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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Jul 1985, p. 9

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2,lassified Ads Djurham (Contînued from page 11) A gri-N e COMPETITION JUNIOR FARMERS HOST UNITED KINGDOM Orono Horticultural Society Members Special Com- DLGTS petition DTheGDaE asSuno 1. Best outside window box or planter box - front view Fare rhCub sEastJuior only. amrClbi otn2 2. Best outside planter - viewed from alI sides. young farm delegates fromn 3. Best outside.hanging basket. twe iek. arah Davis, his For entries phone Cornie DeJong 983-5494 or Carol from Waah a v is be i Mostert 983l-5326 no later than July 31, 1985. with Lalwrenc e a Camp 17,24a.c. Blackstock, and Lois and _______________________ Gleen McLeod, Orono will CARD 0F THANKS host 1Gîllian Marshall of Nor- My family and I wish to express our sîncere apprecia- thern Ireland. tion to friençis and neighbours for their many expres- BEEF BUS TOUR: The sions of corncern and best wishes duning my recent il- Durham County Cattlemen's lness. especýaIIy wish to say thank you to the congrega- Association and the Durham tion, session ýmd U. C.W. of Or ono United Church, the Cow-Calf Club have organiz- Past Noble Grands and members of Heather Rebekah ed an educational beef bus Lodge, the brethren of Orono Masonic Lodge, the Hon- tour to Hastings County for ticultural Society, the Oshawa Presbytery and to Betty July 24 th. Farms vîsited will Colvin and Rev. Milnes for their visitations. include the Community Finally, I wish to thank Dalhia Campbell, assistant Pasture Farm at Moira, a Director of Nurses, and the staff of the cardiac floor of feedlot utilizing growth pro- Oshawa General Hospital, as well as my doctors, Dr. motants and two cow-calf Maroosîis and Dr. Bhargava. A Happy Holiday to AIl! operations. Everyone in- Olive Milîson terested is welcome to attend. 17,a.c. 4-H REGIONAL CON- IN MEMORIAM FERENCE Cocran - n lvin meory*ofa dar onC. eidNine 4-H Regional Con- Cocrae -Inlvng.eoryofa-daro,- C Rid ferences were held across the who was taken suddenly on July 24, 1979. Time slips by but memories stay Quietly remembered every day. Happy thoughts of times together Memories that will last forever. Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Mother. 17,a.p. IN MEMORIAM In memory of a dear friend and wonderful neighbour, Vi Sutcliffe, who passed away a year ago this month. Memories of our times together Wil last forever Remembered always,. Irene & Bill 17,a. CAREER TRAINING FREE CAREER GUIDE describes 200 Iearn-at-he correspondence Diplomna courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Manage- ment, Clerk Typis, Secretary, Journalism, Television Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. n/c PERSONAI7 -DATES GALORE For all ages and unattached. Thousands -of members anxious ta meet you. Prestige Acquaintances Cail toil free 1-800-263-9163 Hours Noon - 8 p.m. CAREER T"ANING CAREER IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Now is the time ta train for your class "A' license. For pre-screening and job placement information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training. St. Catharines (4116) 685-4453, Brampon (416) 791-1292. n/c TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver Job Trasning with placement help is available. Complete Details can be mailed ta you. Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769-3546 wth Postal Code. n/c COMING EVENTS CU Ib the St. Lawrence River uis Summer. Romantic Cities,, thse World Famous 1000 Islands. The Remarkable Internationtal Seaway & Locks. Upper Canada Village. Spectacular Shorélines and more. 4 & 6l days aboard the elegant cruise vessel Canadian Empress $534 and $849. Phsone 1-800-267-0960 for brochures and reservations. FOR SALE S WHOLESALE STEEL BUILDINGS $ Manufacturer of Quonset buildings clearing out inventory at real bargain prices. No middleman. Won't be undersold. Best value on market today. Cali (416) 221-7353. POOL SALES Leading manufacturer with a imited number of 1984 models is having a clearance sale. Package inclues mtor, pump, filter, skimmer, liner, fence and deck. Regular $2,095 reduced ta $1,295. Cally anytime 1-800-2658142., n/c FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insulation. Quality work at Western Ontarlo prices. Certified applicators. Experienced in agricultural retrafit since 1975. Cail Warmnth Insulationr. (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, On- taria K7H 3G1. COMfING EVENTS LINDSAY'S ANNUAL HOMECOMING Weekend. JuIy 26 - 28, 1985. Came join i aur Westemn Weekend Celebrations and Rodeo! For information or brochure, Phone 705-324-2393. CAIlER TRAINING Become an AUCTIONEER. 