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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jun 1985, p. 9

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ÇlaIssified Ads ((Contn ued from page 11) FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insuilation. Quali ty work at Western Ontario prices. Certsfied applicators. Experienced in agricultural retrofit ince 1975. Cali Warmth lnsulation. (613> 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, On- tario K7H 301. n/c WATER PROBLEMS? New Technology te CANADA - C.S.A. Ap- provedi - Eliminates chemnical contamination, nuisance and coliform bacteria, iron bacteria, staining, smell, iron , bad taste and more - no messy chemnicals - maintenance free - tested and proven in river 10,000 rural installations. Eliminates the need for liquid chiorinators and water dlistillers - Free 30-Day trial offer - Try ItOut - Sec theresults fer yourself. Absolutely no obligation and no cost to you. Backed by a 20-yea.r wrtten warranty - If you want BETTER WATER for BETTER COUNTRY LIVI,4G Cailtoll free 1-800-268-2656 or (416) 6244344 or write Water Purification Systetns, 203-1030 Kamato Rd., Missssauga, E4W 4B6 n/c CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivera needed. Now la the turne 'te train for your clasa "A" licence. For pre-screening and job placement information contact Merv Orr's Transport Dr Catharines (416) 685-4453, Brampton (416) 791-129 - CAREER IAINING *CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers ne* to train for your Class "A" license. For pre-screenin information contact Mer Orr's Transport Drive (613) 323-3489. WANTED TO RUY We buy late model TRACTORS for wrecking t jut tired. FAWCET TRACTOR SUPPLY LTD. iOataio NOM*4V0 (519) 284-2379. HELP WANTED fî~LUMBER or SENIOR APPRENTICE Reqti starter, able to handle servce cais and installatio ighlands Plumbîng, Box 424, Minden. Ontario 1K TOWNSHIP 0F HUNGERFORD, Hastingsa * aerk-Treasurer/'Tax. CoUecctor. Tihe applicant sr knowledge of Provincial Legisation and regulati municipal affair, be. respionsible for ail statutory du treasurer's position, inclsding preparation of co minutes, correapondence, preparation of bylaws, cc lection, tile drainage procedure, duties relating1 and Assessmient Act, finanicial management, inciuÉ annual budgt and be responsible for ail accountini collections. Tise position requires experience in muni and financiai procedures. Preference will be given AMCT Deignation or Municipal Accounting( without municipal experience will not be considered. enaurate witls qualifications and experience in thse range, excellent bentefits. Appficants are to apply in complete resume of experience educational backgrot Applications will be received untll July 4th, 1985a Townasip of Huagerford, P.O. Box 568, Tweed, 0 1OBLX DnLWCiRlIaTjAýN .PEÇbnE, C correspondence- compaiinslip - ail ales - free de Bôi2U3Shus1swap Ave., unase, Britisha Columbla,1 (604) 679-8513 1-7 p.m. Mon - Friday. COMING EVENTS HOMECOMING WEEKEND. St. George's Ani 29, 30, July 1, 1985. Contact Ruth Gorrie for detai Iton, Ontaro KOM ISO. GIRL'S OUEST RANCH, relaxed programn speci riding and waerfront activities. Founded in 1958. Brochure, Frontier Ranch, R.R. 2 White Lake, Phone (613) 623-3577. HAGAR SCHOOL (Grimsby, Ontanio)ý Horn, June 22, 1-5 p.m. Oraduatea, staff and friends are mation call July 416-945-5125 or Sharon %45-3540. AUCTIONS AIRTIGHT COOKSTOVE, Large firebox holds cient downdraft hum it easy t0 control. We have tc, in Canada - selling direct frontishe manufacturer meals, bake your bread, and heat your homte. Infor pertime Stoves, R.R. 4 Aylmer, Ontario N5H 2R3 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNI Expanding Northern Ontario WEEKLY NEWS] perienced reporter/photographer. Car essential. Rej advancement. Senti resume to: Box 1629 Espanola lune th. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY "BUSINESS MAN" Open steel building dealer profits available part-turne or fuli time in your area Cali (303) 759-3200. Ext. 2407. CAREER TRAINING TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training wii available. Complete details can li mailed to you. Pb at (416) 769-3546 witls postal code. îRTICLES WANTED Good Wooden Row Boat John (705) 765-3101 R Ontario POB 110. VACATION S - LENROY LODGE on HALLS tAKE, Ha * Housekeeping cottages, overnight cabins, swirnmin tais, lcensed dîning roorn. R.R. 2, Minden, FOR SALE * WESTEEL BARN ROOFING AND SIDING. and galvalunsçd $4 square. 