Her songs were a hil ai Sidewa/k sale Orono Wýeekly1limes, Wlednesday, July 241h, 198,55 Froim Around the Rmegion and area The enterîanng accordion :by Janete Desousa Saturday preciated by shoppers stroîl- Findlay, above. and vocal selections provided morning were greatly ap- ing by, and especially by Greg 20cent hot dogs a big attraction Crowds lined up at thie Avantage of the 20-cent hot Pineridge Kinsmen Club. 10 locals scUkwîiia asîsy Town Hall ai noon to take dogs offered by the Great ÇOs-1 340 hoî dues were sold !~~ Looking over the special priced iteim 'iffany Malcolm (lefît),and some of1 Ananda Malcolm admire goods for sale oui side of Retiections Gift Shop ai the sale on Saturday. Preliminary hearing begins in Crispin murder case Philip Vince, 27, o)f Oshawa, John Sarson, 28, and Michelle Black, 22 of Toronto, accused of abduc- ting and killing an Etobicoke railway yard worker, Michael Crispin, 38, in Ajax last winter iappeared for a preliminfary hearing in Oshawa provincial court under tight security yester- day. Crispin's body was found in a wooded site near a con- servation area, four miles north of Ajax, on March 11./ Durham Regional Police ýaid1 Crispin had been shot once in the back of the head.> The, father of one disap- peared six days carlier after leaving his job at CP Rail's Pàrkdale yard at 1:50 a.m. Extra reps for region postponed Queen's Park has postpon- ed plans to grant Ajax and Whitby an extra regional counçillor for the November municipal election. The Liberal governiment failed to pass, Bill 22 - -ltan at granting sýeveral regionis addi- tional counlcillors - before it began summrer recess ,last wveek. A splokesman)tl for thec mninistryý of munilicipal affa;irs and fhousling s aid it is 1(ýno '1a1lmost imlpossible" 10 gLet the leislation in place Illlime forih fali . Port Perry school construction delayed Durhamn's separate schlool board has put fthe construic- tion 0of port Perrys first Catholic School oni hold. Tfruýtees were shiocked last week to 1find that the five conistruiction cnmpan1lies h bid to build Immlacult Coni- ception School al wanted at least $300,000 more than thle board expected. The delay won't affect the September 1989 opening of the $1 .6 millioni school on Scugog Street nlext to the church. Superintendent of business Grant Anidrews said that il usually takes about seven months to bxild a school. Oshawa Violisi off to Europe At 18,, Ellen Swartz of Oshawa isspending her se- cond year in the, Toronto Symiphony Youth Orchestra (TSYO) playing the viola.. The youth orchestra will be performing in various centres in England, Scotland, and Holland. In between their schedules of concerts, the TSYO will take master classes wýith the Edinburgh String Quartet, members of the Amsterdam Concert Or- chestra and Joe Louis Garcia, concertmaster of the Englîsh Chamber Orchestra. Bovine beauty brings big bucks.in bidding Stephen Roman spent almost $1,.5 million for Brookview Tony Charity, one of 300 pi rebreds auction- cd off over the last two days ai thle 1Hanover Holstein farm in Port Perry. Roman, the multi- millionaire chairman of Den- nison Mines, outlasted a 14 year old boy from Penn- sylvania, Christopher Witter, who bid on behaîf of his father Dick, went home disappointed after failing in his attempt to bring home the three-time ali-Canadian, two- time ali-American champion. Oshawa-Whitby Fiair opens' Durham's Ex- hibition season The Oshawa-Whitby Fair, which ran from Thursday to Sunday last weekend, is the first of seven fairs scheduled in the next two months in the Durham ReRion. Three area men found guilty in burglary Three young Oshawa men, Douglas Bennes 21, David McDonald 19, and Carrey Bryant 19, have been sentenc- ed for their involvement in a burglary of a north-east Oshawa home last month. The trio were charged with brecak and enter to commit robbery and possession of stolen property. Oshawa carriers have mixed feelings about govern ment 's deregulation stand Thie deregulation of Canada's airline îndustry is re2eivýing mixed reviews from small carriers at Oshawa Municipal Airport. Based on the. U.S. ex- perience of deregulation, Skycraft Ai r Transport Inc. isni't convinced the move is a good thing. But. Inter City Airways Ine., a long time supporter of deregulat ion, is pleased wîith the feder al government s in- tent to loosen its grip on Canada's, airlines because it gives carriers the opportunity to be economically viable on their own terms. Inter City applied to the federal government for a license to operate. from Oshawa in 1980, but the ap- pication was denied he add- ed. But last year, when the federal government first an- nounced its' intention to deregulate the industry, Inter City and Skycraft were given permission to operate similar passenger services out of Oshawa. Board okays drüg, alcohol education Trustees at. the Nor- thumberland and Newcastle Board of Education agreed to provide $3,000 to hel[P set up a curriculum that integrates drug and alcohol education mbt grades 8 and 10 English classes at the two schools. Approval came at a recent board meeting following recommendation from the educ,-ation. committee. A four-ma1n îeam will Write the curriculumi this summer for the oiie-year pilot project, to be re\,iewed by the board at the crncof the next school year. (Ceninued page 6)