7.mmmýý i e ...... ...... .. ........ .. O)rono VWeekly Times, Wednesday Julv 3, 1981 - 5 r -SPORTS Orono Squirts 'One' an even match - Bowmaniile Cheetahs Tbe squirts started the week by losing a beartbreaker 1-0 ta Bowmanvillc Cbeetabs on June 24. We bad the Cheetahs hemmed in tbeir haif for ail of the second baîf after baving beid tbem te a tic against a strang wind in tbe first baif. Severai close chances came aur way but no goals. Tbcn tbe, Chtetahs scored on a brcakaway tbat Jason Lawrence almost got on a nice dive, but the baIl roiied into tbe net. Tbe foloewing night the twe tennis faced eacb other again in Orono and produced the best gamne of tbe. season. Tbcse two are evenly matched and kept eacb other at bay, en- ding up tied, I-1. Bowmanvile scored first wben Steve Sargent saved the first two shots onfly te sec the third enter the net. Tough luck, Steve! It looked like a repeat score was on order until mid- way through tbe second haîf, Jamie,,Shetier got away on a nice pass frein #ýilan M4ýen- zie and'shot a lhîgh one into the net. A good resuit that was fair to both teams. On Friday June 28 the two Orono teamns met for the se- cond time this year. The first game produçed a 1-1 tie but tbis time Oronjo 2 were miss- ing a few players and could only field ten, eventually los- ing 7-0 to their local rivais. Jamie Shetier scored first from Scott McDonald, then Andrew Burton scored directly from a corner kick. Andrew scored aZain from a pass from Lindsay Couch. Jamie netted the fourth before half time when Jason Stubbs and Jason Hill set him up. Jonathan Burnham and $12,000 for Clarke. It rotes that expenditures in Bowmanvîlle rose froni $5,651 in 1974 ta $35,583 in 1984 while at Clarke the cx- penditures were $8,131 in 1974 te $25,816 in 1984. Town grants during this period rase from $1,554 for Bowmanvîlie in 1974 ta $14,700 in 1984 while at Clarke the figures rose fram $1 ,665 ta $10,500 over tbe ten year period. -Under the report, if ap- proved by the Planning Board and uitimateiy council, mnuseum boards would be re- quired ta submit five year capital forecasts as weii as separate annuai capital and operational grant requcsts. Operational grants wouil be tîed te -a formula of $2.OO0 grant maney fer every anc dollar raised'by the museuni board's activîties. Tbe repart aiso suggests tbat the Town's sbare of feasibility i mplementation at the Bowmanviiie museum te tbe end of a Merchant's House, be on a dollar for dollar bases with the Bewmanville M'useum Board. Tbe final draft aise notes tbat Museunis in the Town of Newcastle have been receiv- ing funding above that ap- proved for other recreational purpeses in tbe Town. It is recommended by the ad bac committee of 'the Planning Board tliat CÇlarke Museum consolidclàewitbin anc physical plant a nd te bave such consolidation corn- pleted coînpletcd by September of 1988. It is aise recommendeà that the Museum Boards, Libraries and Newcastle Historical Society consuit each other te find anc loca- tien iin Which te heuse the ar- chives and meve inte the location by September 1, 1988. 1t was noted during the sIUdy- that duplication dees exîst. worked bard throughout the gaine and passedi to Scott Bordun for the fifth' goal. Scott g ot bis second of the gamn1e on1 a pass from Brett Graves. Andrcw Burton scored the final goal from the penalty spot, to conriplete bi's'bat trick. Little Steven Sargent stopped Orono 2 several times, par- ticularly Jeff Hugbes. Our defensive trio of Scott Ransberry,ý Ryan Rigimbal and Jarrod Easton played well in shutting down Jeff anhis fellowforwards. So far tbe teani bas won 4, lest 2 and id 2; scored twen- ty goals wbiie allewing seven. The two losing games were lost by only one goal cacb. So the~ tearn is playing very Weil dejensively and, witb twcnty go ais for, is performing well offensively toe. United Way assisis with C. NIïB. pro grams Tbey say man's