30 gauge prepainted $5 square. Customi Farrn Material Sales. Laird McKe "ENTRAL VACUUM. Leading ditributor witt -'I.~tems ia having a clearance sale. Package includes ing and al necessary parta to instali. Regularly $499. Cali anytime 1-800-265-8142. FOR RENT ROOM AND) BOARD Algonquin students, 2 or 3 girls 10 sisare la room, en suite powder roorn, Kanata, $300 per month each near Ha dean Mail. 1-(613) 592-1602 sfter 4 p.m. ANTIQUE SHOW/SALE FRONTENAC MALL, Kingston, Ontario June 13, 14, 15, 1985 ( 623-3074. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GLENDON McDONELL flock dispersai. James Haven flock red tion., Suffolk, Hampshires, Dorsets, Sunday, June 9 1;30 p.m. Rts Fairgrounds, furtiser information Jack James (613) 445-5252. Jo Auction (613) 283-4730. FOR SALE SAVE BIG " 1984 Prices" on A RCH TY PE STEEL BUILDINGS, x 32, 32 x 36, 40 x44, 46 x 76, 50 x 108. L.1,n ited lime offer while supp last. ACT NOW. Call Miracle Span toli fre i800-387-4910. DuramColeg 92r. ng, 1. On June 1, Durham Col- n/c lege held tWo convocations, one for Business graduates on Saturday morning, and one eded. Now is tise ime 1 for Applied Arts,' Health sg and job placement er Training. Ottawa Sciences and Technology, graduates on Saturday after- n/c noon. A total of 742 students burnd, amagd 0 received their graduation bunddmae r Diplomas and Certificates at R.R 2,St.Mars ,the tWo ceremonies, Which n/c were held 'at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. ired. Must be self- Wearing ceremonial gowns on.Send resume 1toote ocsin h (OM th ocain te graduates came from mrany County reisuires a points in and beyond the nsta have a good Durham Region. ions which Sovern At the afternoon ceremony nies of tise clerk and McalKel dtro h unei agendaa and McalKel dtro h ndscting municipal Whitby Free Press and a 10 thse planning act ' former College graduate, was ing preParation Of' guest speaker. He called for .g functions and a the formation of a Durhamn icipa administration ri0t applicants with College Alumni, Which WOuld Course. Applicants have several goals. 1Salary wili be coin- The first would be a net- $26.000 per annumi or of graduates who wiUl i.wrtng provding a n support to ,und, and references. si 4:30 p.m. Reeve, undergraduates- and new )ntarlo KOK 3J0. graduates, helping them find n/c field placement and other 'anada-USAse work experience, and talla. Ashgrove P.O.' assîstîng in job placement VOE1M0BFllB1e. after graduation. A second goal would be to n/c~ provide memrbers to the gican asurcis, lune various program advisory s. Box 378, Hallbws- committees which advise the ICollege in content, stan- n/c dards, and objectives of the aizing in iorseback cuss 50 girls 9-14 years. A third goal Would be for, Ontaro KOA 3L0, the-al-ummi to act as an ad- ncvocate for 'the College both - internally and externally. eoming, Saurday, Rýecognizing that a decade of welcorne. For infor- government restraint has taken a heavy toîl on post n/c secondary educators in On- Is fire 24 hours. Effi- tario, Knell said an alumni ves in every province could press for assistance for to you. Cook your new funds for neW programs, ýrmatbon kit: $1. Sup- new teachers, new facilities 3. and new equipment. The Ti alumni association would ;PAPER requires ex- give added weight to attempts ferences Chance for by the College to improve a POP ICO. Closing itseîf and its programs. n/c A fourth goal would be the * financial support of college ýrahip Higis Potential sports tearns, bursaries and . Some areas taken. scholarships. n/c -A fifth goal would be that of fund -raisî'n-g.-Michael iplacement help i15 KnelI appealed to the 1985 'hône Rodgers Scisool College graduates to become n/c part of the proposed alumni. "lWe need your ideas, your R.R. 2, Port Carllng. enthusiasm, your time, and n/ your energy. The alumni will nc be one way in which we, wÏho liburton Highlands' have taken so much from the ng, fishing, boat ren- C(olle&eL cn ut a lti KOM 2K0. Cal somnething back in".