2-Orono Weekly Tmes, Wed.uesday, JuIq 319t, 1985 The 'Little Guy Speaks Out We read withi interest a recent article concerning a fifteen year boy mnaking a presentation to the federal committee which is holding meetings across the country concerning Canada's participation in the Strategic Defence Initiative, or more commonly known as Star Wars. 1The fifteen year old, a grade 10 student, was representing disarmament groups froin 40 high schools who told'the committee it was important that the next generation play an important role in the decision to be made. "We will have to live with the consequences", he said. We feel it is important that youth and the future generation make their desires known on such an issue. It is their future the country is now trying to decide. Not oniy the appearance, of the youth at the parliamentary committee m eeting was important but also some other thirty individuals who made near- unanimous presentations in opposition to Canadian in- volvement in Star Wars. Ail 10often such committees and commissions hear only the p)re.,ssure g,'roups, John Bullock speaking on behalf of the Smiall Business organization, Cliff Pilkey promoting his v iewý for labour etc. The little guy or the general public is not heard and this is unfortunate for they do have their views and their conicerns and furthermore they are ikely unbiased. A prime ex\ampie of what we don't need was the orchestrated extravaganza and'showbi, performance in Ottawa some months ago when the Muilroney govern- ment assemnbled the Premiers, labour, business, and anyone with a name' to present their views as to the economic polm of' the country. The outcome was predictabie. Yes the "lîti le guy" needs to be heard from and lie shouid take the opportunity and be freely-given the ner>ortunity to speak up and out. There is a lot of com- mîon sense out there going to waste. on Exchange to Germany Phil Long formerly of Orono and now a resident wiîh his family ini Oshawa leaves for Germany latter this summer on an ex, iange wherc he will take up a position with the Armed 1,orces educational system. Phil has been a principal of. ne of the Durham Board of Educa- lion public schoois ni ( Oshawa. Ail Appears Quiet a( Council It is really not that far away from municipal eiee- tions later this comning fali but ail appears quiet at coun- cil. Sureiy this musî be an indication that none of the couniciliors are considering a move from their present positions and likely the majority wiil seek re-election to the positions they now hoid. There is some outside interest being shown and it now appears that at ieast three may weil seek election to the position of local councilior for Ward Three. There appears no challenge at the.present time to the position of Regional councilior in the Ward. John Winter of Bowmanviiie has bis target set to oppose the Mayor's position. Mayor Carnet Rickard has yet to mnake his announcement as to hîs future plans but Our- quess would have to be that the incîxmhent's naine wili be on the ballot. Stili plenty of ime tfor the temnpo of the eiect ion to swýinig into a higbher gear. [~~~i lppnun~. RV's Arrive In Orono Next Thursday nigbt, forty-eight recreational vehiicles wiii arrive at the Orono Fair Grounds. Througb the Orono Downtown Business Impr, i Association, arrangementsý have been made for the \isitorb Lo visit the Orono Exotic Cat Worid on Sunday, the Tree Nursery on Friday, and the Oronio Showcase Co-operative on Friday. Orono Times Holidays There wiii be no paper next week and due to hoiidays the Orono Weekly limes office wiil be closed until the following Monday, August Il. Kendal News Sorne of our neigbbours arc in Halifax as I write. So 1 wii give you Pauline Jobnson's- (Tekahion Wake) poern. Guard of tbc Eastern Gale Halifax sits on ber bis by tbe sea In the rnigbt of ber pride-- Invincible, terrible, beaubiful, she Witb a sword at ber side. To rigbt and to ieft of ber battiernents rear And fortresses frown; Wbiie she sits on ber tbrone wibboul favour or fear Wilh ber cannon as crown. .Coast guard and sentinci, waîcb of the wcai 0f a nation she keeps; But ber hand is encased in a gauntiet of steel And ber thunder but siccps. After