bcst friend is bis dog, and Laura Maulle certainly wouldn't argue sWith that. But ber dog doesn't just fetcb and give ber a warm home-weicoming. Lauraý is biind, and bier guide dog directs bier safely througb Oshaw's busy streets. Ljura is tbankful ta the Osbi)wa-Whitby-Newcastle United, Way who provide funds te the Canadian Na- tiortaý 'nstitute for the Bind (CNIB)Ita belp ber and other visually impaired clients te function independentiy, in Society. Tbe CNIB was founded in 1918, by Colonel A.E. Baker whe lest bis sight in the First Worid War. lnitiaily, it was set up as a rehabilitation pro- grainite assist war veterans who had been binded in ser- vice. The CNIB's present ob- jectives are ta prevent blînd- ness and ta present a coni- prebensive service prograni te blind people. That' service in- cludes a residential ife-skîlls pragram available te anyone over î,6,, wbicb uses ,the ser- Spa wning bedproject reCeives funding Sir Sandford Fleming Col- legcjs (SSFC) spawning bcd project \with the Bancroft District' Ministry of Natural Resources received funding onTh~ursday, June 20 in Ban- croft. John Rigsby, Manager, Financiai Services, acccpted the. çheque fer $86,3 14 on behaîf 'ef 'SSFC's Frost Scheel ef Naturai Reseurces. Rigsby says that thse meney will be used te carry eut twe *aspects of tbe pregram: "The first ts-be rebabilitatienorfô The Newcastle Community Services Planning Board will discuss its final draft of a Museum Services study whicb bas been compictcd by [an ad bac committee of tbe B~oard. Tbis final draft is being con- sidered today nigbt, Wednes- day,, at a regular meeting be- ing beld in tbe Brownsdaie Community Centre. Tbe study bas been a com- prebensîve anc taking into ac- count ail aspects of botb tbe Bowmanvilie and Clarke Museums wbicb bave beci) supportcd by both Townl grants and provincial grants aver tbe past ten years. Study background notes that the museums bave relied bèavily on tax dollars and hav>e grown very dependent an tbese resources. It aise notes tbat the province bas been witbdrawing its finan- cial support over the past few years requiring greater fun- ding from tbe municipal governments. Altbeugb the museumn boards are very cntbusiatic in tbeir work, tbe study notes, tbey have lest sigbt of their original goals and objectives. Tbe report states the museunis bave extensive ar- cbival collections wbicb are recognized as not beionging in museuni and bave, as result, not been ftinded by tbe province. It further states tbat accor- ding te provincial standards tbe town can oniy support anc Museuml. The Bowmanviiie museum has a reserve fund of $54,000 wbile Clarke bas a reserve of $19,000. The speciai committee in its final draft is propesing that thse two board remain witb tbeir independent en- tities and that a single board nat be set up as it did not work the, last time whcn aiso recomminends that operational grants bc Iiimiited ta $15-,000 for Bowmanivilie FOR THE WOMAN ON THE GO!! 1 bave yet ta meet a womnan Wha isn't on the go con- tinuously. Be she bousewifc or warking mnother, trne is flot samctbing tbat's around ta sp 1dlisurcly., spend Ieisurely. Most tumes as flot tbe woman on tbe go'bas ta imn- provise. 0f course there are those Wbo will argue against yau about tbe way you erganize tbings and constant- Iy find yourseif running in circies. Granted witb ail tbe modern canvenience gadgetry being invented ta Suposedly save time and with excrcise programmes that can bc donc right in tbe bome, andwitb beauty aids displayed in tbe Avan Brîcfcase at your fingertips, bow tune is wasted is obviously YOUR fault. Aliltbis is fine and easy ta criticize. But how would tbey like ta do tbe body beautiful routine witb two toddiers tug- ging at your leotards? Wben vice of professienal staff and other blind students te heip the newly blind adj ust ta their vision ioss. The eye service offers ceunselling on eye