85 houri instruction. Next ca August 17th - 24th. Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneerissg. Box 145 In- nerkip, Ontario. NOJ 1IMO (519) 469-3936, 537-2115. I8ELP WANTED EXPERIENCED CHEF for resort witb large dining room located in heart of Rideau Waterway. Apply n writing with resume: Rideau Ferry tia, Rideau Ferry, ICOG IWO. East w s province this sumnmer involv- ing 4-H members in a variety of activities. Founteen, 15-year old delegates repnesented Durhami East at the Trent Regional Con- ference in Peterborough on July 2 to July 4th. Delegates in.cluded: Bob Goble, No. 2, Janetville; Nancy Pleasance, No. 5, Bowmanvîlie; Pau! Dundas. No. 4, Port Hope; Geof Sikma, No. 1, Orono; Rob Davîdson, No. 1, Bowmian- ville; Mike Coomnbes, No. 5, Bowmanville; Sharon Stapleton, No. 2, Newcastle; Steven Beckett, No. 1,* Port Hope; Brian Lovshin, No. 1, Port Hope; Faith Benschop, No. 4, Bowmanville;- Claire MacKenzie, No. 1'. Nestleton; Natalie Green, No. 1, Blackstock; John B%Ùma, No. 4, Bowmianville;, Robbie Arnold, No. 1, Port Hope. The theme for this yean's conference was "Founda- tions For Our Future". Delegates worked on PRESSMAN required. Performance Printing requfres an experienced pressan to produce quality work on a 2-colour 25 inch Heidelberg Presa. We offer competitive wages wth profit sharlng and an outatan- ding henefits package. Some shift work and overtime required. Smth Falls la located on the Rideau Canal and offers excellent recreational op- portunîles including fishiag, boating, hunting, golf, curling, etc. Sead a letter detalllng your work experience and expected w ýge 10 Performance Printing, 65 Lorne S., Smith Falls, Ontario, K7A 4T1. Attention: Plant Manaer._VACATIONS SUMMER CRUISES on aid Trent Canal. Weekly through Kawartha Laktes or Bay of Quinte. Overnight stops, private stateraamý, licensed dining room, Ioungeand sundecks, $790 P.P. Dbl., Brochure, Box 1540, Peterborough, K9J 747 (705)748-3666 e"ii SALE WATER PROBLEMS? New Technology ta Canada - C.S.A. Ap- proved - Eliminatet chemical contamination, nuisance, and- colifarni bacteria, Iran bacteria, staining, smeli, iran, bad taste and mare - no messy chemnicals - maintenance frec - tested and proven in aver 10,000 rural installations. Eliminates the need for liquid chiorinators and water distillers - Free 30-day trial affer - Try it Oui - Sec the resuits for yourself. Absolutely no obligation and no caît ta yau. Backed by, a 20-yr. written warranty - If you want BETTER WATER for BElTER COUNTRY LIVING Cail taîl free 1-800-268-2656 or (416)624-4344 or write Water Purificatiar Systems, 203 - 1030 Kainata Rd., Mississauga, L4W 4B6. PERSONAL FREE SINGLES BULLETIN! Meet sameone nice by phone or cor- respondence, locally or pravince-wide. For fsrther information Write: Barb, Box 2246-A, Sudbury, P3A 4S1 State age. -Goals! Do yau bave goals you cannaI abtain. Cybernetics is the answer. Guaranteed results. Hundreds bave obtasned their goals. CalI 1-800-263-0512 for brochure autlining 125 progranis. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIEà CHICKEN FRANCHISE. Excellent locations. A superbt take-out and home deivery franchise. Stands alone or add ta yaur b'inteqs. Great chieken and a patented process. Graup promotions ana tuil trainmng. ids -$50,000 investmrent. Chicken Flings and Taters. 201-70 Bond St. Toron- ta, M5B 1X3, (416)365-3110. MISCELLANEOUS Do you know a 'Good Kid' who deserves an award for community service, bravery or courage in overcaming a physicai limitation? Nonunate themr for an Ontario Junior Citizen of thse Year Award. con- tact this newspaper for details. FOR SALE WESTEEL BARN Roafing and Siding. 30 gauge galvanized and galvalumed $40 square. 30 gauge Prepainted $57 minimum order 50 square. Custom Farmi Material Sales. Laird McKcen. (416)779-3322. HELP WANTED, CAREFR IN TRUCKING. Transport drivers needed. Naw is the tume ta, train for your Class 'A' license. tor pre-screening and job placement information contact Merv Orr's Transport Driver Training. Ottawa (613)523-3489. LIVFSTOCI< CALF GROWERS wanted ta rase milk-fed VEAL for re-sale ta Graber Farms. If interested contact Adoîf Wyss, R.R. 1, Vankleek Hiii, KOB IRO (613)678-2498. FOR SALE BUILDING Owners-Roofinig. Urethane foamn composite roofing, roofing with thse built-in insulation - an effective roof treatment for your commercial buildings. Cei Warmth Insulation in Perth at 613-267-6711 or wri te 133 Gare St., East Pertb, Ontario