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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1985, p. 9

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~-- ~ O)roowWeeklv Timens, Wedew"da3 coe t,18 positive step to a healthy soup FED. 0 F ONT. NATURALISTS WOODS, WATER AND WILDLIFE By Miïke SingIletani Ontario tiesparateiy nieeds a state-of-the-art facility f'or treatmient and dlisposai of hiazardous wastes. The recentiy-annauinced seiection of a preferred site for thiis faciiity is an important step toward that goal. Far, the longer Ontario is without such a facîlîty, tie mare we are - and will be - expased ta hazardaus wastes. Every one of us - men, wamen, chiidren, birds and fishi - lives, breathes, driniks and maoves about in a hitge chiemicai saup. The basic broth lias been thiere since timne immemiiorial, providing the very sustenance for life. But, over the past tw2o ceni- turies, or sa, "we" (Society) havý ebegun ta0 add vast nuiesand quantaities of chemnicals ta0 that saup. Lt bias been ecstîmated that perhaps 500W w chemicals are added ta auri techniological repetoire each year. Andc this doesn't in- clude the progressive in saine cases, exponiential in- crease ini quantities of already-used chemicals.« Tagethier, they constitute ani eiînmas liaadof, ulimately, waste wvhich ainst be disposed. Many of aur mare responsible waste geiera'tars dIo their utmaositet enisure safe disposaI. Oth1ers do not. Either way, sa lonig as comi-prehiensive, state-of-the,- art facilities are unavailable, wastes will continue ta go samrewhere. Same find their wyinta, ordinary dumps. There are delightful staries Re-Elect ERWIN A. HiAMILTON Hydro Commissioner ORONO TOWN HALL ~Christmas Craft Show Friday, Nov. lSth 6 -9 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16th 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. l7th 12 Noon - 5 p.m. HOME BAKING, BOOKS, SILK FLOWERS, CHRISTMAS CRAFTS AND MUCH MORE DBAWV FOR HAND CARVED WALNUT TABLE AND ANTIQUE REPRODUCTION LAMP ALSO VISIT ANTIQUE DOLL & TOY SHOW AT ORONO SH-OWCASE WA NI'A CHANGE? VOTE DORIS H. for Trustee Northumberland and Newcastle Board of, Education in Ward 3 20 year resident of the-Bowmanville area with children in 4 area s chools - knowvs who 10 contact to resolve a'problem with 13 years experience transporting students and the pubIiý- - knows the needs of students and concernis of parents - knows the bussing systemn As a partner in a new business - knows the importance of operating within a budget (,,_îýng personally involved I feel I can best represent the needs of those the public school system is designed to serve. arounid Ontario af 'malgie ponds', that have been filled over and omer wNith liquid in- dustrial wastes whAich simlply disappeared inta the -ground - presumliably iinto sand and gravel acquifers, ta r-esufa-ce One day in wýells or srns Otherwat finds its, way into insecure lnflsonsietimies on Ilhe sides of v alleys, or on1- ta gravel raads - along with waste ail used ta keep dawni duti. Or it's sur-reptitiously1 dumiped - anta roads or fallow land, and inta streamns or lakes. And the effectsar by no mleans lOCalizeCd. PCBs, uised wýideiy as anilOstensibly - Conit ained coo()1 lntIlin tranforersand cother cec- trical cam-ipanenits pravides an excllent example., Ini the absence af suitable disposai faciIîties, provincial iawý requires indefinit e starage cfl askorols and other hig-lve 'PB \wastes. The resut isa rg-tag collection of barreis, drumlins an)d tranlsformeors - somi-e of thlem- doubtless leaking, - stored tithIer and youn throughoutl thie Province. PC (Bs don't quickly dcamnpose, and if in- camlpietely destroyed by too- 1io cmbustion temertursproduce even- Asian Convention Speaker (Continuted frami page 8) mnisChievoulsIrl butier scaiet robe smnacked otf a dlown sleeping bag. A discerning ear and close scrutiny canifirmned recognition of Betty TFurcatt, who apparentiy gý)I carried awýay by the rayai experienice of a Camip Quiin-Ma-Lac weekend Womien's Event. Accented and iofty, Bety's description tile successful event as being, very miean- ingfuil with thei Rev.- Josephine Me\wett~, Peter- bor-oughl, ("erudite and knowledgeabie"), deveioping tetherie "Women and thie Bibe" fori- 27 deieg-ates. A beautifuil themie banner, which vwas construcied by Margaret-Anni Lamib and Anita Davis and wicb was used at the weekend event, was on dispiay. Eveiyn Redpath gave a very comprehensive Steward- ship Repart. This year thiereý were 32 students in the con- ference wha were assisted by the Bursary Fund, mciuding six theaiogy students fromn Oshawýa Presbytery. Th'le Ventures in Mission PrO1agram was a success. "Conlntied support of the Uited Chutrchi's Mission and iService Fund ensures reaidiness týor any such emergeî}cy as the r- cent earthquake' in Mlexico, the Barr. ;,tornado, etc.", Mrs. Redpathý explained. Presentation of a contrii- tion equtal taonre da 's pay toward worid deveIipmet and relief, a custom wbichl was instituted by former m-oderator Dr. Robert Mc- Clure, was made by, eachi U...graup in the area. Hampton United Church Wmonen, Isabel Payne and Janice Rottini led a devo- tional periad wbîch fitingiy cancluded the day s evenits, wýith the thlemie"Global NeighIbarS". establishing hazardous wýaste disposal facilities. And il is f'or Ilhe Samne reasýon hat thle carec and diligence being ex- erised ta site and design the facility, must be continued wjth utmiiiost haste. Ilhe soup- in aur initerest, and