8-OrenoWukly -imes, Wednesday, June 12, 1985 Beavers move up to Orono Cubs KeiîdalïSuday Sehool Picnic Junior' running race: lst Jiason Mercer, 2nd - Chrissie Walker. Intermediate running race: 1lst Wen Qulliams, 2nd- Chris Savage Senior runnîng race: lst- Peter Fonk, 2nd- Randy Frank Junior 3-leg race: lst - Chrissie Walker and Tanya Mercer, 2nd - Jason Mercer and Brian Boudreau Intermediate 3-leg race: lst - Shari Kennedy and Jenny Hopkins, 2nd - Chris Sawyer and Dwayne Walker Senior 3-leg race: lst - Ran- dy Frank and Peter Fonk, 2nd - Chad Switzer and Brad Switzer Junior Wheelbarrow Race: Ist - Jason Walker and Brian Boudreau, 2nd - Tanya Mercer and Kelly Mercer Intermediate Wheelbarrow Race: lst - Chris Sawyer and Nine local Beavers have Park Iast' Monday evening. Graves, Brian Leach and Tim tle, Jonathon Armstrong, moved up to Cubs following Pictured above are: front row Green. Back row (l te r) are Jeff Goodmurphy and Jason a ceremony held at the Orono (l te r) John Mercer, Brett Jamie Shetier, Benjamin Lit- Taylor. Make 'Scout of the Year' presentation SScout Leaders Les Gar-- rison (left) and Chris Clark (right) presented Rei Thiree cus rom the Ormo aIrea earncd "- Stas"this yecar. Cliub leader Fern Pleasance xith a "Scout of the Year" award at a ceremony held at Oronio Park last Monday evening. Sargeant, (back) presented Scott McAllister, and Sean plaques te the boys pictured McKenzie. above Scott Williams (left), From the Dîm and Distant Past Thursday, June 6, 1940 Quite a numnber attended the Tulip Show in Park Street United Church on Wednes- day afternccn, under the auspices cf Ofono Hor- ticultural Society. The followNingÏ were the prize winners: Best basket cf Darwýins, Mrs. A. Rolph; best basket cf breeders, Mrs. A. Rolph; bs collection any variety1, Mrs. A. Rolph; best 1 lccmn, Dar- win, Mrs. J. D. Bow,2nd Mrs. A. Rolph; bhest 3 bloom Darwin, Mrs. A. Rolph; bhest 6 bloom, fancy,Ms.A Rolph, 2nd NMrs... Brown; best dining table ban- quet,' Mrs. M. H. Staples, 2nd Mrs. F. Tamblyn; Special for mcost points Mrs. A. Rolph. The jujdgte was Mr. Gjerald Cowani, cf Rosebank. Engagemient announced The engagement is an- nounced cf Revan Vivian, daughter cf Mrs. Hoskîn and the late Cephas Hoskin, cf Newtonville, te Ivison John, son cf Mr. John rTamblyn and the late Mrs. Tamblyn cf Orono. The wed- ding is te take place *quietly the middle cf June. June 2, 1955 DURHAM COUNTY CLUB MET IN ORONO A busload cf members cf the Durhamr Club cf Toronto toured the scuthern part cf the county on Saturday and after a trip through Orono Forestry, they went te the United Church in Oreno were the C.G.I.T. girls served a lovely ýsupper in the base- ment. These at the head table were President Allan Martin, l.P.S. and Mrs. Martin, Rev. Kitchen, Dr. George James, (Continucod page 9) Dwayne Walker, 2nd Jenny Hopkins and Shari Kennedy Senior Wheelbarrow Race: lst Chad Switzer and April Switzer, 2nd Peter Fonk and Randy Frank ladies Shoe Scramble: lst -Shani Kennedy, 2nd Chrissie Walker Men's Shoe Scramble: 1lst - Peter Fonk, 2nd - Chris Savage Ladies Shoe Kick: lst - Shari Kennedy, 2nd April Switzer Men's Shoe Kick: lst - Peter Fonk, 2nd- Dwayne Walker Musical Knees- Winner - Don Peddar ,Hot Potato Winner - Chrissy Walker Oldiest Guest Mrs. Edna Dobson Youngest - Twins - Shawna & Jeremy Peddar 5 - FAMILY YARD -SALE Leskard Village Saturday, June 15 9 - 3 p.m. Tents, antiques, toys, smnall appliances, clothes, books, bikes, etc. TTl t COMPLETION 0F A HIGHWAY STUDY The Ministry of Transportation and Communica- tions (M.T.C.) has completed a study which will resuit in the construction of Highway 2 in the Village of Newt.onville, Town of Newcastle. Regional Municipality of Durham, WV.P. 167-80-04 District 7 - Port Hope The study has followed a planning process ap- proved under the Environmentàl Assessment Act, 1975. As required by the approval, an Environmen- tai Study Report has been filed with the En- vironmental Approvals Branch of the Ministry of the Environment (M.O.E.> and is available for public review at the following locations. Ministry of the Environment Enviromental Approvals Branch 135 St. Clair Avenue West lOth Floor Toronto, Ontario Office of the Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario Port Hope, Ontario, Ministry of Transportation and Communications District 7 - Port Hope 138 Hope Street North Port Hope, Ontario Ministry of the Environment Central Region 7 Overlea Blvd. Don Mills, Ontario Office of the Clerk Regional Municipality of Durham 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario , 1 Please send any comments to Mr. S. Killaire, Pro- ject Manager, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Central Region, 5000 Yonge Street" Willowdale, Ontario, Telephone (416) 224-7567.