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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1985, p. 4

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4 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, lune 19, 1935 SPORTS Orono Team i Mosquitos maiïntain their winning streak Orono Team 1 Mosquitoes maintained their winning streak last week with two vic- tories over Bowmanville teams. On Tuesday evening the defence, led by Jason Ma- jor, Brad Minnis and David Burnett came up big against a tough Spartans teami. Wth the help of great goaltending by Greg Hooper and Cameron Esler, Orono toppl- ed the Spartans 3-1 Scott McAllister and Shawn 'Harýdy (2) scored the goals. The halfbacks, Laura Abramns, Craig Nemis. and Ryan Rock played their usual strong gamne strong gaine in spite of the rainy conditions. On Thursday Orono thurnped the Dynamos 10-2 wvith the help of six new players, Todd Boricic, Scott Williams, Sean McKenzie, Elizabeth Oxenhami, Shean Kennedy, Danny Walters. Laura Abrams played solidly in net while Shawn Hlardy (4), Scott MIcAllister(2), Craig Nemnis, Jimi Partner, Greg Hooper, and Dustin Reid scored. Although the team has been successful thus far, they must now work hard at jpractice in order to get their line changes down pat. Keep up thie good work, team! Hualdenby retîrement (Continued fron) page 1) February 1 st, 197'7. Rev. Haldenby retires as rector of the Parish at the end of August and the couple are to take up residence in Barrie. Rev. James Small of Mono Milîs has been hired as rector for the Parish antd takes up his 'duties on September lst, 1985. Charles Gray, speaking on behaîf of the congregation at St. Saviour's, said there was mixed feelings over the retire- ment. "Sadness in losing both of you, and happiness in that you enjoy the retire- ment" he said. Gray said Rev. Haldenby and accepted the challenges when he carne to St. Savioutr's and that much hias been accomplished over the past eight years. Gray noted the completion of the parish hall as one of the major steps for the future at St. Saviours. Gray spoke of the friendly smniles of both Rev. and Mrs. Halenby and on speaking of Mrs. Haldenby said, "the talents you brought and the tasks you accomplishied are just too nxany to mention." Rev. Haldentby thanked the congregation for their gifts and kind words and to the Youth Group said, "there are great things for you to do in the future". Mrs. Haldenby also ex- pressed her thanks and spoke of the friendly and fanV' like spirit at Saviour's. . . "we will miss you-, she said. Gil Wood, representing the Servers, and Ann Johnston, on behaîf of' the Youith Group, both presented Rev. Haldenby with mnomentos. Sandra Anderson of the A. C.W. presented MIrs. Haldenby with flowers as well as a gift. On behaif of the congregation, Steve Johnston presented the cou- ple with a plaque. Mrs. Doris Prout presented Mrs. Haldenby with a decorated plate. Following the presenta- tions aIl joined in lunch in the parish hall and enjoyed a social hour wý,ith Rev. and Mrs. Haldenby. Clarke Museum busy for month of July By Jeninifer Garland, Clarke Museum has hîred Johin Eens - Wind, of New,ýcastle, to wor-k at the muIseum this summier as Publicity and Special Eýeints organizer. A buisy schiedule is planned for the month of Ju- JOHN EENS A History, Hunt f'or children wl taJke place July Ist on Canada Day ai the miu se umi location. The miuseum ilil also hold an Art Exhibit and Sale featuring works of the Orono Art club and of Ron Phillips from, Newcastle. This will be held on the sameff day. On July 7, a historical walk of Orono will be sponisored by the mnuseumn. Helen Schmnid of Orono will be Ne wcastle Concerts (Continued fromi pageý 3) Toronto - and driving and parking are no problemn. AIl concerts will be in Newcastle Community Hall, starting at 7:30 p.m. Peggy Matthys lhas resign- cd as chairmnan of the Newcastle and District Con- cert Series Commiittee. Joan Santomero has accepted this position. Joan recently at- tended a marketing workshop in Campbellford, sponsored lythe Ontario Arts Council, and also the O)ntajrio Board o f youth (IlandlciMuLS; Canada's annual confler-ence iii Barrie, where anion", other things, auditions ,vere held for flhe 1986-87 season. FollowingL an election there, Joan is niow, a member of the Ontario Executive COmmFIit- tee of Youth and Music Canada. Further information about the local Concert Series may be obtained fromn chairman Joan Santomero (623-4526) or secretary Sheila Stiles leading the \val k th at wýill feature interesting antedjotes of thIfe manyv historical buildings and- C land sites wvihin Orono. A bike safety rodeo - anid exhibit will be featured at the Orono Dovwntown Businetýss Improvemnent Association1's Sidewalk and Commnityiý YardI Sale July 20, 1985. Jack Gordon of Nwcste ill be organizing anl exibit of bicycles of thle past. Equip- nt-1 for the rodeo will be supplied by thec Durham Regional Police. Those wvho participate wîll receive numbered stickers for their bikes. These numnbers will be stored in thec D f uham Reional Police Force comn- puiters and if thec bike is lost, they will have a better chance of locatîng it1. Clarke Museumn and Ar- chives hias somnething rfo evecryone. Hîistorical ar- tifacts, photos, jewellery, china and other treasures of in)tCeSt to local hsoybuffis aire what, you'll find if you visit the museumn this sumn- m'er. The m-useumn hours are Tuesday, to Sunday il a.m. - 5 and ail Holiday Mon- days firm Il a.m. - 5 p.m.. (987-4250). The 23rd World Congress of International Federation held in Canada this year with concerts, conferences anid wvo r k shIIps in Montreal, Qujebec City', Ottawa and Torointo. Tw,ýo special con- certs in Toronto are theý Orchestr alier foringiat Roy Thomson Hall at 8:00) p mr. Sunday, Jl 28 and the Y ou ng Perf ormler World Fetva:om1bin1ed ith Ithe Toronto SmhoyOr- chetra at Ontario Place2 at 8:00 p.m. onday, July 29. O)r youay be îierested in a jazz concert at Ilhe Con- ference Centre at 3:310 sunlday, July 2-8, o"r a workshop on popular rock from the 3 Amiericas on Tures- day, July 30 starting at 9:00 a.m. with leadters fromi Mex- ico, Argentina and Canada - or "Dances from the 3 Amneicas" featuring the Spit- fir e fBa nd and La ti n- American group at the Con- fcrence Centre, Tuesday, Ju- ly 30 at 10:30 p.m. -cause renovation i Ontarlo is easier than ever before. Start planning now, ta meet your changing housing needs. Whether you need more space, more convenience, or want to upgrade existing features, renovation may be the answer. Renovation is a practical, economical way ta make your home more comfortable, while creati-ng jobs across the province. The Governmenti, of Ontaro has made renovation an easier, more attractive option for homeowners. We' ve added a special renovation section ta the Building Code and helped ta develop innovative ways ta finance rénovation, sudh as 'RenoLoan"'. And ta help you plan your renovation, we'v,,e opened the Ontario Renovation Information Centre. if theres room for improvemnent in your home, contact us for valuable "how-to" information on renovation. Cail us, toil free, between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Monday ta Friday at 1-001-387-5477 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

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