of emiergency declared by police Orono's Annual Beef Barbecue The Orono Beef Barbecue takes a prominent place in the order of events in the Village of Orono and does s0 agai n tonight, Wednesday, at theiebèautiful Orono Park. It a timet be servedI the best of food and at the same time enjoy a social ouinig with friends and neîghbours. 0f course the menu of baked potatoes, barbecued beef, etc. and etc. is the order of thelate afternoon and' evening. The ev ent is sponsored by the Orono, Arena lm- provemients and Projets Funds, a grou p which continually raises monies s0 that Orono hias a top-notch arena>and commiunîty centre. Serving 5:00 te 7:00 p.m. Six companies provide caps for auction. According to John Carr six corn panies h ave provid- ed caps which he will have auction -ed off at the Orono Becf Barbecue tonight, Wednesday. He hopes theproceeds will go a longway in purchasing a coffee maker for the Com- munity Centre. Those providing the caps are: Cliffside Pipelayers, Soil Engineering, Case Equipnient, Green Park Homes, Aurold Contracting- and Shaw Pipe. A most successful exhibit of art and crafts The Art Loft, the "brain child" of the R. D. Mor- ton'ls on the sixth line north of Orono provided another in- îeresting and exciting art and craft showing over the past week-end. The setting, the old barn, hias to be ideal for the ex-~ hibition w,ýhichi this year was exýpanded with a number of newi exhibitors adding a greater dimnension to the show. As usual there w,,as fine art and crafts on display* and a friendly atmiosphere prevailed throughout as con- tr1ibutors and the general public enjoyed this event., Two dec/are bld for W'ard Three council seat Earns place on Canadian Kayak team LORRAINE LOVER LORRAINE LOVER - seeking Local Council seat Ward Three Town of Newcas- tle A modern business woman with educa- tion and experience in business administra- tion, personnel and money management. Energetic, orgainezed, responsible per-. son, who with hem husband Bill owns and operates Revol Agencies Limited, Newcas- tie, a manufacturing representative com- pany serving the Marine Industry across Canada. Lorraine is a member of two service clubs in the Town of Newcastle, a member of the Newcastle Horticulture Society and at pre- sent represents Ward Three as Vice Chairperson of the Newcastle Community Services Planning Board. Lorraine Lover believes ini fair and responsible government. - that Council has to continue the fight against any and ail dumping of noxious materials in the Town of Newcastle. - that only by positive action and long range planning now can the full potential oft the Town of Newcastle be realized. - a greater effort must be made to ai- t,, figbt industry and encourage small business Io Newcastle soNve can mnove for- ward, broaden our tax base and giveý our youth a future in their own homne tow-i. FRANK STAPLETON Frank Stapleton a life-long resident of Newtoniville has announced his intention to seek election as the Ward Three munici pal, counicillor in the November I 2th election in the Town of Newtonvilie. Mr. Stapleton has operated an auction business in the, community for a good numiber of years as welI as an auction barn in Newtonville. ý In making his announcemnent to seek elec- lion in the Town of Newcastle he said he had no complaints to register but did feel he could serve the resident of the Ward and the Town in an able and competent manner. Mr. Stapleton spoke of the need for development and especially in the rural areas. He said he has the support of his famîlp in this challenge and wvould be only too glad 10 serve the commiunity and Town on coun- cil. As Local Couinci!lcor Lorraine Lover will be a regular and consistent voîce at Cc>uncil addmessing the concerns of the Taxpayers in Ward Three; will seek a fair and equitabie solution 10 the Newtonvillearea ,water pro- blemi; will seek wvays 10 provide off street parking in Oronc; will be pressing for seýnsi- ble development of new homes and ig-ht in- dustry in Ward Thmee. Jason Carleton, 16 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Terry Carleton, Oronio North, has earned a posi- tion on the Canadian Kayak teamn following competitons last week- end. Jason, a student aw Trinity College in Port Hope for 1-e past fouir years placed fourth in the Junior division of the Canadian National white water racing champion- ships held in Minden over the week-end. With this win Jason joins the Canadiant Train- ing Team and will now compete in the Interna- tional meet to be held in Eur-ope in 1986. The young Orono boy has competed in interna- tional events this year placing- ninth in thre Swiss National and also comn- peting in Marano, Italy. Jason, in this year Canadian events, placed first in five events and se- cond in a sixth. He has three years left to compete in the Junior Division. Kayaking is part of a pmogrami at TCS and Jason has built his own Kayak. Congratulations are cer- tainly extended. to this Young Orono boy who is making a ma--rk in his -chosen sport as welI as enjoining extensive travel in Canada and other parts of the world.