Cl,'.assi'fied Ads (Conitinued from page 11) VACATIONS ONTARIO WATERWAY CRU ISES on Rideau Canal and Tient- Severn Waterway; private cabins and al meals on board; 2 to 6 days; June 1 to October 14; brochure. Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 7H7. (705)748-3666. n/c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Established WHOTLESALE HARDWARZE Business neair Brantford. $20,000 invstment will net, a $1,500 pet month ross profit with unlimnised growth potential. Phone (519)4-43-4302 n/c ANTIQUE SHOW FLAMBORO, Canada's largest Anitique Show-Sale with over 250 of Canada's best dealers. Saturday, Joune 15, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission $2, Courtcliffe Park, off Hwy 6, near Hamilton, halfway between Hwy 401 and 403. n/c MISC Learn the SECRETS 0F CHORDING on GUITAR. New home ssudy course. Fast, easy miethod. Guaranieed! For FREE information, write: Popular Music Systrms, Studio 10, 3284 Boucherie Road, Keîowna, B.C. VIZ 2H2. n/c FOR SALE ONE STOP BUILDING SHOPPING CENTRE. AIl Steel, wood framne, straighs/ýSlanit, balf round, cladding. Free brochures on request. For action value and answers. Cali Wally (416) 626-1794. Leave message or collect eve.nings and weekends. n/c MARY MOORE COOKBOOK, lth printing, hardcover over 1, tested recipes $17 Prepaid fromi: Marianne Moore Pitts, R.R. 1, Lo bardy, Onitario KOH ILO. THE AUCTIONEER MAGAZINE, Photo's of past auctions, tips bidding, auctioneer profles. The subssription is $12 for 12 mont issues. Box 415, Renfrew, Ont. K7V 4A6. Students at the Kirby deemn hs tdnswo te feaces of lamie Allen, Centennial Public School wîll be' participaIting in and Andy Taylor, n/ic held their annual track and regional competion at Clarke the competition is so school day for grades 3-6 to High School. Judging from. serious business. tbl on________________ FARMERS: Sprayed tJrethene insulation. Quality work at Western Ontario prices. Certified applicators. Experienced in agricultural retrofit since 1975. Cail Warmith Inslation. (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, On- tario K7H 3GI. WATER PROBLEMOS? New Technology to CANADA - C.S.A. Ap- proved - Eliminates chemnical contamination, nuisance and coliform bacteria, iron bacteria, staining, smell, iron, bad taste and more - no snessy chemnicals - maintenance free - tested and proven in over 10000 rural installations. Eliminates tIhe need for liquid chiorinators and water distillers - Free 30-Day trial offer - Try It Out - See the resuits for yourself. Absolutely no obligation anid no cost to you. Backed by a 20-year written warranty - If you want BETTER WATER for BETTER COL)NTRY LI Vi[NG Caîl soîl fret 1-800l-268-2656 or (416) 624-4344 or write Water Puification Sysems, 203-1030 Kamnato Rd., Mississauga L4W 4B6. n/c CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is rthe timie to train for your class ".A" licence. For pre-screening and job placement information contact Mlerv Orr's Transport Driver Training, St. Catharines (416),685-4453, Brampton (416) 791-1292. n/c CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRUCKING. T1ransport drivers needed. Now is htiea to train for your Class "A" icense. For pre-screening and job placement information contact Mlerv Or's Transport Driver Training. Ottawa (613) 523-3489. n/c TRUJCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is available. Comiplete details cati be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School as (416) 769-3546 with postai code. n/c AUCTIONS AIRT1IGI-IT COOKSTOVE, Large firebox holds fire 24 hours. Effil- ucint iddaft burn is easy so control. We bave toves in every province in Canada- selling direct fromt the mnanufacturer so you. Cook your mneals, bake y'our bread, and heat your homne. Information kit: $1. Sup- perime Stoves, R.R. 4, A'ylmier, Ontario N5H 2R3. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DISTRIBUTORS/DEALERS for the amnazing paserson iron remrover for weill water sstemns, no chiemnicals needed, remnoves iron, taste and odors. For more information contact: Krevco, Enterprises Ltd., 335-550 Century St. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3H OYI, 1-204-786-6957. n/c PERSONAL SMOKING! Have you tried so quit and failed because of wiltpower? Cybernetics is the answer for -many problemns. Results guaranteed. Free samuple cassette Caîl 1-800-263-0512. n/c RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1978 WINNABAGJA ELANDON CLASS "A" 29' Mirowave,Air,Television.,2 Furnaces. Awning Dual fuel, 43000 miles. Neyer rented, no sales tax. Will certify,Many othierextrasý. Excellent Condition $35,000 1-705-722-8191.