.\Yrom Around the Region and area' Claim Hydro may be 'stonewalling' Mayor Bill Wyatt of Port Hope states Ontario Hydro may be stonewalling the ef- forts being made ta locate Toyota in the Port Hope anea. The anea municipalities thnough their Triangle argaifizatian are making a bid for the new Toyota plant and Wyatt said the Wesleyville site, as he undenstands, is an Toyota's short list. It has been proposed that the closed, Wesleyville site of 2200 acres bc a site for the new plant. Toyota nequires some 600 ta 800 acres. It has been neported that Hydro states they need the site for storage. $70 million plant for Oshawa GM To produde aluminum radiators and a new suspen- sion system GM of Canada will spend $70 at its Oshawa plant. The renovation of the aid parts warehouse is expected ta bc completed within two years with the new operation ta increase employment by sixty. Low crop prices for farm produce The harvest of crops in east Durham is on schedule or slightly ahead of schedule with bumpen crops being reported. Although cnops are normal or above normal prîces are depressed in many areas in- cluding corn, soya beans and in tobacco a price has yet ta be determined. Restrict investments, to five major banks The Region of Durham has announced it will now restrict its investments ta the five ma- jor banks and govennment treasuny buis. The failure of the two western banks pnompted this action by the region who had $3 million with the Canadian Commercial Bank but whicb was withdnawn in May of this year. Lack communication states UAW Officials of the UAW are upset with what they caîl a lack of communication with General Motons of Canada who have finalized plans ta contnact out production of seat cushions without cantac- tin g the UAW aven the plan. GM has stated seat produc- tion for the truck plant will be contracted out for the 1987 madel and the car plants Will follow suit shortly after. School trustees get 30% raise Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion trustees have voted themselves a thnee percent in- crease in salany on an annual basis for the next three years. The increase wîll set the annual remuneration at $5150.00 in 1986 ta $5305 in 1987 and $5464.00 in 1987. According ta regulations the trustees must set their remnuneration for a three year period prior ta the elections this Novemben. Some board members felt the three percent for 1986 was propen but then the new board should be able ta set the rate of increase at the rate of inflation for the remaining two years. Port Hope to seek legal opinion The Port Hopecouncil are ta, seek a legal opinion as toaa request from the Non- thumberland and Newcastle Board of Education to add a question on the November 12 ballot as ta the question of public funding for separate schools in Ontario. Some members of council felt the question could jeopandize the credibility of the municipal election. Dramatic boost in auto sales by GM GM of Canada has reported a 50 percent increase in sales of passenger cars for September 19 85 compared for the same month in 1984. Truck sales for the sanie month increased by 80 per- PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as ta contents, for janitorial services at the Bowmanville Branch Library, addressed ta the Seçretary-Treasurer, Town of Newcastle Public Library Board, 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, LiC 3A8, will be received in the envelope provided until the specified closing time and date. Tender documents can be obtained from the Chief Librariani's Office, 62 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Tender No. 85-i - Janitorial Service Contract for the Bowmanville Branch, Town of Newcastle Public Library, 82 Temperance Street, Bowman- ville, Ontarlo. Closing Time and Date: 12:00 Noon (Local Time), Wednesday October 16, 1985. Î,The lowest or any tender flotneeary accepted. Orono Weely Times, Wednesday, October 9, 1985-5 Sam Cureatz at Queen's Park, HYDRO SLASHES ACID GAS EMISSIONS Last month Canada's Acid Ramn Envoy, former Premier Bill Davis, told a group in New England that it's time the United States took act ion to fight acid rain. Every day, more and more evidence is piling up demanstrating the havoc acid rain is causing with aur forests and lakes. But every ime someone calîs for Amierican action against acid rain, others ask whàt bas Ontario done ta provide leadership on this question. This. summer, On- tario Hydro announced that acidi gas emnissions from coal- fired generating stations were down during the firs haîf of the year. The emissions were 63,000 tonnes, or 21 percent, less ini 1985 than they were in 1984. This reduction in acid gas emissions. was achieved despite the fact that the coal- fired generating stations were delivering a record amount of electricity ta the province ta make up for power lost dur- ing a shut-down of nuclear generating stations caused by a labour dispute. How has Hydro achieved this record? First, the utility is using coal that contaîns less sulphur. Secondly, Hydro has been working on the crea- tion of scrubbers ta reduce the amount of acid gas car- rîed into the air by emissions from coal-fired generating stations. A new kind of scrubber is being tested at the Lakeview coal-fired generating station this fail. 1 had the opportunity of vîsitîng the plant and asked detailed questions about the test. cent. Overaîl passenger sales for the nine months are up 7 per- cent wth truck sales up 22.4 percent. Hopes to save church A group