KCids Day at the Orono fair Orono Weekly T'imes, Wednesday, September 11, 1985-3 'Build to Last' topic at annual meeting, "Built to Last" At our Societies Annual Meeting on Monday, the l6th of September 1985 at the Newcastle Community Hall, in the former Village of Newcastle at 7:30 p.m., the guest speaker will be Fred W. Cane, B.A. Bachelor of Ar- chitecture of Toronto. Hîs topic will be "Buiît to, Last" the old buildings of Newcas- tle and Clarke and will take the form of an oral and slde presentation. Mr. Cane has published numnerous works in the Ar- chitectural Historical Vein and has been actively associated with many promi- nent Associations including the Ontario Heritage Foun- dation. Those who have heard Mr. Cane have been most flatter- ing in their comments and*to those interested in local history we can promise a most interesting evening. Ouests are welcomne. There is no charge or collection. Light refreshments. Lynn Lovekin, President The Newcastle Village and District Historical Society There was an excellent from the Orono- Public and smaller pull floats. Eames, second and Aaron tournout of schools and School being accomrpanied Pictured above are the Staples, third. The three were students on Friday afternoon with a ýcouple of fine floats decorated bike winners being: aIl from the Orono Public at the Orono Fair. The kids and as well decorated bicyles Jill Rypstra, first; Tracy School. paraded to the fair2rounds Somew resuits from 'Kendal Hall' takes Fair competitions. to 'Singles Club' JR. AMATEUR SHOW The Junior Amateur Show was held Friday afternoon in the arena, with fewer than usual entries, but they were quite entertaining, with Carlos Tamblyn, Mary Bun- ting and Frances Lunn acting as judges the winners in the Junior Section were: lst -Melissa Colvelle; 2nd -Michelle and Cindy Ross; 3rd - Scott Williams. The winners in the senior section were: lst - Gregory Hodges, Port Hope; 2nd - Natalie Wicks; 3rd - Boys group fromt "The Pines". OLD TYME FIDDLERS CONTEST The Old Tyme Fiddlers Contest was held on Thurs- day evening on the arena stage, with a good crowd on hand. The Fair Board would like to thank the kind spont- sors who donated trophies to the various classes, they are: Norman and Ruth Andrews who donated the trophy to the 12 years and under class. Bll and Mary Bunting who donated the trophy to the 18 years and under class. Hopes Store, Newcastle to the 65 years and' over class and Harold and Jean Moffat to the open, classes. Thse following were win- niers in their respective classes: (listed in order of placings) 12 yrs & under - Shaun Mundell, Danny Mundell, Melanie Anderson. 18 yrs & under - Cara Ander- son, Tina Mundell, Jennifer Barry. 65 yrs & older - George Stin- son, Ross Morrow;, Charles Thompson. Open Class - Cliff Manley, Albert Moher, Henry Joliceser, James Lowery, Woodrow Jones. i TICULTURE FAIR gim'ORTS There was a very heavy en- try list -in the flower depart- ments, and more space was needed, especially in the design classes where the need- ed space is an advantage. Special winners as follows: Kramp Furniture Special (Best artistic arrangement in the show) - Carol Mostert. Newcastle Lions Special (Best rose in show) - Dick Gibbs, Tyrone. (Best daîhia in show) - D. Deeley, Taun- ton Rd. Newcastle Lioness Special ("Indian Summer") - D.- Deeley, D. Gibbs, Donna Hutton. Flower Commîttee Special (New exhibitor) - Christine Gill, Oshawa. (Best specimen in show) - Dick Gibbs. Van Belle Special (Al white arrangement) - Barara Lyle, Christine GilI, M. Zegers. Riseborough Refrigeration Special (Best arrangement of gladis) - D. Deeley. (Best ar- rangement of daîhias) - D. Deeley. Orono Horticulture Special (Best house plant in show)- Donna Scott, Orono. VEGETABLE SECTION There was a large increase in the number of entries in the vegetable classes this year, and the extra large squash - pumpkin entry was certainly eye-appealing! Best pie pumpkin entry - Harvey Robinson. Congratulations to Gordon Leek, on a splendid vegetable display, so fresh and attrac- tive! NEEDLECRAFT SECTION Armstrong- Specials (Most points in entire section) -Mrs. Helen L-avendler, Blackstock. Rickabys Special- Mrs. Helen Lavender, Blackstock. Young Adults Special (Pauline's Gift Shop, Newcastle) - Faith Benchop, Bowmanville. Orono Hair Care Special -Yvonne Trafford, Orono. Cornish's Red & White A 'Freeway Singles, Club" comes to Canada originating from Kendal Hall, Kendal, Ontario. Robert Leth, president of the Club and promoter, has, over the past couple of mon- ths, formed the club and started advertising for memberships. The Freeway Singles Club is modeled after a similar club in the United States and is operating in the telephone 416 area code district having an 800 number. The club is unlike any other form of computer dating or si'ngles club. The membership revolves around the use of the automobile. Members of the Freeway Singles Club have a decal af- fixed to the rear of their autos that identifies them being members and displaying their own membership number. It is pointed out that the member remains anonymous while still being actively in circulation. The member makes contact through the use of one of the specially coded envelopes in their membership kit which is then mailed to Kendal Hall where cross-reference is made through the computer database and sent on to the appropriate member. There is no screening of mail and the receiving member then, as a matter of choice either reponds or flot. Kendal Hall believes their service to be a viable and uni- que alternative to singles bars, personal ads and scien- tific dating services. Kendal Hall expects to ex- pand their Freeway Singles Club into the 519 area, western Ontario, in the near Special - Margurite Philippe, Oshawa. Grand Champion Quilt -Helen Lavender, Blackstock (This quilt goes on to district level to be judged). future. Membership in the club costs $39.00 which includes car decal, membership card, correspondence kit and a subscription to the club newsletter. There are also prizes to be won. Robert Leth last year pro- moted Rock on Hockey through Puck Records. RE &WHITE Bringing You Hundreds of Low Food Prices Everyday "RIB PORTION" PORK LOIN ROAST 3-4 lb. average IL 1.49 Kraf t MIRACLE Lght or ~~I RegularW I Salad 500 ml Jar Dressig1 49 Product of Ontario Canada No. i New Crop POTATO ES FRESH DAILY Red & White, WHITE SLICED BREAD 675 g'loaf .M68 HEINZ Baby Food (No Meat or Meat Dinners) 4.5 oz. jar 311m00 WHITE SWAN FACIAL TISSU ES 200 white to pkg. NABOB COFFEE (3 GRIND) 369 g Vacuum Pak 2w99 Southern Grove ORANGE JUICE Frozen concent rate 12 fi. ounce tin .79 SAVE 60c. A BOTTLE Sierre Brand 375 ml Jar OLIVES Marasohino 250 ml CHERRIES ORONO'S MINI LOBLAWS e.ny16 Featuring DaiIy money Savîng YelIow Label No-Na me Products rono Dance Centre Commencing Sept. 3Oth BALLET - JAZZ - TAP KI NDERDANCE TEEN JAZZ and LADIES FITNESS Orono Town Hall Principal - Saridy James *10 years teaching experience *professional dancer on T.V. and stage in Canada and the UýS. For More Information Cali S& S Auto Service Station & Main Sts. Orono 983-9540 IL