tbree weeks witbout a cburcb service at Kendai we wiii expect to sec you ail at churcb Ibis corning Sunday August 4tb to welcorne our new minister Rev. Brian Youngs-Ransom. Mr. and Mrs. Keilh Wood have just returned frorn a two week vacation to the Maritimes. On the way down tbey caiied on Mrs. Rowcna Tizzard in Oxford, Nova Scotia before taking the ferry 10 Prince Edward Island where tbey enjoyed a reai vacation. On thc way back they spent four days witb Rowena wbo is niceiy seltled in ber new bome., Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cathcart are cxpccted back today, Monday, frorn Ibeir week, long conductcd farrner's tour of the Maritimes. Tbey went down by train from Toronto Union Station 10 Moncton, New Brunswick. To our gardiners Il et isay i hope you are enjoying the new carrots and peas as mucb as I arn. Now as you read tbis it wiil be August. There is always an August drougbî, this enabies the farmer to gel his faîl wheat barvested and get bis wood pub away dry for the comrig winter. However the vines in your garden and any young trees you have' pianted must be watered during this dry spel if not îornatoes wiil drop off and the young trees wiidie, Sunday visitors \with MNrs. A. Caîbcart were Mlrs. Olive Keenie of' Oriiiia, Mvr. and Mrs. Keni Soper and Mris. Cathierine Lowery. MisMarjorie Luxon pass- ed away on Wednesday Juiy 24tbi in Dr. Ruddy Hospital i Wbitby. She bas been a pa- tient in Sunny Crest Nursing Home for several years. She xvas born on the eighhufne of Clarke, a gradvue of Peter- borough Normai. She taugbt ber horne school for a few years. Then she cared for ber ageing parentsý. Eventualiy she and ber brother Jim sýoid thie farrn and retired in iihav bee:n reading the b)ook lPapa's WVife. 1i îought myý readers night enjoy this uitteincidenti. Papa was a minister who had corne from Sweden with Marna and their eight chiidren to a church that re- quested a pa5tor froin their the eggs when the boid idea bit ber. She would iearn 10 drive tbe car herseif. She knew Ibis rernarkable feat woukFbhave 10 be accornplish- cd in secret--perhaps wbile Pontus was workîng at thc far end of the fields. She knew already Pontus's at- titude on the subject. He had make tbat vcry clear the first day on the farrn. Marna bad innocently suggested tbat lie teacb ber 10 drive so sbe could take over the rnarketing. "God made wornen 10 cook and have chiidren and care for a borne and love bier busband, Maria. He did not intend lber t10 risk ber iifc and every' other life on the higbway by driving a car." Oh, Pontus! 1 bet I'd be the best driver on the road. Do you tbink I'd risk break- ing the eggs and spilling the rnilk and crearn?" But for once Papa could not be cajoled int agreeing. "Absolutely no, Maria. The subject is closed," And Marna knew il was, for the lime being. But,ý she thougbt now, if she could prove 10 birn bow wrong hie was--well, then bie ,couidn't forbid ber 10 drive. She just had to pr-ove it. For severai days Marna' s conscience botbered ber. Maybe it was wrong to go against Pontus' decision. But she reasoned didn't the end justify the means in this case? Marna feit God would ap- prove. A week iter she was sure God had sent ber a sign. They bad just finished the rnorning chores and Papa was about 10 set off for the south field wben a car drove up. tt was Deacon Oison. "I was boping 'd gel bere before you got int your day's work, Pastor Frazon," be said when be bad greeted thern warrnly. "Old Mr. Stenstrorn passed away yesterdaty and il was bis last wisb that you conduct the funerai service. Mrs. Stenstrorn would like 10 se you t0 taik about the ar- rangements. " 1 1 Papa did not hesitate. He was espe cialiy tond of the oid gentleman, and he was pleas- ed by Ibis final expression of regard. He cbanged mbt suitable dark ciothes and in a few minutes Marna watcbed tbe Oison car disappear downi the road. Papa's car for want of a garage on tbe farmn was park- ed near the lake unider a large Oak tree whose foliage was alimost like a roof'. Mamna's eyes lfel! upon it ýas, shiestarted back into the bhouse to con- tiituelber work. Suireiy this was a sign fn God! This wasIl si, lber theboswasptss Tbe boys went1 