headed by Jean Payne of the Wesleyville area are seeking ta keep the Wesleyville United Church standing and flot demolished as being considered by the trustees. The church, 125 year aid, has flot been used for services since 1969. The group recommends the building be designated an historic site under the On- taria Heritage Act. -T he group is to meet wth the trustees thîs week ta discuss further the future of the building. Lôst days reduced by 70 percent Days'lost ta injury in the regional works department have dropped mare than 70 percent since Iast December. The impravement is a com- bination of better education and the safety' officer follaw- in~g uip nd ivsiaigthe accident cdaims. The aofficer visits the dac- tor a-nd satisfies himself the injury il require a cetini time )ff. Employees as re2turn taligterjobsfor- a period aof timec. But Ontario's nuclear generating stations have their part to play as well. Hydro experts point out that acid gas emissions would probably be at twice the current levels were it not for the nuclear generat ed power stations. That's another reason why it is important ta see the Darn- ingtan station camipleted. To fight acid nain, Hydr-o has placed greater reliance on its nuclear powvered generating stations so that the coal-fined faciities will nrt be so buisy. With Dalington on. une, its reactars could take on the load currently suipported by coal-f'ired generatinig sta- CIlarke Township Museum Cornsjer MORE ON MOTTOS After neading "Roses are red/ Violets blue! When 1 peel onions! I cry for you", in Mrs. Lowery's autograph album, I couldn't remembher the ald standard version until someone reminded me. It is, of course, "Roses are ned/ Violets are blue! Sugan is sweet/ and so are you". Another ose that turned up: "Roses are red/ Violets blue! AIl people front Orono must bc true". Another longlasting motta with variations: If you get a husband And he is a clipper Just make him acquaint With the heel of your slipper" (1885). Sixty years later: "When you get married And your husband's a clipper Just make him acquainted With the toe of youn slippen" (1945). And on the samne theme, also 1945: "Wben you get married And your hubby gets cross Just pick up the broomn And say 'I'm.Boss!"'. A canoe theme has been populan tao, aven the years (Canadian content?). In the 1880,S: "When 1 go a boating In my little birch canoe Remember, dear______ That thcre is room for two." In 1926: "While drifting down the Stream of Life In a little birch canoe Be sure you have a pleasant time And room enough for two". By 1941: "Two in a canoe About ta kiss When aIl of a sudden It went like THIS". Do you rememben tbe extra little endings - such as "Yours uintil Niagara falîs", or "Yours until Niagara Faits wears rubben pants ta keep its bottom dry", or "Yours tilI Jane'Wtes? If you hiave anl autograph albumii, wynot lban it ta uis for a few days for copying ouit & The Clarke T'ownship Mu:seum willbe open until the end of Navember, S drop ini and see uis. tions, and further reduce Hydro's acid gas emissions. Ontario is doing its part ta fighit acid raïn. But we stili need action in the American mnid-west ta really make a dent in this serious en- vironmental problem. Congratulations ta Betty Dubeau on the ope!.ing of the new Greeni Leaf Restaurant in the Village of Newcastle. Also, 1 was pleased ta be in- vited ta speak by Dave Tonkin ta real estate agents fromi across the Region of Durhiam abouit the present finding of the Select Commit- tee on) Energy as ta whether Darlington Generating Sta- tion should continue con- struiction or flot. CAV Simmrs Roosa-Master Cummins STE VE'S DIESEL Amercian Bosch Robert Bosch DIESEL SPECIALIST FUEL INJECTION SALES & SERVICE MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL-AGR;CULTURAL-MARINE AIRESEARcH TURBOcHARGERS ENGINE REBUILDING MAPLE GROVE ROAD BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO0 STEVE SAWYER (416)623-1411 The Regional Municipaliiy 0f Durham HOLIDAY CLOSURE 0F SANITARY LANDFILL SITE The DARLINOTON LANDFILL SITE wiII be closed on Monday, October 14, 1985, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Normal operations wilI continue on Tuesday, October 15, 1985. W.A. TWEI.NETREES, P.ENG, COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS NOTICE RESPECTING REVISIONS TO THE ENUMERATOR'S LIST 1985 Pursuant to Section 374 (10) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980 as amended, an Enum eration List showing the names and sohool support of ail per- sons assessed for the purpose of the preparation of the Collector's Roll will be posted on OCTOBER 15TH, 1985, and may be inspected at the Clerk's Office, Municipal Building, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, f rom Monday ta Friday inclusive, from 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m. Ail complaînts with respect to this list must be filed in duplicate on a form available at the Clerk's Office and must be dated and received flot later than Wednesday, Oc- tober 23rd, 1985. Revisions will commence at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October l5th, 1985, and the said revis ions will con- tinue f rom day ta day until such time as ail com- plaints received before the last day for filing com- plaints have.been disposed of. Date of Publication: October 9th, 1985 David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T. Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontanio LIC 3A6 P.O. No. A040à IRICKARD, Gamnet B. 0