ý PETS FOR SALE BULLMASTIFF PUPPIES, Champion bloodline, Sound tempera- muent, excellent confirmation, excellu etse, superb guards, best of friends, puppies now available, saing reservaions. NIGHTWATCH KENNELS, (5191) 842-7106 after 6 p.m., n/c VACTIONS CRUISE THE TRENT SYSTEMI in a 6 paasenger houseboat. Stereo' Hot Water, Shower, Propane B.B.Q. Fully equipped. Cal! "Canada's Firsi in- Houseboat Rentais", King's Marina, Fenelon Falls, 705-887-3321. n/c CAREER IN TRUCKINC CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the tiime to train for your Class "A" license. For pre-screening and job placemnent information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training Otawa (613) 523-3489. n/c COMNG CEVENTS Central Canada FIDDL-ING & STEPDANCING compestitions are be- ing held as Perth Commiiity Centre, .IuIy tI and 6th. Contact Pisyllis J. Dodd, R.R. 5, Perth K7H 3C7 (613) 267-5288. itario li/c Negotiator Appointed ln Teacher's Contract Negotiations By Jennifer Garland after fourteen mionths of After one month of negotiation and will expire negotiations, the Education August 31, 1985. Relations Commission has Bill Carman, a board appointed Mr. Doug Lawless trustee, feels the appointment of Burlington to act as is an aitempt to shorten Mediator in the necgotiations negotiations. betweeni the Secondary lit might work", Catrman Teachiers and the Trustees Of' says of the early appointmient thle N ori- of a negotiator, howvever ithuminiberland/Newca stl1e adds, "but 1 suspect it's an, Board of Education for the exercise of futility as far as 1985/86 contract. coming to an agreement. The The 1984/85 contract wýas teachers monetary requests resolved only a month ago are exorbitant." For Richer For Poorer (Cont. f romt page4 millenium of boutles stashed inside. Next cornes the chore hauling case after case int o the beer store while they wý%atch with quizzical looks On their faces. l'in sure fhey suspect wild parties at nriy padI every wveekend, and aIl My muttering of -the kids are collecting thern, wý,e found- them in the basement," or just plain stoic silence does noting f0 lessen the effect that I'm coming across with the impression of being a "Ioose" woman who likes her beer every weekend. The tragic truth of thîs somnefime humniliating profes- sion is that the kids like if. Al my squawking does flot tizz on their conscience since they have noticed their bank ac- counits increase and a fund for G.I. Joe men has been established. It does teach t he kids something; if teaches themi money does flot grow on t rees, if does grow along roadsides and ditches, And' for a bit of backbreaking bending on people like me, it acfually turns into a nightly famnily outing~ becorning a thing of fun. What else could you do where you get fresh air, exer- cise, familW discussions and 10 cents for every bottle that you find. FON YOS "Steve' s Journey For Lives" Toronto - Canada Post Corporation has set up a special postal code and mail address here, to make it easy for Ontario residents to con- tribute to Steve F-osiyo's cross-Canada "Journey for Lives", in aid of cancer research. Donations of cheques or money-orders, mnade ouf to the Canadian Cancer Society, can be addressed to Post Of- fice Box 8000, Ontario, FON YOS Canada Post emiployees, th'emselves, hrave made con- siderable donations to the fund, including $20,(M (dur- ing this year's postal hiockey, tournamnirt 'in Calgary. Inspection Station Ail Vehicles lncfuding Dump Trucks School Buses PROPANE Propane Conversions and Service MANGAR'S GARAGE Orono - 983-5130 We have openings for a few good sales people in our Bowmnanville office. Whether you are licenc- ed or considering taking the Real Esta te coure caîl Walte;r Frank for a confidential interview. 623-3393 W. Frank Real Estate Lmited 234 King St. E, Bowman'vilie, Ontario Ministry of ~~Natural Resources A YOUTH CORPS The Ministry of Natural Resources fequires the foilowing: TRE-MU4JRSERY WORKERS, Applicants must be between the ages of 15 and 24 and have been out of sctiool and unemployed for at Ieast twelve weeks prîor to the start of the projeot. For applications or further information con- tact: Orono Provincial Nursery Box 119, -Qrono, Ontario LOB 1 MO Telephone: 416-983-9147 JOUTH 7ft UPPORTULNITI!LS ANTIQ~UE SHOW AND SALE. Frontenac Mail, Kingston, On June 13,14,15 (416) 623-3074. ......... . MF-... .... ...