disease,ý maintains an active programn on preventien of biindness and works as 'consultants for the, Board of 'Education, for partially sigbted chiidreù.' The CNIB aise eperates Céaterpian, wbich inciudcs social catering, cafeterias, canteens, and vending machine outlets througbout Ontario., Many of the managers and workers in these units are blind orvisuai- ly impaircd. How can you beip the blind? -- The CNIB advises: 1) 'Speak te -ablînd persan in a normal tone of voice. Identify yeurseif and let bum know you -arc addressing bum by using his namne or toucbing bis arm. Be sure te indicate when yeu are leaving. 2) Wben walking witb a visually impaired persan, let him take your arm if be wisbes. Pulling him by the hand is awkward and confus- ing, 3) Give directions clearly and accurately. Pointing, or the spawning',beds eto pîckerel, treut and muskic fisb. The second aspect will he,,that of documentatien-- the &,inpletion eýa report on procedures and à bandboek fer Resource purpeses.- The cheque was presented by representatives of the Canada Works Department from Vancouver who fleW in cspecialiy te make thse prçsen- tatian. The funding was the result of the Director of Placement, Ceunselling and Promotion, Frost Campus, Sue Birreil's, job-creatien preposal te the Ministry cariier this year-. Currently, *Ive students werc being employed iii the maintenance of the spawning bcd in Ban- croft. you really think about it, let's face it we get enougb exercise just tooling around tbe bouse doing aur everyday work. We don't need to feel dejected by not being able to com~pare witb tbese bouncing beauties, what we need to do is simply cbange tbe commercials spread some flab across the screen wbicb will improve two tbings already. Make us feel better to sec one of cour own kind attempting to look bettcr and stop tbe men from geing ga-ga tbree inches from tbe screen. So 1 did some careful researcb and found the work- ing Woman's Guide to Exer- cisc. Logical, and 'believe it or not an everyday occurrence. Here tbey are: Exercise No. i - Leaping out of bed 15 minutes late: (sbarpens reflexes, buiids' callouses on heels and soles) Exercise No. 2 - Dusting and irenîng wbile getting dressed: (improves eye-band coordination, developes bur- ning blouse reflex) using phrases such as, "over there'", wiil be of neo assistance. 4) Avoid tbe impulSý Of rusbing ta a blind persari's aid. If you are net sure if be needs yaur assistance, ask., 5) Remember, wben you meet a blind nerson, common Exercise No., 3 - Ac- celerator-stopping and brake slamming wben burrying anywbere: (tones caîf muscles,ý limbers neck ten- dons) Exercise No. 4 - Running errands on luncb bour. elîminates lunch) Exercise No. 5- - Paying bis wbite making dinner: (bis cause nausea, resuiting in small low calôricd dinners> Exercise No. 6- Falling in- te bcd: (flattens tummy, smootbes face wrinkles) . Exercise No. 7 - Running on tbe spot wbile quick thaw- ing a pork chop finder each armpit: (improves self- determination white tigbten- ing uppcr arm muscles) Take away tbe fact that most of us bave children, work any trade through sheer necessity, we ceuld ail be beach beauties. The way 1 sec it, wc may be getting older but it's obvious w're aise gctting better if for no otber reason at ail than darncd ex- perience. sense and ceurtesy can iead te an enj oyable friendship. Tbe CNIB necds your assistance te help people like Laura Maule iead a satisfying life. Yaur donations ta the Osbawa-Whitby-Newcastle United Way .belp tbe CNIB bheip otbers. ForRicher For Poorer VIKI BATES Museum Boards wouldcontinue Just wanted f0 tharik you for aJI your help. That color you mixed *as just perfect for aur exterior walls. You'and KEM made ail the difference. EXTrERIOR PAIToAL 99 t4LFLAT i Also on sale: Latex Gloss Alkyd Gloss we made our name ini hardware Rolph (Dominion) Hardware Main Street, Orono - Phone 983-5207 i I Z 7 1