K7H L1J6, for site inspectionI and estimate. COMING EVENTS ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE. Lansdowne Place Mail. Peter- borough. July 24th - 27tb. Information (416) 623-3074. PRESSMAN required. Performance Printing requires an experienccd pressman ta produce quality work on a 2-colour 25 inch Heidelberg Press. We affer campetitive wages with profit sharing and ant outstan- ding benefits package. Same shift work and overtime recuired. Smith Fails is lacated on the Rideau Canai and offers excellent récreational op- portuntities including fishing, boating, hunting, golf, curling etc. Send a letter detailing your work experience and expected wage ta Performance Printing, 65 Lamne St., Smith Fails, Ontario, K7A 4T1. Attention: Plant Manager. Oron,w Weely Times, Wednesday, JuIy l7th, 1985-9 Supports Nlqewcastle Lions hospital rojeet One year ago, the Lions' Club of Newcastle committed Io. a thnee-year campaign to raise $35,000 in support of a Diabetic Clinic to be located in the Bowmanville Hospital. This facility will provide the much needed care for diabetics who would other- Wise have to travel to Oshawa. There are over one million people in Canada who suffer fromi diabetes. Recent surveys for Nonth America indicate thaï the growth rate for thîs disease is an alarming one new diabetic every fifty seconds. Diabetes is the third leading cause of death in Canada. It is of increasing developing their leadenship skills, while they met fellow 4-H members. Regional Con- fenence is also a prime oppor- tunity for young people to ex- peience life away frnt home at a university or college cam- pus. From A round the Region, (Continued from page 7) We dnesday complaints of abuse in both Durhamn and Ontario have -been growing rapidly over the past three years. He attributed the jump to a greater willingness among victims to speak out and insisted the, trend is notlung new. Grit Fund' Review Could Cost Region Durham East MPP Sam Cureatz said the new Peter- son government will review plans to extend provincial funding for programs in at lcast three categories. These include hospital construction, the creation of thouàands of day care spaces and the addi- -ion of extended care beds i homes for th~e aged. Cureatz says the review may spel trouble for the region because it affects a $3.1 million commitment to the Bowmanville Memorial Hospital. The Town of Newcastle is alm ~ <dy to start con-, struç1on onya $5 million ex- pansîon and renovation of the euat Durham hospital. But the lion's share of thse money pledged for the-work was promised by the Cotiser- vative Sovernment - a com- mitment now under review. importance, lor diabetics to have medical facilities to teach them how to take pro- per cane of their condition. Without knowledge and maintenance a diabetic can suffer serious complications such as blindness and heart failune. SHaving been made aware of the need for this Diabetic Clinic in the Bowmanville area, Robert Stone, President of WORLD RECORDS has made a $5.000 donation to the Lions Club fundraising the to tal collected to well over hehalf-way mark. The monies raised wiIl provide equipment, fsxtures and in- itial staffing for this life- support centre. JACK RIDDELL NAMED AGRICULTURE MINJISTER: Jack Riddell, an experienC- ed farmer with a strong agricultural background, has been appointed Minister of Agriculture and Food. The . Bowmanville Memorial Hospital construc- tion is intended to add beds in the eastern end of the negion. Badly needed laboratory equipment will be added and renovations car- ried out on a wing daniaged by fire in 1979., Parity Bld Fails Workers at the Oshawa Public Utiities Commission gave up their demands for long terni disability- and pari- ty, with other metropolitan c'nnmissions vesterdav when they ratified two-year collec- tive agreement, Almnost 140 transit drivers, electrical and office workers were et to go on strike Wednesday at midnight if a contract was Bot settled. The tentative agrementý was struck on early Tuesday mnorning after nearly 19 hours of bargaining. Inspection Station. M ~IVehicles Including Dump Truckst School Buses PROPANE Propane Convrsi*on and Service M A NGA R'S GARAGE Orono - 983-5130 An exhbition, and sale-of' palntings, prints, sculpture, pottery and weaving "The Art Loft" - at Dikadel Farms 11/ miles eats of Taunton Road and 351115 on the 6th Concession Friday, August 9, Saturday, August 10 Sunday, August il 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. 10 a.m. - 10 p.*. le a.m. - 10 Everyone WeIcomt,

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