to the field and Button and thie younger cbiidren sýet off for Elien Jones's birtbhday ,party. Marna bad the farrn 10 berseif. She climbed mbt the car and settied herself important- iy behind the steering wbeei. She bad sat often enougb- Pontus, watcbi.ng wbat he did to start tbe car, how he sbifted the gears three times until finally the car was ,h um- rning contentediy atong the highway. It was very simple Papa was foolisb to tbinik a wornan couldid nt bandie a Marna was so surprised Ibat for tbc life of ber she couidn'î rernember what 10 do next. Then as she looked up, sbc reaiized witb borror tbat she was hcadcd sraigbt for tbc lake. Franticaiiy she tried 10 bink wbat Papa did 10 stop bbe car. Too late, sbe realizcd that was one tbing she bad forgotten 10 notice. By the irne tbe car stood in two feet of watcr, reason bad rcturn- cd. She flicked off tbe switcb she bad turned 10 start tbe car, and grabbed bbc brake. Tbe car stoppcd as abruptly as it bad started. Marna sat Ibere sbaking wiîb frigbî. The sign sbe bad tbougbt carne frorn God sure- ]y bad corne frorn the dcvii. She bad alrnost drowned the farniiy car, and Papa's wife, 100. And instead of proving ber point, she bad oniy prov- cd how rigbt Papa was. Now be would neyer ict ber iearn 10 drive. At a lime like this Marna would ordinariiy bave praycd. But she was s0 asbamed of ietting tbe dcvii fool ber mb tb inking be was God she just couidn'l pray. Tbere were reai tears of con- trition in ber eyes as, she rernoved ber sboes and stock- ings clirnbed out of the car and waded 10 shore., How couid sbc ever explain 10 Pontus wbat she had donc? She bad t0 tbink of sornetbing s0 be wouid not be 50 angry. Maybc God wouid forgive ber if sb e tld bim, bow truIy sorry'she was for lislening 10 the dcvii. By the lirne she bad reacb- ed the bouse sbc bad an idea. Wben Papa and Deacon Oison drove up baif an bour later, Marna barefooted, and witb ber dress pinned up 10 her knees was scrubbing away on the famiiy car as tbougb il was one of tbe cbiidren in the batbtub. Papa was ouI of the Oison car in one jurnp. "Maria," be caiied angriiy, "wbaî in the worid arc you doing witb my car in the lake?" Marna, ail srniics caiicd back, "Isn't Ibis a wonderfui way to wasb the car, Pontus? It serned siily 10 carry al that waîer when il was s0 much easier to drive the car into tbe lake."- Papa stared horrified. But Mr. Oison roared' wilb laugbter. "Leave it 10 a woman Pastor Franzon, tbcy wili aiways find a short cul." But Papa did not lbink it was funny. Sometbing cisc was botbering birn. "Maria," be said sbarply, "didi you say you drove the, ORONO, ONTARIO car imtothé lake?" "Of course, Pontus. it was easy," Marna answered utily.11 - Papa 100 surprised to speak, pulied tboughtfuily at his moustache then scratched bis head. Finally he glanced at Deacon Oison wbo was still cbuckling over the inci- dent. Marna could-not believe her cars wben Papa spoke. "You did verv well for a beginner hMaria," he said- with digniîy, "but 1 have corne to the conclusion that the higbhway is a mucb better place to drive. Tornorrow 1 shail sec how weli you can drive on the road?" Marna waded back to the shore as fast as she couid, and, ignoring Deacon Oison, tlirew ber a-rns arounci Papa's neck. Oh Pontus! 1 tbink that's just wonderful." Papa clearcd his tbroat in ernbarrasstnent. "Ver>' weli, Maria. But just promise rne one lhing. That in the future you wiil allow me to wasb the car the oid fashioned wvay." By rnidsurnrnr, even Papa adrnîttcd Marna couid drive the car as well as anyone, and Marna was. qfuite sure he was glad she.had learnced, for he was 100 busy in the filds 10 rnakc the trips 10 Market. 1And Marna loved it. It was such fun spinffiig along the. bighway in the eariy rnorning before the sun got too hot. Anglican Churcli ~MILL STREET,:. ORONO, ONTARIO REV. ALLAN HALDENBY Rector 987-4745 August 4, 1985 9:45 amr. -Morning Prayer ORONO UNITED) SORONO PASTORAL CHARGE SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 1985 SUMMER SERVICES Newcastle, Kirby andi Orono United Cliurches August 4tb and l8th 110:00 q.m Orono United Churcb August.i1 1h and 25th 10:00 a.rn. Kirby United Cburcb s e e 98350091 mz