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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1985, p. 9

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It looks like. (Contînued fromi page il) The Orono-Lockhart Public School held its play day last Friday. Students in Kindergarten 10 grade six participated in the day's events which included a parachute bail game, above, obstacle courses, and various races. Merrisa Wallace receives a helping hop froin Andrew Ketties in the potatoe sack race. Orono -Lockharts News Report Recentiy the Pines Senior Public School Band visited Orono Puiblic School. Before their performiance Mr, Moore, the principal talked to the grade sixes to help prepare them for grade seven. Sam at Qjueen's Park LEGISLATIVE REFORMS DO MAT'TER The speech from the Throne was lengthy, however, a few highliihs shouid be noted for oui area. There has been a renrewed commîlment tb Japaniese auto quotas and an addi- tionai $100 million budgeted for skill training and job creation. A full section of the docu- ment was devoted t. legisiative reform. Why is leg-isiative reform important? These reformns will change the way our provincial parlia- ment does its business. The goal is 10 ensure ail provincial representatives have the chance t0 make a contribu- lion and t0 bring the views of their constituenîs 10 bear on the issures of the day. ( month 1 was ap- pý,dMinlister withouî Portfolio by Premier Miller wiîh responsibility for taking on the job of revîsing the rules of the legisiature. Since then I have been can- vassing mnembers of the Pro- gressive Conservative caucus, as wvelI as opposition MPP's, to encourage discussioni and to gel the bal rolling on Ihis important work. in my Opi- nion, MPP's sitting on the Procedural Affairs Comnmit- tee should determnine our- course of action, and make use of proposais contaîned in the McGrath Report on changes 10 the Federal Parliamenîary sysîem. The McGrath Report is expected 1o be released soon. In the Throne Speech, Premier Miler's governmenî proposed to expand the power of Legisiative Coin- mnittees, give more auîhoriîy to the Provincial Auditor, in- crease the resources available 10 individual metnbers of the Legislature, aliow Commit- tees to review appointnments 10 public boards and commis- School Trip to Metro Zoo POD A EXCURSION On Thursday May 30, 1985 the kindergarten and Grade 1 class went on a field trip 10 the Metropolitan Toronto Zoo. They concenîrated mainiy on African animiais. (The animais they don't see sions, as weil as ensure greater representahion of mninority groups and womren on pubic insitutions. Aiso' proposed is a Freýedom of Information Act, legisiation requiring the publication of salaries of Senior staff of agencies and institutions funded by Queen's Park, and reduce the size of the provincial public service by five percent by 1990. Whilc theuse reformis will not affect you in a direct fashiffn - such as a tax grant or thp construction of new local eacilities - these reformis will dhange the waY Queen's Park doeý business. 1 arn pieased to have this opporîunity to be involved in reforming the rules of the legisiature. 1 have already written on this subject in the respected publication Parliamentary Review, and look on this job as one of the highlights of mny political career. These reforms will not The. band played some songs for us. We also iearned about ail of the instruments in the band. Thank you to the Pines and Mrs. Pr-oie. By Carl Brown very often), They left the school at 9:00 a.m. and returned at 3:30 p.m.. In the morning they looked at exotic animnais such as alligators, monkeys, tigers and elephants. At lunchtime they went 10 McDonald's 10 have a drink and eat their lunches. After lunch they took a last look at the animaIs and boarded the bus for home. AIl of the children had "a great time- according to Ryan Winning. By Sean Winning Grade Six oniy be of immediate in- fluence, but wili change the way future provincial parliamnents do business as well. Naturaily, whiie I an in- voived in the job of reform- ing- oui legisiature, 1I wi!llnot forget mny first responsibility t0 you, the voters of Durham East. I want 10 thank you for putting your confidence in me again 10 represent your in- terests at Queen's Park. Whatever political changes occur in -the days ahead, 1 will continue w work and speak on your behaif. Congratulations to ail the emnpioyees of Goodyear of Bowmanville in