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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Oct 1985, p. 13

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eCLASSIFIED ADS (continued from page 15) FOR SALE 'PENNY-ROLLER" Trademnark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dune an" quarters quickly &easil. One wraps al. Uses free bank wrap- pers. Onfly $8.95 potpaid. (Please add .63 fax). Christmas Sbecial- 2 for $1600. (Please add $1.12 tax) Send cheque or MO to Penny-Roller Pro- ducts, PO. Box 405, Fors Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. BUILDINGS Priced beowwolesale. Final inve ntory clearance. Varjous sizes available. Ail Steel. l10 - 20 year warranty. Limted stock available. Act Now and Save - No reserv es field. Cali 1-800-387-8130 or (416) 828-6262. WATER PROBLEMS? New Tecchnoiogy - eliiniates rusty, smelly, bad tasting vater, eoliform boacteria, staiing, iron, mianganlese, hard- nies, chemnical contamination and more. Fully automnatic, ctested and proven in over 12,000 rural istallationis. Nlo messy chemnicals, rio taste or smrel of chorune. FREE 6 Miontls Trial Offer. Sec thre reult for yourself. If you want Beter Water for Beter Counitry Liinig call tol free 1-800-268-2656 or Write Aztec Water Purification Systems, 203-1030 Kamato Road, Missisauga, Ontarlo. L4W 4B6 The 'Lowes" Cost Systemi that "Really" works. PERSONAL DATES GALORE For ail ages and unattached. Thousands of miemnbers aions to mneet ou. Prestige Acquaintances cal, Toîl Free I-800-263-9163. HouIrs Noon il] 8 pnm. FOR SALE PORTRAIT PAINT ING;S in Ojîs. For exquisKite and superlative work, we need only a clear colour photo. For particulars Write: Happy Memories. PO. Box 52, Bancrioft, Ont. KOL ICO.ý FOR SALE Aucion Sale of HOBBY FARM Regitered Limousin Cattle, mnachiiry, Sasurday Nov. 2, 985 10:30 a.mi. 20 ifles south of Smths Falls. Furthier information Joy:nt Aucion Service f613) 283-4730. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. GROUND FLOOR OPPiORTUINITY. Rapidly expanding new com- pany in Air and Water Steilizationi seek aggressive entrepreneur as potential dealer for dynaie produt fine. Protected terrisories available. 5mnai inviestmnent. Please cal (613) 283-8621 9 to 4 p.m.-or send resumne to: Zontec Treatmenit Sstems Ld., 2 Gladstone Avenue, Smths Fals, Ontario 1,7A 1R3. FOR SALE ]KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface your oldcupboarýd instead of replIaing i. Save up to 60 percent. Leading manufacturer is having a clearance sale of certain styles. Package includes doors drawer fronts, hiandies, hinges, bicking, laminate, valance and knick-knack shelves. Regularly $1995 clearing at $995. (519) 653-0176 9 arn. - 7 p.m. $ WHOLESALE STEEL BUILDINGS S Manufacturer of quonset buildings clearing out odd sized buildings. No middlemanl. Limited quantities. Best value on market today. Serous only cal (416) 440-6029. FOR SALE FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insulation. Quaisy work as Western Ontario prices. Certified ae'plicasors. Experienced in agricultural retrofit since 1975. Cail Warntl Iînsulation. (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, On. tarjo K71I 3G01 Here's Iooking at you, Boss (Continued from page 11) iify as management or super- visory. Translate that across the sector as a whole and there are 750,000 woman managers in independent business. There is more. While 82 per cent of the firrns which re' sponded to the survey employ ~wornen in somte capacity, more than 56 per cent have one woman in management and almost one-quarter have more than one. The resulîs are even more împressive considering that 80 pet cent of CFIB mnembers employ 15 or fewer people, giving individual managers greater say in thie 'business. "Ah., buit," say the skep- CAV Simms Roosa-Master Cummins tics, "Surely this is a because hubby hires the wife 10 manage the books or wxhatever. li's flot real clout." Well, there are no doubt many cases of husband and wife working together, but il says here that makes no differ- enice. The spouse who's han- dling the books, or inventory, or supervising the hired help hias as tnuch, if not more, on lier shoulders than many cor- porate managers whose every move is prescribed by bureau- cratic decree. The numnbers, too, belie the "wývife syndrome" explana- lion. The survey found, as might be expected, that in theý smiallest firmns, 62.5 per cent STE VE'S DIESEL Amercian Bosch Robert Bosch DIESEL SPECIALISI FUEL INJECTION SALES & SERVICE MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS CO MM ERC[A L- INDUSTRIAL-AGRtCUL TUR9AL-MARi NE AIRESEARCH TURBOCHARGERS ENGINE REBUILDING MAPLE GROVE ROAD , STEVE SAWYER BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO (416)623-1411 Letter to Edito r RC: Parking on Streets in Oronio il was vryunfortuntate manyv of those breakingth 1-w re 'pa rkinilg enforcemnent" in Orono lCoin- plainied about being tickreted by Regional Police. To put up with illegal parking, leav- ing unlicensed vehicles and even ones without motors in themi on the streets overnight, somte for many weeks, somre for mionths should flot be cry- ing - ,it is disgraceful, an eyesore and they are breaking the law. Some of those complaining and wishing to use the streets as 'parking areas should understand that those with their own dr iveways and garages are paying taxes on this space for parking. Try your best 10 procure some space, use your own driveway or don't buy a house with room forcone car when you want two or more vehicles. The concerns of many Orono residents who wish the sreets cleared - safety for our children, enterinig and exiting of driveways, guests to- park and visit, to make driving safer - we do flot want an obstacle course. The hy -Idw enforcement r'fficer and Regionai Police have the authority to enforce and should do their job, and it be accepted. If the Iaw cannot be carried out, (some wish 10 have it repealed) then the once lovely litIle village will degenerate very rapidly withi derelict cars, tractor trailers, buses, trucks wvithout imotors, a massive, distastefuil collection in our residentia1.gscas. 1 am sincere, Orono Resident. of the employed women have management duties. But in companies with 100 to 499 esnployees, 52.2 per cent of employed women are m anagers or supervisors. They can't ail be the owner's wife. These statisties back up other research by Statistics Canada which shows that the number of women who own their owvn businesses grew from il per cent in the mid- 1960s 10 30 per cent by 1981. It's apparent that women today are prepared to make their own way, stepping mbt management positions in small and medium-sized firms and in many cases running their own show. It's happening without fanfare, without the need for government interven- tion designed 10 help women specifically. So next time you're about tc ask a womnan who's the boss, think twice. Chances are you're looking ai her. CF/B Feavule Serice Inspection Station Ail Vehicle-s including Dump Trucks Sohool Buses Propane Conversions and Service MANGAR'SÀpl-

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