i li g-- Egagement Announcement OonWê Weekly'lTh»es, Wed.iesday, June 12, 1985-3 ý,Heri.tage Day Newcastle Saturday, June l5th to Rick Karel, son of Mr. and p.m. at St. George's Ukrai- Mrs. Maurice Annaert. The nian Catholic Church in couple will be married Satur- Oshawa. day, June 15, 1985 at 2:30 E R -T S _____________ORONO MOSQUITOES SHOw vuOTENT OFFENCE Orono Team 1 began the and Scott drive the opposi- Burnett. Ryan and Jim have season with two imnpressive tion defences frantic with also contributed a goal, while victories. On May 23 the~y their speed and finesse on the Brad has taken over the dif- tackled our old nemesis, wings while Camneron, Greg ficuit task of corner kick. Jim Tyrone, and came away wth and Shawn contrai the cen- Partner was particularly "ag- an 8-5 victory and on June-6 tre. In the two gamnes gressive" at centre haif in they outscored newcomner Cameron has 7 goals, Shawn gamnei two w hi le Trevor Port Perry 11 -0. 5, Greg 3 and Dustin and Lomax, called uip from the Although the team is ex- Scott 1 each. .4minors" repeatedly stole ceptionally young, the secret The forward line however, the hail fromt larger op- of its success lays in teama would not gain these scoring ponents with deft stide play. The potent forward opportunities without the tackles. combination of Dustin Reid, playmfaking and defensive Greg Hooper, Jim Partner Shawn Hardy, Greg Hooper, abilities of halfbacks Laura and Cameron Esler have Cameron Ester and Scott Abramns, Jim Partner, Craig shared the goalkeeping with McAllîster have played their Nemis, Trevor Lomnax, Ryan excellent resuIts. The team respective positions perfectly Rock and the steady defence must remnember to continue while using each others of Jason Major, Brad playing as a unit. abilities to the utmost. Dustin "Bigfoot" Minnis and David COSTS INCREA,ýSE FUNDS NOT KEE['PING- PACE Peter Scehiaf'fleur, Memiorial Hospital treaisurer, told the annual mneeting of the board of directors that operating costs for 1985-86 for the hfospqisal are expc7ted to increase b\ 5.6 per:entI whlile the Nmiitry of(i Health for tlle Prlovince hasnl promised a 2.7 percent iii- crease in funig. The operatinge cost ini- creas'es is expjected to 11eave the hlospIital w\ith a def'icit of $282,000) at thie end of the year. only twýo avenues oipen tio the board, being reduce services to bIIngexenesinto line with miiinistry allocations or persuade the province for ad- ditional funding. He said almost 70 percent of the hospital b udg et \was labouit related and that an'y major cts oLd Jhave to in- vol'. c teterminatin of staff and t 1he eu 1ctI (Io of services. He said 0the hospital is now, looking iia aeas whlce r rduc- t11ionmay be nmade wýi11hou ImpJingin g on th hosita charter ta provide dqut THE FINES GRADUATION The Pines, Senior Public School graduation wil be held on Tuesday, June 25 at 7 p.mn. at CareHigh. School. NEWN APPEARANCE AI TOWN HALL WVe are pleased to announice the completion of the C)~ Town Hall steps by Mutton Masonry early last wýeek. -1-_ws teps contribute to the imiproved appearance of the Hall and Mutton Masonry may be commended on-a4i+e-iob well donie. health care to the community without impacting too severly on staff. Schaffleur did say that the current politiçal situation at Queen's Park "may prnvide us wvith some relief." Hle said, "we ail need to be aware there some serious conomic,ý financial and employmient consideration in the 1985-86 Fudget.- During the %yea-, Ithe hospitail paid $4.776 million in salaries and $3,00in fringe-,beefits wemloyes Tis re ipresented 69 perýcent of thebugt Operatinigepnsstotaîl- edj $7.61milljjjionin198S4, an micease of 7.9 percent over thIat of the previons yeariI. Duringl ,thle -year ithe hlosital tasereS45,000 Memorial Hosita Fonda- ion. hehosplital is, ls aw itiinal stetlment ith [lie 1Insuranecmpnyover thle resultys of, thic1980 lfire . Thjs b fas costthe.hoq-ital S303,260 to date of which thie insurance comipany hIas paid out $2q,084. Dy Jennilcr Garland The illage ol Newcastle will be holding, a Heita(ge Day Saturday, June 151th, ai the Newcastle Commnunity Hall. The day willbei at 10:30 a.m. with a hitorical play 'The Harbour' written by Charles Ewert and Ray Noble and performed by students atn the Pines Senior Public School. The play will bc followed by Old Tymne Movies for family entertain- ment. Admission for adults is $1.50 and children under 12, 50 cents. At noont, there will be a free is"play of historical in- terests including Generation Press - Elizabeth and George Hancocks large slection of genealogical books in print; a collectors corner; Clarke Museum display;quts Bowmanville Museuni Display; Model Train Display; and a Miniature Dream House. A 'draw will be held for a hand-m nade Qucen size quilt- and for a Sunday brunch for Iwo at Port Darlington Marina. Heritage Day has something f'or everyone. Amongthe collectibles will be a brass and sleigh bell dîsplay; ant old post card col- lection; collector's dolîs and furniture of the 100sand] early 1900's: a music box\ col- lection; a button dîsplay; a showîng of saIt and pepper shakers; indian artifacts and othier valuabhle collections' donated b y priiv\at1e infi- di\viduals. The day will closýe \with a 'Dance throuigh the Decade' featuring "The Royals" of Cobourg - Big Band Sound at $25.00 per couple, including lunch. For tickets, contact Lynn Lovekin 987-4897 or Raye Goode 983-5514. ~RED, & WHITE *CON VENIENCE, VARIETY *EVERYDAY COMPETITIVE PRICES *WEEKLY FEATURES and hundreds of No-Name YellowLabel produets THE BENEFITS ARE YOURS Granulated SUGMaÀ#%AR 2kg bag Limlit 3 bags à Regular Chain Price 9 l 1.99nu TOMÀATOES «kq 1.96 Florida, Can No 1 b LARGE SLICING 1 I 80 Kellogg's Coin Flakes 1.59 675 gpkg. NababCoffee 369 g bag 2.79 3 Different Grinds President's Choice-- The f inest made Chocolate Chip Cookies 1 ý99 400 g pg Hostess Reg. 1.79 pkg Chips and Snacks .99 CARNIVAIL BRAND - 5'Flavotirs ICE CREAM 2litre pkg. HIGH QUALITY 2.99 GREAT FOR THE GRILL "FRESH" MEA-TY Park Side Spare Ribs lb. 1.99 KG 4.39 RK"indless Side Bacon 500 g 1.M89 C O RN IZSH'bSPhone 9350 Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Williams are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Katherine Ann O~~9Po GRAND-OPENING: SATURDAY 15 JUNE 1985 Explore Our Animal Kingdom Enjo-y the fascinating collection of big Exotïc Cats and other Animais f rom around the World, in a natural setting. Childrens Tee-Pee Petting Zoo IMPORTEO GIFTS AND JEWELLERY FROM AFRICA Open Year Round 10 a.m. to Dusk Special Feature: Maniel at the Magic 0'f "Jef f Evason" ORONO EXOTIC CAl WORLD INC. RR 1 - ORONO, ONT., LOB 1iMO 983-5016 I t I . ........... ....