~1~gfied Ads (Çoýnthwed frorn page 11) 1f~IN~ 8H~o CE Le inexed Mis, guaraeed: avalable. If you are inteestcdi being involved in the LIMOUSIN buie. vontat: Mainine Limeousi n Ltd. R.R. 3, Lambeth, NOL ISO Mi Dunlop (519) 6524299l Limousin la our business. FOit SALE UIE8-ERASE Guarantees remnoval of urine (dog, ct, human) stains, odos, fron carpets.rerdiesa stain age. Frce brochure. C.T. Dlisributlng, For Re"ddl Oesicals. Box 2220, London, Ontaro N6A &WRL BUILDINGS. Inventory Cearance. Example 32 x 50 complete wlti door $4,929. Sime available up to 12Y ide. Limited quantities. Act Now. Cml 1011 free 1800-3878130 (Area code 807 cl (416) WESTEBL BARN ROOFINO AND> SIDINO. 30 gauge gavanized and gavmumed W4 square. 30 gauge prepainted $57 minimum order 50 squae. Cutoms Ferr Matrial Sales. Laird McKeen. (416) 779-3322. S SACRIFICE PuICES $ Manufacturer of Steel Quonset buildings. Cleaing out odd sized buildings. Huge reductions. Super Values. First came, first served. Limted quantities. Cali (416) 221-7353. HEREFOÔIiD DULL, _two years old Qumantac FF5IOR - Fraine 6.5, avallble inmedlately. Aso slab concrete silo. Phone (613) 382-2139, Relpis Adam, Gananoque, Ontaro. ONE STOP BUILDING SHOPPING CENTRE. Ail Steel, wood fraine, stragt/slant, haf round, dladding. Free brochures on request. For ac- tion value and answers. Cal Waly (416) 626-1794. Leave message or col- leci evenings and weekends. *POOL SALES Leadtng manufacturer with a limited number of 1984 models is having a clearance sale. Package inclues niotor, pump, iter. -skhnmer, lier, fence and deck. Regular $2095 reduced to $1,295. Caily enytime 14W0-265-8142. Ontario Art Course Mi*llbrook Village On JuIy 2nd the Ontario College of Art (O.C.A.) wil launch what President, Nor- man Hathaway, hopes will be the first of many courses in landscape panting, at the former Continuation School in Milbrook. This fine historic building was pur- chased on May ist by a coni- munity group, with assistance from the Ministry of Citizen- ship and Culture. This three week credit course is open to anyone who's interested. John Newman, Past Chairman of the Fine Art Department, ex- plamned that students may take three O.C.A. credits before they are required to provide a portfolio or bc in- terviewcd. "People are sorrietimes intimidated when they hear O.C.A.- said Newman, 'Yes, the college does - have very high stan- dards, but we've often found Orono Weekly Tune, Weiiuesday,-Jume 26, 1% - 9 that people don't recognize their own talent or potential until they'me attended a course of this kind. This would be a great opportunity for sonicone who bas very lit- tic experience, as weII as those who are more advanc- ed." He pointed out that registrants may just want to take the course wthout hav- ing any expectations of foliowing a. career in the field. The Ontario College of Art does have a campus in Florence and New York, but this is the first time they have planned a course of this kind in a rural community in On- Inspection Station Ail Vehicles Including Oump Trucks School Buses PROPANE Propane Conversions and Service MANGAR'$ GARAGE -Orono - 9835130 .,Building Owners - ROOFINO. Urethanet foam composite rooing, rooflng wih thse bult-in insulation - an effective roof treatment for your commercial buildings. Cali Warmth Insultion in Perth t 613-267-6711 or write 133 Gore Street East. Perth, Ontaro 1(711 16 fer site inspec- tion and estimnate. n/c FARMERS: Sprayed Lrethene insulation. Quality work t Western Ontario prces. Certified applictors. Experienced in agricutural retrofit since 1975. Cali Warmth Insuation. (63) 2676711, Box 460, Perth, On- tario K7H 3GI. . ... .. . ... LF Mis. M Ï,ý miwi. i s -7 7 --, -. , -- , , - 1 - , . , - ,. - 1 1 P :",. ,-, 1 .