'I'NioWeeklJy TlmeÏ. Wednesday, June 19, 1985 'PaY off $6. 000.00 boan after five months Scott MeAllister M.V. Patroller Orono Public qehni Npwc-- The Jamboree was held at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium for the many Safety Patrollers aIl over Durham Region. In case you don't know -what Safety Patrol is, it's the crossing guards for chiidren attending public schools. The evening started with somne presenta- tions to M.V.P.'s (Most Valuable Patroller) on each Safety Patrol. Our M.V.P. was Scott McAllister. The evening ended with dancing. We, the Patrollers also thank Mr. Taylor, our principal for organizing our Patrol. The Newcastieý and District the Society by the Town for so successful the society was past president of the Society,' Hîstorical Sociey on Satur- the purpose of reprinting the able, to pay off the bean in Lynn Lovekin, president, day evening at their dance, Prof. Squalr book pertaining five months rather than the Mayor Garnet Rickard, "Dancing through the ages" 'to the history of the former expected five years. Councillors, Diane Hamre, paid off a loan of $6,000 to Townships of Clarke and Pictured above at the Bruce Taylor and Ann the Town of Newcastle. Darlington. ceremony are: Ron Locke. Cowman. The boan was granted to The sale of the reprint was Ugly Ducklings support Hospital expansion HERITAGE DAY DRAW WINNERS ist - Winner of Queen Size Quit - Gerri Morley, R.R. 5. bowmianville. No. il187. 2nci - Winner- of Sunday BruÏnch Ïot Two at Port Darlington Marina - Nola Bridger, Orono. No. 0097. Bowmanville Museum also had a guess what contest that was drawn during the day,_Winner - Mona Major. WINNER AT SAFETY RODEO .The Annual Safety Rodeo was held Wednesday June 12 at the Provincial Transportation and Communication Ministry Yard 115 and 28 Fraserville. The competition- involving 50 equipment operators froni the Ministry's Port Hope District was won by Lloyd Lowery of Kirby (workmng out of the Pontypool yard) he received $50.00 and a trophy to be kept at the yard for one year, this being the first time the trophy has been at Pontypool for a number, of years. He will compete in the Ministry's Ontario Champion- ships in Downsview where the winner wins $ 150.00. CONGRATULATIONS Lloyd! PHASE TWO 0F HALL MAKE-OVER TO BEGIN Stage Two of the Orono Town Hall's makeover will begin in a week now that the hall steps have been completed. Wiggins Landscaping of Bowmanville will initiate the plan approved by the Hall Board and the Orono Downtown Business Imaprovement association (D.B.I.A.) te include the placement of decorative brick and shrubbery around the building, and the replacement of existing benches and garbage receptacles. The project is being funded by the Orono D.B.I.A., the Hortîiultural Society, the Town Hall Board, and the Great Pineridge Kinnettes. The Town of Newcastle has approved a loan of $3,000.00 te the D.B.I.A. for proJect funding to be repaid over the next three years. On behaif of the Ugly the Orono Bail Park last Bowmanville, Foundation, Jectea 2Z.milli rom îocaî Ducklings Slow Pitch Bail Wednesday night. The and Fran Lunn were on hand contributions and reach the Teamn, John Slater presented money was donated by pro- to commend the bail teamn for objective by July. Milîson a cheque for $4,189.21 to Ed ceeds from the Good their thought and interest in concluded the ceremony say- Milîson, Chairm an of the Brothers Dance sponsored by the hospital. Although ing, "When you care, the Orono-Clarke lTownship the bail teamn. $75,000 remains to be col- hospital can care better." Fund-Ra ising Com'mittee for Tom Cowan, Chaîrman of lected, Cowan feels they will Pictured above left to right the Memoriai Hospital, the Memorial Hospital, now be able to taise the pro- are Fran Lunn, Ed Milîson, Bowmanvilie, Foundation at John Slater and Tom Cowan . THIS JOB SURE WASN'T DULL On_ one of my excursions through the channels of this li fe, I sn agged myself a jopb at a veterinary clinic. 1 always feit aý certain kinship ' 0 animals and like everything 1 do attacked it with a certain amount of confidence. The first lesson 1 Iearned was the impossibility of judg- ing an animais character by its size. Like most people, 1 believed that size went hand in hand with the degree of viciousness. The bigger the dog, the better the bits, or so 1 thought. I arrived one morning to, find a humungus german shepherd unravelling the links in his one foot, thick chain, snariing and growiing, thundering up and down the floor. My first reaction was frozen terror!!! Making myseif thinnier than humaniy possible, 1 sinked along the opposite wail attemrpting to preach soothing, encouragrng words to this ferocious canine. His mean cold eye un- nerved me and 1 knew that when he bit he wouid do a superb job of it. It was then I noticed a small, shivering, buggy eyed Chihuahua directly in the cage in front of me. My motherly instinct im- mcdiatciy took over and in a measure of attempted reassurance 1 stuck my finger between the grills of the cage. With a mightiy swoop the mitey midget became a vicious viper. My finger was stuck. 1 couldn't pull it through' the wire mesh, she was hanging on the other end, teeth clamped on tili death did us part or my finger feil off which seemed about the next ihing to happen. 1 screamed for help. My finger resembled a rawvhide bonte left in the tain. Who would have thought something that fit in-, to a teacup couild have a set of hidden moulers extending halfway down her throat. The rotten mnutt consisted of teeth and tail. Now as everyone knows, the furry feline 'playîng with toilet tissue is the essence of cuddly comrfort. But there seemns to be a mystery about a trip to a veteri nary clinic that transfunins the purriest kitty to a raging mountain lion consisting of claws and jaws. Up until now my on the job training had prepared me for the onsiaught of gallon jugs of Poop) samples, tapeworms in their original form and their offsprîng known as segments, and the overstuff- ed, overloved dogs looking like bloated sausages with a leg at each corner. It did flot, however, as yet prepare me for four sets of tazr sharp claws, fanglike teeth, and the agility and speed of a gazelle, ail beionging to one cat. My patient was no more than a blob of a kitten, a ter- rific furry mitzy already showing the signs of theovet endulg-ing syndrome that s0 many ownets lavish iovingly, on their pets. In for a routine ear cleaning, I carried the lit- tie thing down to uts kennel. With an almighity jump, set off on a whirlwind tout of the roomn, along the tops of shelves, cages and surgical tables. Round and round, careering from floot to ceil- ing, I stationed myseif tb at- temnpt an aimighty leap at at- tem.pted capture. By an in- genious stroke of luck, 1 manag-ed to secure an end of the tail, The cat did an about turn in mid air and clawed herseif into my neck, haltway sitting on my face. Hissing and screeching greeted my muffiedi shouts for help. At- tempted cuffing resulted in blows to my own head. Final- ly able to grasp her by the scruff of the neck, I yanked cat and skin off my face only to have her claw herself tight- ly around my leg. With a disgusting tearing sound, my nylon (we wore themn in those, days) was decapîîated right at the knee and trailed bo the floot. The cat proceeded her journey up my ieg tattooing it ail the way. In final desperation I lung- ed under my skirt groping wildly for this frenzied mass. At that point in time 1 was ready to perform the most major surgery on this feline wthout the aid of an anesthetic. It was the most in- opportune moment for the veterinarys presence and there for the grace of dignified beauty stood 1. One ]eg bare and hairy, one stock- ing a mresh of runs, a unîformi splattered with strange drop- pings, claw marks travelling my neck and face 'and a cat frigîd with fear dangling in my one hand. . . . ................................ ... . ... 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