Vlore Orono van dalism Orono Weekly'lTimes, WidadUIaY, October 9, UtS-3 Orono- Lockharts Weekly IR-eport Just another example of and ramed through a portion about their strength as well as vandalism in the Village of of the Orono Village sign. their lack of common sense Orono over the past week. A Too bad the group respon- and respect for publ ic proper- construction sign boken off sible for this act don't brag ty. The Town of Newcastle in calling tenders for garbage collection ninthe Villages of Orono and Newcastle, will cx- tend the caîl of tender to in- clude the Courtice uirban area. Tenders will be separatte as to the thnee areas allowing council to either award a con- tract in whole or in part. According to a report from the public wýoprks depart- ment there anea 1200 residen- tial and thity commercial units in the Courtice anea which would be affected by the contnact. At the present time Courtice esidents make use of a private contracton for garbage collection. Council members gave their approval for the call of a two year contrat. The co- tract will allow the Town to acco mmodate their present agreement with Dunham Rccycling so that the thnee areas could participate in the PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for janitorial services at the Clarke Branch Library, addreâged to the Secretary-Treasurer, Town of Newcastle Public Library Board, 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A8, wilI be received in the envelope provided until the. specified closing time and date. Tender documents can be obtained from the Chief Librarian's Office, 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. TenderNo 85-2 - Janitorial Service Contract for the Clarke Branch, Town of Newcastle Public Llbrary, Church at Centre Street, Orono, Ontario. Closlng Time and Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time), Wednesday, October 16, 1985. The Iowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Date of Publication: October 2, 1985 existing necycling programf. The di scussion on garbage colfectio'b on Monday did ex- tend to other concernis other than the three areas and note was made of possible collec- tion in the future of senvîn'g such areas as Kendal and Newtonville. Counc. Hamre noted the large increase in garbage col- lection costs in the rural aneas of Ward 3 which have just been announiced by Bro<wning Ferris Industries Ltd. Costs have isen from an annual charge of $84.00 to an annual cost of $103.00. 1It was stated, that the Town may have to look at municipal collection throughout the whole of the Town due to rising charges by private companies to the in- dividual householder. Recyclingv De pots (Continued from page 1) depots will accept glass, tin and newspnînt. To answer Counc, Hamne's question as to an alneadypewspapen pick- up in Orono by the Orono Athletic she was told that the town program need not in- terfere. Citizens could save thein papens for the Athletie pick-up. 1In recognition of necycling week the Town is to plant a t ce, of a species utilized in newspint, at Soper Cneek park in Bowmanville. Funthen,' council is to pre- sent Awards of Menit to in- dividuals active in necycling in the Town of Newcastle. Public Wonks sugÉested these presentations be made at the next council meeting. A list of nominees is to be received from Durham Recycling. Lock hart Camnpus Alreaidy orene onth has zoomied by and everyone is hard at work. MIr. Witheridge's class is studying land anid water forms for 'Envi\irnmiental Studies. Next wAeek they will be visiting the Outdoer Ceni tre. At the'Outdoor Centire ;t seems to make learning mnore fun. We hope you enjoy y)uri trip! Mr. Withenidge has a 3 & 4 class now. He says it takes getting used to but he enjoys 't. Also we have some new staff to add to Lockhart, Mrs. Yeo, our new nesounce teacher, -Mrs. Clifford our librarian and Mrs. Eames oun part ti me Grade 5 teacher! Welcome. Down to Mrs. Ralfe's class, filled with bright, cherry smiles, aIl the children here have just corne from Onono school, so to most of them this is a new school. Her class is studying people in the school and seeds. The Grade Two class is in Magic Story Box. Back up the hall into the first noom to Mr. Eames we are frequently wonking on autumn poems, in F.S., map- ping and globe skills, in art, making patterns against black constrLuion paper. Well that's aIl for now, signing off. Jennifer TenWesteiieind- Reporter ORONO CAMPUS Mrs. Staples - Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Stap les is the kindengarten teacher at Orono Public School. She has 19 children in the miorn- ing and 20 in the afternoon. The childnen are learning, to print thein name. Right nowN tiey are making hutterflies out of' their finger paintinigs and caterpîllans out of egg cartons. Ail the children en- joy Kinden garten. Spec;ial Activities at oun sehool1 Thiis wýeek Orono had an Open House on Tuesday, Oc- toben 8, 1985. Lockhant's is today, Wednesday, -Octobhen 9, 1985. The French teachier, Mrs. VaniCamp will be there. Thle timie of the Open House will be fromn 7:00- 8:30 pi.m. Mn. Stephens is one of the head people for sports. For the boys the Dragons are leading and for thie girls-the Dragons are leading. On the l5th of October the boys will play Flag Football and the girls will be playing four squares. In the winten the girls and boys will be playing volleyball. (Continued page 9) I RICKARO, Gunet 5.01 j RED & WHITE B ringing You Hundreds of Low Food Prîces Everyday Plus the Quality and Savings of No Name Products, Campbell -Tomato Soup 10 oz. tin ,-29 Frozen Utiliy Grade YOUNG TURKEYS kg 2.62 lb. 1 .19 KLEENEX 200 ta pkg. ea..7 CARNIVAL Assorted Flavours Ice Cream 2 L Ctn. Fresh Ground Med. GROUND BEEF lb. 1.69 No Name CHEDDAR CHEESE 1 lb. Block MîId 3.93 ea. Medium 3.99 NA BOB Custom'Roasi Traditional- 369 g COFFEE Can. No. 1P.E. Potatoes 10 Ibs. .79 % Canada No. 1 CARROTS 2 lb. bag .4 9 Calling tenders for garbage collection For Honest'4 Gon soienci ou s Representation support < George CAMERON >for Regional Council November 12, 1985 I *Orono 's Mini Loblaws* ... ... . ........