- n/c Speaker at the rnorning ceremony Was,*Vicki MacBur- 30 gauge galvanized nie ýStewart, a former 7 minimum order 30 Business graduate of the Col- en (416) 779-3322. lege ,.and a member of n/c. Durham's Board of Gover- i a limted amounit os nors. smachine, tbols. pip- .95, on sale. for $299. n/c Nigel Schilling, Cha of the College Boai Gýovernors, inîtroduced morning and after speakers. He also am the top Durham gradi student Glen MacDona Oshawa, the Founding large ýazel- Orono Weekly Time. dent's Gold Medal and Stewart R. Alger Scholar- Msic a roie bh nc Oshawa Civic 'Band. (416) Graduates were introduced to n/c the dignitaries, families and friends by Woody Manery, du- Director of Applied Arts; sseil Fred HayWood, Director of oynt Business; -Don Michie, Direc- tor of Health Services; and Jack Davidson, Director of S. 25 the Technology Division. plies Mvel Garland, Durhiam Col- lege President, presided at the n/c graduation ceremonies,, and diplomas and certificates were presented by the Dean of Academic Affairs, Lister, Robinson. The Invocation and nBeniediction for the Durhamà nCollege 'Convocations were given by the Rev. Audrey airman Fisher. A reception was hield ard of at the Oshawa Civic d both Auditorium following each >rnoon eeo. Aarded cemny_____ îuating Graduates from Orono ai, f Lori Lycett, Legal gPresi- Secretarial,_ Darlene Stagg, ies, Wednesdéy, Jane 5ý 1985-9 LglSecretarial, *Patricia Quantrili, Medical Secretarial, Julie Del Gobbo, Basic Secretarial, Karen Moore, Advertising Ad& minîstration, Sharon Simp- son, Advertising Administra-, tion, *Mari..Jo Garnett, Graphics, 3rd yr., Cheryl Sanders,. Public Relations, Lawrence Corby, Civil Techniques, Peter Groot, Computer Option.» *'On Dean's List: Overail 'A' average (80 percent or' better). FOLLOW YOUR HEART HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO GIVE WITH YOUR HEAD CibSelto eseach dw & s more livesý Public Notice Concerning Proposed Amendments to the Darligton Officiai Plan, the Bowman- ville Major Urban Area Officiai Plan and the Newcastle Village Small Urban Area Officiai Plan. TAKE NOTICE that theCouncil of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle will hold a public mneeting on Tuesday, July 2, 1985 at 9:30 a.m. inthe Bowmanville Library Auditorium at 62 Temperance Street to hear public input on the following proposed Officiai Plan Amend- ments.- 1) An amendment to the Officiai Plan for the former DarIýngton Planning Area to: a) change the name of the Plan to the Officiai Plan of the Town of Newcastle. b) delete policies which are redundant or in conflict with the Durham Regional Off iciai Plan. c> formally adopt, as local Officiai Plan poiicy, the policies of the Durham Regional Officiai Plan as it relates to the geographic Townships of Darlington and Clarke d) incorporate the policies of the approved Officiai Plans for Bowmanville and Newcastle Village e) incorporate existing approved policies in respect of Hamlet deveiopment f) incorporate existing approved policies in respect of the use of Holding zones g) formaily adopt as Officiai Plan Policy existing approved Site Plan Control Policies h) identify thie Town's transportation network and specify roads * *for which future road widenings may be required 2) An amendment to the Off iciai Plan for the Bowmanvilie Major Ur- ban Area to renumber ail Sections and schedules to facilitate in- clusion within the Officiai Plan of the Town of Newcastle. 3) An amendment to the Officiai Plan'for the Newcastle Village Small Urban Area to renumber ail Sections and Schedules to facilitate inclusion with the Officiai Plan of theTown of Newcas- tle. The foregoing amendments wili resuit in a consolidation of existing approved Planning policies and extend local Officiai Plan coverage to areas that presently do flot have a Local Officiai Plan and are basical- ly of a housekeeping and administrative nature. Any person may attend the public meeting andior make written or ver- bal representation either in support of, or in opposition to, the propos- edOfficiai Plan Amendments. Written submissions may also be directed to the Town of Newcastle Planning Department. Additionai information reiating to, and copies of the proposed Officiai ,Plan Amendments are available for revlew and-inspection during nor- mal office hours at the Planning Department, Municipal Offices, Hamptonf, Ontario. Telephone enquiries may be made by calling _263-2231. T.T. Edwards, M.C.l.P. Dîrector of Planning Town of Newcastle Planning Department Hampton municipal Offices HAMPTON, Ontario LOB li File: O.P. 1.1 Date of Publication: June 5, 1985 P.OÔ . No-. 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