celebration of the piant's 75th year of' operation. Good luck also 10 LuLba Veseinovic in the open - ing of the new Plastic Shielding Plant that hias com- menced operation i n Bowmnanville. STEEL BUILDINGS. Inventory Clearance. Example 32 x 50 comn- pleted wvith door $4,929. Sizes available up to 120' widie. Limited quant- tities. Act NowN. Cal toll free 1-800-387-8130 (area code 870 cali 416-828-6262.n/ MUSICAL TRAINING HOW TO PLAY PQPU.LAR PIANO New homne study course. Fast, easy method . Guaranteed! For FREE information, write: popular Music Systems, Studio 1l, 3284 Bocuherie Road, Keowna, B.C. VIZ 2H2. n/c PERSONAL DATES GALORE For ail ages and unattached. Thousands of mnembers anxious to meet you. Prestige Acquaintances Cali toll free 1-800-263-9163 Hours Noon - 8 p.m. PROBLEMS? Most phobias, smoking, alcohol, drugs, overeating, depression, stress, insomnia, self-image. etc. - Cyberrîetics is thse answer. Results guaranteed. For free details snd cassette cali: 1-800-263-0512. n/c LOST TRACT 0FA FRIEND OR RELATIVE? Maybe we can heîp - $10. Cali 1-800-FINDERS (free brochure). Frierd Fmiders International, 314 Lloyd Buildinu. Seattle. WA 98101. SMOKIN'G! Have you tried to quit and failed because of willpower? Cybernetics is the aniswer for many problems. Results guaranteed. Free sample cassette. Cal 1-800-263-0512. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SUCCESSFUL SALES PERSON Wanted for growth of our Cana- dian Corporation. Shares available for this. Certified. Send resumne by June 25 toi St. - CAL Agenicies 4td., Suite 194, 30i7 St. Clair Ave., Buri- ington, Ontario L7N 3P5. n1/c CAREER TRAINING CAREER IN TRIJCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the rme ic train for your lass "~A" icense. For pre-screening and job' placement information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training, St. Catharines (416) 685-4453, Bramipton (416) 791-1292. n/c T1RUCKING CAREERS. D)river Job Training with placement help is available. Complete Details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School ai (416) 769-3546 with Postal Code. n/c VACATIONS C RUISE TFIE TRENT SYSTEM ni a 6-passenger hosiseboat. Stereo. Hot WVater. Shower, Propane B.B.Q. FuilIy equipped. Cal] "Cassada's F-irsi in Houseboat, Rerals", king',s Marina, Fenelonr Faits. (705) 887-3321. n/c FOR SALE NEW PORTABLE BANDO AW ILLS. \Will 55W up to 18" dia. Logs x 16½- ft. long. $6,2/0. Caltor Wite for brochure. Enecraft Mlfg. R.R. 1, Barite, Ontario L-4M 4Y8 (705) 726-3293. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EARN $25 per hour ui professional vinyl repar. Training available. Not a franchise. For information write: Special "T" Distributors, 638 Pineridge Rd. Waterloo, Ontario N2L 5J9. n/c CAREER TRAINING CAREER !N TRUCKING. Transport Drivers needed. Nowý is thle to train for your Class "A" lîcense. For pre-screenring and job placement information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training, Ottawa (613) 523-3489. n/c FOR SALE "For your WEDDING, Planner & Guide" A 100 page informrative book to record ail your wedding day plans. For your copy send $9.95 plus $1 handling to MI.A. Moirn, 20 Hughes Cres. Perth, Ontario K7H FARMERS: Sprayed ljrethene insulation. Quaiity work at Western Ontario prices. Certifie,] applicators. Experieneed in agricuitural retrofit since 1975. Cali l armith InIsulation. (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, On- tario K7H 3(i1. n/c Building Owssers - ROOFINO. Urethane foans composite rooting, roofing with the built-in insulation - ant effective roof treatasent for your commirercial buildings. Cal] Warnsth Insulation in Perth at 613-267-6711 or Wite 133 Gore Street East, Perth, Ontario K7H 116, for site inspec- tion and etimate. n)/c SAVEI BICi "1984 PricesY' on ARCH TYPE Steel Buildings. 25 x 32, ~32 % 36, 40 x 44, 46 x 76, 50 x 108. Limited time offer while supplies asat. ACT NOW. Cal Miracle Span toil free 1-800-387-4910. WANT ADS WORK 983-5301 Inspection Station AlilVehicles Inicludîng Dump Trucks School Buses PROPANE Propane Conversions and Service MANGAR'S GARAGE Orono - 983-5130 We have openings for a few good sales people in our Bçwmanville office. Whether you are licenc- ed or considering taking the Rpal E,,tate course, cail Walter Frank for a confid-ential interview. 623-3393 W. Frank Real Estate Limited 234 King St. E., Bowmanvi;le, Ontario i it was

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