orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, JnIy 171h, 1985.5 By Jennifer Garlaud .1 FIRST THERE WERE MINE, T4EN HIS, NOW OURSI Anyone with kids knows what they are like. And anyone in a second relation- ship reahizes that the famni]y unit can ail of a sudden in-, crease by many. This was my week for meeting two children for whom 1 have waited over two years. Sometimes divorce pro- ceedmngs can get too messy, too involved, and too hurting to remember that there are littie people in the middle of the path, floundering as to directions. After ten years of dodgîng bullets, mud balîs,. soccer shoes, worms etc, etc. I would have the opportunity to becoming a friend and a psuedo mother to another lit- te boy and a'blond haired blue eyed cherub of a girl. There was a flurry of ex- citement as the car pulled into the driveway. One youn-gster raced away to brush his teeth (a first, without having to tell him) while the youngest mnember suddenly had an at- tack of the jitters searching frantically for his security crutch (his teddy called Hitler). The door flew open and there stood three eyeing three. Well, what can 1 say. It wasn't hard to realize these two youngsters were just as nervous as 1, probably wondering the same thing, "Would 1 like them?'" -Would they like me?" Here in front of me was, an instant family and now we numbered six. Like al kids, first and foremost, food was the focal point. The four kids now seated in front of me all were bracketed in the same age group, namely 7, 7, 9, 10. This 1 knew was going to be more than a handful. How Express Courtice area (Continued from page 1) Courtice could have buit in Oshawa but didn't. "If we are going to talk about taxe s lets get the facts," he said. Counc. Cowman spoke of the lack of services in the Courtice area and said there could be a war of some kind. An amendment to a receiv- ing motion,,as to the lot levy charge report Counc. Hamre called for a staff report specifically reviewing the Courtice area as to taxation. She said she presented the amendment in view of the im- mense concerns raised by the area representative ini the Courtice area. Theamendment carried as did the motion to receive the lot levy report. much of a handful 1 realized when an entire loaf of fren- chstick and a whole jar of jam disappeared. Blessed were we indeed to have four kids with appetites like whales. The place fascinated them. Compared to a semi in the heart of the city, the Funny Farmn had everything to set spirits soaring and the daredevils of the mild to work. Sixteen rooms had doors that neyer closed, the raked garage roof was tried and found to be a terrific challenge to the tightrope. The hay in the barn was stacked, re-shaped and rear- ranged to' formn deadly traps. The horses were petted and shot both at the same time. The milk jug found its way out of the fridge neyer to return. The sweater I was knitting for my newly ac- quired daughter had to be unravelled since her dad typical of all males, told me the wrongR approximate evaluat^ion of her size. 1 glanced ar-ound at the hulks surrouinding me and realized that in a few years, 1 would be the smallest member in this famnily. Supper consisted of 5 pounds of potatoes, a moun- tain of vegees and a slab of beef covering haif the table. I knew 1 wasn't overdoing things when the newest and youngest small fry demnanded fifteen scoops of everythinig. One look at his frame en- sured me he would walk in bis father's footsteps at least in size 6'3" and two hundred and ten pounds. The polishing touch was the lemon meringue pie, the only trace left being a few solitary crumbs. It must be the country air, the boundless energy of kids FRATOR We have openings for a few good sales people in our Bowmanville office. Whether you are licensced or conside ring taking the Real Estate -course cal Walter Frank for a con- fidential intrview. 623-33 W. Frank Real Estate Limited 234 King St. E. Bowmanville, Ontario r'<)NO SHOWCASE AT SJDEWALK SALE .ring the sidewalk sale on JuIy 2th, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00I p.m., the memibers of the Orono, Showcase, Church and Park Streets, will seil homnemade fruit pies, iced cakes, muffins, cookies and other treats. or the bubub of activity that always radiates around here. Whatever, 1 knew that my station as cook was establish- ed as firmly as in a scout camp. My newest daughter and 1 formed an alliance against al the other male occupants. 1 knew 1 would need belp, so we swore an allegiance amongst ourseives. I couid almost say she was a chip off the old block when she let fly a searing comment against her brother. My newest son challenged me to a Kung-Fu fight in the pond as soon as the weather cieared. I've started training. Life deals out strange bedfellows. First there were my kids, then there were his kids and now there are only our kids. There is so much to learn from a life so com- plicated, the best learning comes from the ittle people. Start 'H-onie-Check', servce for local area provided by Newtonvile resi- dent Barb Shetler to make a home look lived in while the occUpardt issueay. Bab -wo business ia this area May Ist as a birthday present to herseif. She offers a daily wtcb of the home that in- cludes checking ligbts, water- ing plants and gardens, and other chores that wifi enable United Way set 1985 campaîgn target Armen J. Arkelian, the For Richer For Poorer VIKI BATES 1985 United Way Campaign Chairman has announced that the objective for this year's Campaign has been set at$19500 "This year's theme," says Arkelian, is "WE ARE UNITED" and the Cam- the vacationer to ease their mind while they're away, Shetier has reliable references and insurance and has also received'safety in- structions fromt Fire Chef Aldridge. Staff Sargeant Mairs of the Durham Regional Police Force bas observed that the difference between police checking a home and Homecheck is ..our people don't go in and water plants". Shetier offers ber services to homes located in the area from Lake Ontario to the Clarke Manvers boundary. She dlaims her rates are reasonable according to map- ped areas. Anyone interested in tak- ing advantage of the benefits of "Homecheck" in this area is encouraged to contact Barb Shetler at 786-2996. Downtown Orono COMMUNITY YARD SALE Sat., JuIy 2Oth 10:30 a.m. - MINI AUCTIONS Accordian Selections by Janette 12:00- 20c. Hot Dogs 1:00"p.m. Puffy the Magîcian 2:00 p.m.- Kids Bike Rodeo Display by Clarke Museum LIVE MUSIC THROUGHOUT THE AFIERNOON 5:00 p.m.- Beef on a Bun STREET DlANCEw: Dance Free --8:30 p.m. - Music by Sparky Joint sponsors: Great Pineridge Kinsmen C lub Orono Downtown Business Association FREE DRA W - $25.OO Value Complete the coupon below and desposit it irn any of the Orono Downtown stores on Saturday for a chance to wîn a $25.00 value ini Orono "Bucks" Name ... ..................................... Address ......... ........................ ...Phonie. .................. We welcorne you to Downtown Orono and do hope you en/1o y your visit paign Committee hopes thai the community will unite and support their United Way. Many-agencies request finan- ciak support and sometimes they have to be turned away. We' would like to support every worthwhile agency in our community. With your suppoért in this year's cam- paign, the objective will be attained and we will be able to help those in our com- munity who are in need. The six week campaign wifi begin with a kick-off lun- cheon on Monday, September 3th and wiil end on Friday, November 8th. In addition, a number of pro- motions and special events in- volving the member agencies are being planned to coincide with the 1985 Campaign. Arkelian has been involved with the United Way efforts in many Canadian and American cities for the past twenty-five years. As the District Director for the On- tario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP), Arkelian's office provides service to three thousand medical practi- tioners and approximately one million citizens in a nine county area. Arkelian is on the Selection Committee of the Distriet Health Council, and a member of the Mens' Club, Christ Memorial Church and the Annandale Golf Club. i