Happy Birthday Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, June 19, 185 - 3 Newcastle District From the Dim Concert Series HARASSED Last week we were plagued with a few minor problems with equipment at the office. First the typesetter broke down with a defective 'heat sink' just as we were com- pleting the weekly paper and this required the attention of a mechanic from the city who arrived Wednesday morning for the repairs. Then late on Wednesday afternoon a bearing on the press ceased and once more we were a lame duck as far as production was concerned at the office. The latter problem was one we could fix ourselves but, of coi- we did need the as ice of -Pete Mercer who works marvels with machinery. These minor problems no doubt had something to do with an early morning deci- sion on Thursday to forget about the office and take off for some bird watching just prior to 6:00 a.m. It was a productive morn- ing as far as birds were con- cerned and the early rise was well worth the effort. About mid morning we were in the southern part of Manvers walking along an unused road allowance when turning a corner we came face to face with four Turkey Vultures, two perched on an old barn foundation and the other two flying a few feet above the ground. Of course the Vultures with their six foot wing span took off and I was left watching them fly south. I continued along the road The Newcastle and District Concert Series Organization have finalized arrangements for next season's series of concerts. The Devonian Duo leads off on Sunday, October 20. When Susan Koeppner, flute, and Robert Kortgaard, piano, made their New York debut at Town Hall, the New York Times critic praised their "cool confidence", "refreshing extroversion" and "joyous abandon". Ms. Koeppner has performed in recital with James Galway, renowned flautist. Robert Kortgaard has been soloist with the Toronto Symphony and Hamilton Philharmonic. On Sunday, November 24 the Oriana Singers will pre- sent a concert. This 15-voice group from Cobourg numbers men and women from Cobourg, Port Hope and the Newcastle area. The Oriana Singers met originally in 1970 to sing for their own enjoyment but soon received invitations to perform con- certs. In 1980 they were awarded the City of Lincoln (England) Challenge Award and in 1985 they received the Fred Everest Memorial Award for excellence in choral singing. In May of this year they combined talents with Toronto's Cantabile Chorale for concerts in Cobourg and Toronto. The Chalumeau Ensemble comes on Sunday, February 9, 1986. This unique group is composed of a string quartet, with clarinet and gets its name of Chalumeau from an ancient reed instrument known today as the clarinet. allowance and soon was con- fronted with a new bird sound as far as I was concern- ed. I was sure I had never heard it before and of course I was interested to find out just what was making the cal, Soon I realized there must be more than one bird for the sound was coming from ahead, behind and from the side of me. In fact I was beginning to realize that I was being surrounded. All effort to peer into the bush did not reveal the culprit which must have an eye on that individual on the road- way. Finally it all fall into place. Four Turkey Vultures circling above the tree tops in protest of the intruder below and their sound was somewhat that of a soft squawking chicken. Recognizing the fact that Vultures are carnivorous the thought did cross my mind, "are these birds waiting for me to lav down and die". I squared off my shoulders and quickened my pace and with that new image the birds left. It certainly appears the birds must be nesting in the area for this group has been seen by others and were in the area last year and the year before. The bird does not build a nest but lays its eggs on the ground in stoney areas, under logs and even in caves. To say the least the ex- perience was, for a time, a lit- tle eerie. The clarinetist is Anne Massicotte. Violinist is Marie Berard, who is assistant con- certmistress of the National Ballet Orchestra. Nancy Gib- son (violin) also plays in the National Ballet Orchestra. Ronald Hay (viola) plays in the Toronto Symphony. Janet Kuschak (cello) has played with the Hamilton Philharmonic and National Arts Centre Orchestra, Ot- tawa. Chalumeau combines five remarkable individual talents. Percussionisticks will pre- sent a program in April of 1986 (date to be announced). Instruments include vibraphone and marimba as well as a variety of drums. Members of this quartet have studied and performed the traditional musics of China, India and Indonesia and have appeared with the Symphony Orchestras of Toronto and Vancouver. Their program includes traditional African and Latin American pieces and inventive arrangements of classical, jazz and ragtime compositions. Again Newcastle and District Concert Series Organization will offer a "bonus" concert if funds from subscriptions warrant it. Tickets for the 1985-86 season of the Newcastle and District Concert Series will be $24.00 for adults. The price for students will remain at $10.00. It was noted by the committee that the cost of the series of four concerts in Newcastle is very little more than fui one concert in and Distant Past Thursday, June 13, 1940 Tennis Schedule Orono has again entered a team in the Kawartha Tennis League for this season, in which there are seven teams listed, comprising the follow- ing: Port Hope; Orono, with P. Winters as Captain; Lind- say; and four teams from Peterboro, Quakers, Crees, Hurons and Iroquois. Presentation and address to Miss Freda Wilson. About fifty friends and acquaintances met at the home of Mrs. Harry Mercer on Wednesday evening last to spend a few enjoyable hours with Miss Freda Wilson, bride-to-be, and to present her with a lovely silver tea service. Fine service at Leskard by Orono Boy Scouts. A very interesting an in- spiring service was conducted by the Orono Boy Scouts in the Leskard Church last Sun- day evening. There was full choir of Scouts, Donald Staples was the accompanist, Manley Littlewood read the scriptures, Franklin Tamblyn and George Walters gave out the hymns and Ronald Pat- terson gave a splendid talk on "Boy Scouts, Yesterday, To- day, and Tomorrow. June 9, 1955 Kendal L.O.L. No. 405 held their regular monthly meeting on Saturday evening, June 4th. A unique feature of the meeting was the presentation of long service certificates (50 years and over) to four members of the Lodge. Namely: Bro. Allan Cathcart, 72 yrs; Bro. Blake Alexander, 62 yrs; Wor. Bro. W.J. Patton and Wor. Bro. J.M. Robinson, 50 yrs. Showing at the Royal Theatre in Bowmanville: 'Ma and Pa Kettle at Waikiki.' 'We Want a Child' featuring the birth of a baby before your eyes. Adults only. RED & WHITE Fresh Strawberries Arriving Daily. Don't miss these beauties. Priced right KRAFT 500 G Cheez Whiz Ja 0g 2.79 CATELLI 225 g Macaroni & Cheese Pg.7 9Re. KRAFT - SMOOTHor CRUNCHY 500_qReg. Peanut Butter Jr 2.39 1.39 CAPRI 4 Roi! Great on a Grill FAMILY PAK Pork Loin CHOPS 3 Loin Ends KG 3.51 3 Rib Portions 3 Centre Cuts lb. 1.59 PORK LOIN BROWN & SERVE CHOPS kg 5.27 lb. 2.39 Save .80 lb. Maple Leaf Cooked Ham 175 g pkg. Save .30 pkg This coupon value .65¢ On the purchase of a SmaIl Sundae at M&M VARIETY, Orono It costs you only .35¢ Must present this coupon for special offer Offer expires July lst, 1985 j HAroundm 5 ome Toîlet Tissue Pakea. 1.29 English Cucumbers ea..88 Snappy Green Onions, 3bches..99 C O R NIMSH'S Phone 983-5201