thiat of tiehfutre genera- tionIS - nruStbie imiplified. more insidiouw ypaucs Unlike many otheri chemricalis, PCBs are mobile in thie cen vironiment, volatalized(talbe carried by the wýind, boirne in wvater, and accumuilated through the food chain. Nat suprisingly, PCBs are in arc- tic Polar Bears, antarctic penguins, andi almnost every living thing - inc:ludLing youi and 1 - in betwe!n. Yt, PCBsý are but a few Of hunjdreds aof such wastes; fthe checklist for known chemnicals in thle Great Lakes approaches 400. The_ resuilt is thiat we are al part of a. hugh statistical ex- periment inta thle combhined effects of myriad chiemicals upanithe residents of thiat chemical souip. The commnisianing of that state-afi-theL-art disposai facility wani't be a panacea. But it will be a miajor step in the right direction. Ilt will sharply reduce the wýastes reaching the soup. Lt wil] pro- vide the best treatmient available. And it l ensuire that was;tes ulltimnatcly iand- filled are na(,t placed into giant sieves - like L ove Canal and the atheý-rnoieig Niagara dumps -but rather lin secure, ipriu als PredictabLý ly. nobody wanits such a facility near tlhem. They worry abouit spilIs, emissions and tasotto accidents. But the fclt must go somewhý0ere. And the right place imust, surely', be based nat on political Un- popularity but uplon ensuring that i s the mast s'ecureC facility - that w\ith the best souls, contained drainage, thec leasi likelihaod of' accidenti and thiebest technotagy. These are the reason1s whyv the Fedleratian of Ontario Naturalists pressed for gavernment initiatie lin Clarke On Sunday, Navemiber 3rd, 1985, at 2 p..m. we ,vill be holding the dedication cerèmony for the heritage plaque ta Sir Ambrose Stan- tan, at the Clarke Township- Museum & Archives, Kirby. Sir Ambrose was bon in Kendai Village, and taughit at the Kirby Schooahihise, naw the site of the Mluseum, before gaing an ta miedîcal sehool in Toronto, and a distinguished career in medicinie in Mlasi l is work on thec tropical diseas of beriberi and mialaria brought him mnany hanouirs, including knîghIthiood -in 1934. We are natura1llyvery pro- ud of this Clarke Tawn11shlip native, and hanouired ta have this plaque from the Ontaria Heritage Fandatian of the Ministry, of Citizenship & Culture, erected ai the Museum. We hope that you wil he able ta jain with urs at this celebration, which wýiil be held indoors. Flo Ilte plaque - ullleilin, -efreshments will be served. Date of Publication: Octaber 30, 1985 David WV. Oakes, A.M.C.T. Clerk and Returning Officer,, Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperanche Street, Bowmaniville, Ontario LI C 3A6 Our File: 10-.50 8 PO. No. A 1392 i 1985 Municipal Ellections The following information is for the assistance of electors: ADu-"VEA N CE PO L Saturday, November 2nd, 1985 Hours - 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. LOCATIONS WARD 1 - Hampton Hall, Hampton WARD 2- Bowmanviîle Branch, Newcastle Public Library WARD 3 - Town Hall, Orono QUALIFICATION 0F ELECTORS Pursuant to Sections 12 and 13 of The Municipal Elections Act, 1980 as arnended: RESIDENT ELECTOR A persan is enltied to be an elector in armunicipality if hie is not disqualified under this or any other Adt or otherwise prohibited by iaw from voting ;n the elec- tion and if, at any lime during the period commenc- ing on the Tuesday following the f irst Monday in September (September 3rd) and ending on the Wednesday in October that precedes Polling Day by nîneteen days (October 23rd) he: (a) is a resident in such municipality; (b> is a Canadian Citizen or other British Subject; (o) has attained the age of 18 years or, on or before Polling Day will attain the age of,18 years. NON RESIDENT ELECTOR A persan is entitled ta be an elector in a municipality if he is not disqualified under Ibis or any other Act or otherwise prohibited by iaw f rom voting and is not resident in such municipality aI any lime during the period commencing on the Tuesday following the first Monday in September (Seplember 3rd) and en- ding on the Wednesday in October that precedes Polling Day by nineleen days (October 23rd) butl at any time durinig such perîod ne: (a) is the owner or tenant of land in the municipality or the spouse of such an owner or tenant; (b) is a Canadian Citizen or other British sub ' ect; (c) has attained the age of eighteen years. ~ELECTONS WILL BE HELD FOR THE FOLLOWING OFFICES MAYOR elected by a general vote of ail electors in the Town of Newcastle THREE MEMBERS jointiy of the Local and Regional Councils, represenîing and elected by the electors of each of the Wards 1, 2 and 3; THREE MEMBERS of the Local Counicil only,' representing and elecîed by the eleclors of each of the Wards 1, 2 and 3; SIX MEMBERSof the Northumberland and Newcas- tle Board of Education, represenîing and elecîed by the public school supporters of Wards 1; 2 and,3;. (Two members for each ward); FOUR MEMBERS of the Newcastle Hydro- Electric Commission elected by a general vote of aIl the elec- tors of the Town of Newcastle. WHERE TO VOTE ON POLLING DAY Voter Notification Cards will bDe mailed ta ail residences in the MuLnicipality, which will indicale the location of the Polling Place where electors vote. PLEASE TAKE THE NOTIFICAT!ON CARD TO THE POLLING PLACE. Addition&h irfformation, if required, mray be obtained> by telephoni ne the Clerk's Depa.rtmenî (623-3379) on, Election Day.

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