SThe Orono-Lockhart and Kirby Public Schools held their annual Track and Field championships last Wednes- day at Clarke High School. Pictured above are the Kirby winners: Megan Duvies, Girls 1974, lst 800 m, lsa 400 m, 2nd High Jump,-2nd Runn- ing Long Jump; Kirby Eady, Girls 1975, lst 800 m, lst 100 m, i st,400 m, lst Running Long Juipp; Alan Nesbtt, Boys 1973 & over, lst High Jump, lst 50 M, lst 100 M, i st Standing Long Jump; Kathle Ien Minnis, girls 1976,; 1lst High Jump, 1lst Running Public Schoolinesltor on umn g um, hvtob raised or school our fund-raising efforts Jimmy Partner, Boys 1974, and 2nd 100 m. programs cut if the Province allowed usý to sponsor threp does not provide addîtîonal students wbo attended a TOC funding. Contract talks have Alph semmur as well as pur- begun againi as the current chasing instruments for the contract ex~pires in August, Music department and 1985.uniforms for the Physîcal Other tdpics discussed in- Education department. cluded Bill 82- "Special We look forward to your àýEducation", and extended renewed participation in funding of Separate Schools. September and welcome your ýj As you can see, imany in ideas for improving the quali- tere sting and often învolved ty of our support for Clarke topics arise in the course of High School. a meeting. We extend an in- Sylvia Parker 983-9378 vitation to everyone in "The Willis Barrabaîl 983-5736 C4reCmiuiy P.S. There is no lack of W>parents, students, eachers talent at Clarke as has been and neighbours to join us in demonstrated recently by stu- making Clarke High School dent achievements in the Art "Number one", in the region. Show, the play, "Dinny and We greatly appreciate the The Witches", The 'Vlariety efforts of aIl members of the Show and Athletic Events. executive for their contribu- Good Work Students!! O.PP.summe r road safety strategy TO,-RONO,1 - With alcohol and fast driving stili the main contrib utors towards fatalities on the province' s highways the OPP are on full alert for thie summer months. Canada Day, the first mna- jor long weekend of the vaca- tion season, has always sceen a rise in the volume of traffic on ail routes to, and from cot- tage country. Sttistics'show an increase of five fatatities last year- over the 20 traffic deaths that occurred within the OPP patrol areas on the same long weekend in ý1983. "It is only throuigh en- forcement and the pubic's awareness of thec problerrs of îimpaired dr-;ivin and ex- cessivje speed that we can Save lives and ensure safe travel on1 our highways during the sum- mer months," said OPP Commissioner Archie Ferguson. "Summer should be a time of enjoyment and not tragedy," hie added. The OPP will be increasilg their visibility on al Ontario highways in a bid to reduce accidents through the use of 400 roadside A.L.E.R.T. breath test ing machines and, 150 breathalyzer units with a total of 750 trained breathalyzer technicians. Motorists who have been drinking aicoholic beveràges but show. a borderine or 'warn' breath test reading wiii have their, licences susperided for '12 ihours. Last year the lice.nce suspension procedure was us- ed in 12,674 cases. The suspensions may be an in- convenience ýo holidayers, but they just may have saved the lives of the driver, his passengers and other motorists. In addition, ail of the force's radar units wîll be' utilized to monitor speeding motorists because the sum- mer months of June, July and August are the worst time for highway accidents, "We are aware of the ex- pected carnage on the highways and our job is to do everythîng possible to prevent it," said Inspector Norm Wasylyk, the anti-impaired driving co-ordinator withthe OPP Traffic Programs Branch, adding; "It is a ma- jor accident weekend and we are going to use every bit of our expertise to reverse the rise in our accident death figures - for everybody's sake. " POETRY Ail tha's left i,, your name on the bathroom mnirrr R.eplay;ing steamy mornings brings you back Were it only as easy to return the author's hand MY PLACE My choice would have fallen resoutndingly on our side You toppledi quietly away from us One day sooný I wifl find My place R. R. 2,Betn Ontario LOGî1AO0 Ov"RONO PARK POOL OPENS Saturday, June 29, 1985 to Monday, September 2, 1985 Brîng the family down for a picnic and a swim starting this Saturday! PLEASURE SWIM TIMES Monday, Wednesdays & Thursdays .2 p.m. - 6 p.m. Tuesdays & Frîdavs ............. 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. 6 p.m. - B-P.m. Saturdays, Sundays &Holidays ... 12 nmon - 5 p.m. 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. FEES Public Swimming..................... $1.50 10 Passes for........ ................ $1 2.00 Season Pass (Single> .................. $29.00 Season Pass (Family)................. $57.00 Date of Publication, June 26, 1965 P..No. -4242