Aduit registrations are particularly encouraged. Further information is availabie from ail secondary schools. Registration deadline for new credit courses is 7 June and for credit make-up courses is 27 June. ADMINISTRATOR Bowmanville High School - Mr. Garth Gilpin (416) 728-5146. s, Wednesday, May 29, 1985-5 Pleasance, Rick Yaworski, Kevin Scott, Nicole Yawor- ski. Class Two, - Ailison Cochrane, Andrea Trafford, Michelle Cowiing, Rick Yaworski. Class Three - Ailison Cochrane, Kevin Scott, An- dreca Trafford, Renee Ple-asance. C'lass Four - Kevin Scott, Andrea Trafford, Michelle Cowling, Renee Pleasance. Class Five - Kevin Scott; Andrea Trafford, Renee Pleasance, Ailison Cochrane. Best in Show: Allison Cochrane. Most Attractive Poster: Ailison Cochrane. Most Points in Entire Show: Kevin Scott. Most have probably notic- ed, but on Friday the Juniors were buisy once more by plan- ting the downtown planters in the business section. These should thrive as our summer months provide wýarmth and sunishine. Thank you to those who helped us and to the DBIA for giNing us the op- portunity at an enjoyable fund raising project. There has been a big in- crease in memibershiip in the Orono Junior Gardener club which held their spring show Two winners ANNUAL MEETING MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BOWVMAN VILLE CORPORATION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1985 8:00 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS 132 Church Street Bowmanviiîe, Ontario FOR PURPOSES 0F: 1. Hearing Reports 2. Report of Hospital Auditors 3. Election of Directors