Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday Julv 3. 19M5. Graduation announcement- The 'Pines senior Public -six academic courses and par- Maas, Brian Mereweather, Byers, Kelly O&Boyle, Alecia ScfiooL held their Awards ticipating in at Ieast 2 school Sophie Pedias,' Andy Sokoljuk, Steven Ceremony Iast Tuesday. The activities are pictured above:' Rorabeck, Candace Vey, Jeff Van derSchee, Cindy Grade 7 Proficiency Award Juanita Biersteker, Barbara Walters, Jennie-Lynn Brun- Tamblyn, Julie Troost, Ken Winners for 1984/85 receiv- Cherry,. Karen Garrison, ton, Denise Bugden, Barbara Verwoert, and Lisa Whyte. ing over 80 percent in at least Sherri-Lyn Hirschfeld, Kim '8washing machine at Museum display Ç14lrke T would like ment to th. Milison of AND THE CATS> KEPT old dump with afi articles donation ROLLING IN scaled up to three timnes their' machine cir Neyer have 1 enjoyed a original or usual size.< are ais oinc theatrical production as The performance also'had Phillips of much as the musical produc- a continuai flow and neyer Mrs. Noni tiQil of Cats now pîaying in was there a duil moment or Orono Art the old Elgin Theatre in lull in the action on stage. display the, Toronto. It had everything in Many innovative technical around the music, dancing and tricks were used and the weekend. choreography and with the costumes were as well pieceý, are story lUe ba on T. S, outstanding. Coneout Elio's lyrical poetry stories What more could one ask they're quit -in his children's book, "Old for in theatre than that being Coming Possui's Book of Practical provided by Cats especially if Twp. Mus' *Cats". you have a liking for perfec- soring a h The opportunity to make tion, music and dance. Orono. The the trip to Toronto camne with 1 have been askedl a couple 7:30 p.m. the music department of of times, "What of the thîrty- Clarke High School last week fine cats did you like the when some thirty from the best". P comnmunity made the trip. The answer would have to O The first advertisement 1 be Grizabella, the old woman had seen on television .of the cat, and this choice is even CO? Toronto production of Cats, made over the Siamese beau- for some reason or other, ty. Grizabella was on her last1 whetted my interest and legs for this world and the ey kindled a desîre to see the make-up for this cat was in on show. 1 certainly was not my opinion, outstanding. just be3 disappointed and 1 have to Grizabella also sang an say it was an enjoyable outing Mein9ry, a personal for a nd more than worth the trip. favourite, and interestingly- 1 have always enjoyed the words are based on one of to dance and music and Cats has T. S. Eliot's poems, with The tre to be the ultimate of anything some minor modifications. the shal we have seen on stage. The To me, Cats is a spec- :music i'axged from popular, tacular and the old Elgin the lif to rock,'to opera and even Theatre adds a further of il -'hymn sing. Dance was as dimension in this case. Wher wide ranging in its scope it was înteresting being in n from chorus line, to jazz, tap the Elgin Theatre which in be1 his ;routine and even ballet- and prior days was called 'some acrobatics. Both the Downtown Loews. My ýdance and music wàs great, grandfather, who lived in the. R. R. no sloppiness whatsoever. city, used to make it a habit ý-Detail in the choreography to take his grandchildren to :was, to me, another spec" either Uptown or Downtown tactilar feature of the Produç-. Loews or to the Shea's to and this detail carriied- YTeatre. If the Royal Winter p~irough the three liour ,.Fair was on we Would end up peh1rimance. there. Acts along The above in itself wais:- If nmiemory serves me right 0f course1 ýpuhbut the set. was Shea's used to have a big ago but ànother fêâfuite depici'É an oraf and sôîliêVaudeville' mefliories. T ownship M.useumn lto take this mo-. iank Mr. Lawrence lfOshawa for 'the of a w ashing rca 190. Thanks, order to Mr. Ron lf Newtonville dnd ra Lee and the' -Club for the fine ey-set u'p in and eMuseum this past Sorte of the. ýtill on display. *t and secem te good. ;July 7th Clarke sum will be spon- historical tour of e tour wîll start at .in front of the ETRY 'MPANION He sits eyes fixed )n a point eyond eternity and waits Dr the rest of himi catch up nimbling hand allow draught belie ifted corners he mnouth crever he be nay God scompanion [arlowe C. Dickson 2 Beeton, Ontario LOCI IAOý igwith the mnovie. that's . ome years they are good Library. The tour guide will be Helen Schmid, co-author of Out of the Mists, a book on the history of Clarke Township with emphasis on Orono. The tour is free and everyone is invited to attend. a' Mark A. Konzellfla MarcA. Konzelmann, son qf of Applied, Science Irene and Ernst Konzelmann, (Engineering Sciences). He Orono, graduated on June has accepted a position with 12, 1985 from the University Net One Data Corporation in of Toronto with a Bachelor Mississauga. Clarnke High School i Students may pick up final report cards in the main office commencing July 2, 1985 Office Hours: MONDAY - THURSDAY 8:00 A.M. - 12 NOON 12:45 P.M. - 4:30 P.M. FRIDAY 8:00 A.M. - 12 NOON RED & WHITE Niagara Brand DEVON 500 g pkg. Lemonade Rindless 33 m in e..25> BACON i1.79 GREAT ON A GRILL Ca n teloup e Fresh Cut- Part Backs Atce Canada No. 1i %"CHICKEN k209 Produce of U.S.A. *U LEGS SHOP FOR NO NAME PRODUCTS THE SA VINGS ARE YOURS No Namne - Singles - 1 -kg pkg. No Namne - 3.6 L Jug Cheese Sluces 6.29 Fabric Softener 1.89 No Name - 1 LJar No Namne - 36 LJug MAYONNAISE 2.99 Liquid Bleach 1.49 Produce of Ontario, Canada No. i Produce of U.S.A. COOKING ONIONS NECTARINES 2 1lb. bag .49 kg 1.94 1 lb. .88: C riSH'S ne98201 -S4 rournd Haine i MMM"MM-O" .