Orono W ~ownies move -up to Guides cramped Dr. Susa Sepenon president of ihe MnorII)il Hospital medical staff told the board of dirctors thiat ex\- pansion plans at thle hospital will relieve cramped condi- t ionls in the roomns and hallways. She said during the past year the miedical and surgical staff unit and the special care unit hiad operated at 93 per- cent occupancy of beds. She said at the present time it sometim-res does mean pa- tients have to bc accomn- modated temnporarily in halls or out patient area. The emergency department continued to be busy with 23,173 cases last year. The chronic care floor mes, WednesdaN, June 12, 19855 i to relieve condiions Operates. at 99 percent oc- cupancy and there is a long waiting list of patients, in ac- tive treatmnent beds awaiting trnfrto chronic care. In the past year there were 237 babies borni at the hospital. Dr. Stephenson said the $5.5 million planned hospital expansion, expected to get under way this year, is desperately needed and will improve almost every opéra- tion of the hospital. The expansion will enlarge emergency considerably, enlarge and improve chronic care facilities and as weil will enlarge and up-date facilîties in the new maternity area. A number of local cessfully--moved uP to Brownies held their last Guides. Pictured above are regular meeting and have suc- back (l to r) Jennifer Ber-- Present book to Clarke Library nard, Allison Paton-Stewart, Anathea P4éock, Mandy Fluke. Front (1 to r) Courtney Wood, Jessica Ward, Kinney andCaria Wei POEM PUFF I wish you up hurricdly like a child growing cotton candy in her mind Sadly both turn out more illusion than reality Marlowe C. Dickson R. R. 2, Beeton, Ontario LOG 1AO Father's Day Quidoor Hanging Baskets and Patio Planters 12.95 AND 14.95 WE ALSO MAKE FRUIT, BASKETS $20.00 and $30.00 Apple Blossom Shop Main Street, Orono 983-5291 Hamre op posed to health money cuts Chairman of the Regional Health Service of Durham, Diane Hamre, has been reported to state that the On- tario Health Ministry is "ar- rogant and unco-operative in its dealings with the municipalities. Hlamre and other regional councillors were commenting as to statements by a ministry officiai who saîd Durham was aware s;ubsidy, increases 'be h!mited to three lier- '~-~thisyear.ý The officaI saîli itwas Durhlam's respon- ,i'bilit'y to budget accordiingly. Local poîiin aid theyý were not impressed with the hardline of the ministry and that programs would likely have to be cut.* -Hamre said it was an exer- cise in frustration to stay t h in Che p r ov i ncéi-al guidelines and yet to provide the required services. The major cuts in heath involve atemporary reduc- tion in food safety inspec- tions and the discharge of 360 'home visit' patients between the age of 20 and 64. The departmnent also plans to delay the hiring of two- Part timie dental educators which wvould reduce the school h-ygiene programn in, Bowmanville and eiminate the program in Uxbridge, Brock and Scugog. Ann Montgomery of the Ministry has said the Region had only itself to blame in giving afour percent wage in- crease to staff. Hamre said this kind of statement was 'ludicrous'. Regional chairman, Gary Herrema, said the Region had no indication of the restrictions to, be placed on funding from the province and that in fact the province had waited until after the region had set its budget to raise the issue. the chairman also said the province has refused to recogniize that the popuflationi hias been growing f'aster than provincial funding,