ooking to the future at Clarke Junior Kindergarten approved Last Thursday at the regular board meeting of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Educa- tion trustees voted 8 to 5 to provide Junior Kindergarten throughout the system star- ting September of 1986. The proposal was con- sidered last year but due to costs was turned down. The program to be undertaken in September 1986 has been reduced in costs as no por- tables are to be purchased and busing routes are not to be extended to accommodate the Junior Kindergarten students. Some reaarange- ment of bus routes could be undertaken however. In speaking with Wm. Car- man, trustee for Ward Three, he said accommodation for Junior Kindergarten would be made in Orono providing the required number of children were enrolled in the The College Day held at Soute (left) the Schooi day opened up the students' far away as Kirkiand Lake Clarke High School on Liaison Officer from Loyatist horizons and increased their and Sauh Ste. Marie, on]the Wednesday, October 23rd College eniightens Doug knowiedge of'coliege and the organization and planning was a tremendous success Kemp and Sheri Batenchuk choices they wili have ta which Clarke's teachers and with high school students at- of Cobourg about college and make in the near future. students put into the suc- tending from Brighton, helps them make important Favourabie comments were cessful day. The parent- Cobourg, Campbellford an decisions for their future. also received from the Coi- liaison group, headed by Geri Port Hope, as well as this Darrel Devolin, Head of lege rePresentatives, Bailey, organized a lunch for area. Pictured above Diane Guidance reported that ll e representing colleges from as the students and collegereps. Council have meet with Regional police On Monday councii cil was present for the meeting Counc. Hamre asked meeting. Mayor Rickard if he did not Mayor Rickard said the have a report for council as a report had yet ta be prepared result of a recent meeting but that they had in fact met with Regionai Police. She with the police discussing en- noted that only haîf of coun- forcement of parking regula- bappriîinmt. ing WHAT'S HAPPENING AT CLARKE? What's happening at Clarke High School? Come and find out at a Parent-Teacher meeting on Tuesday, November 5th at 7:00 p.m. BAZAAR CANCELLED - DRAW WINNERS The Newcastle Community Care Bazaar planned for Tuesday, November 5th in Bowmanville has had to be canceil- ed. The winners of the Community Care draw held on Oc- tober 25th are as follows: Marie West, Orono, quilt; Barb Pammett, Newtonville, hooked rug; Carl Ellis, Oshawa, carv- ing set. FRENCH IMMERSION MEETING A meeting of the Parents Association for French Im- mersion is being held on Wednesday, November 6th at 7:30 p.m. in Court Room 1, Police Building, Bowmanville. Ail can- didates for School Board in the November 12th election will be present. SALVATION ARMY EVANGELIST CRUSADE An Evangelist Crusade will be conducted this week at the Salvation Army Core, 75 Liberty Street South, Bowman- ville. Evangelist Doug Hiltz, former Mehtodist Church : will be the guest speaker'at the meetings on Wednes- dà ,hursday, Friday, October 30th to November 1st at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Noveiber 3rd at 11:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Come out and meet your old friend Doug. Phone 623-5g57 for further information. tions and other matters. He said all of council had not at- tended and that it had been impossible to make contact with alil members concerning the cal of the meeting. Counc. Hamre said it had been the intention to meet on a monthly basis at fîrst and then to perhaps to meet on a quarterly basis. (Continued page 3) by board program. He said it would re- quire fifteen students for a kindergarten for juniors to be opened. If Junior Kindergarten is opened in Orono it would operate in the present building next to the present kindergarten class. It would require the moving of a portable, now owned by the board, onto the Orono school property for use by a senior class in the school. Carman states he sup- ported the junior kindergarten on the condi- tion no further portables were purchased, bus routes were not extended and that a class be of an enrolment of fifteen. The Education committee of the Board gave their stamp of approval for the deveiop- ment of the junior kindergarten. Wants consideration for on-street parking Sharlene Jackson, Mill Street, Orono, who asked council on Monday for a special permit to allow her father, brother and herself to park on Mill Street or for the removal of No Parking signs, will have to await a com- prehensive report from Public Works relating to parking regulations throughout the Town, before a final decision is macle by councit. Miss Jackson stated that the family had lived on Mill Street for the past sixteen years and that due to the rais- ing of the road their driveway had been eliminated by the Town of Newcastle. She also told council that on purchas- ing the house they originally had a designated parking space on Mill Street across from the house but this was eliminated when the Town erected No Parking signs. Miss Jackson noted that her parents had been denied a building permit for an addi- tion on their house due to the lack of parking. She was critical of the three hour parking regulation stating it was ridiculous and useless to enforce the regula- tion on Church Street where she had been parking. "It was the only back street to be hit by the police", she said. Miss Jackson claimed that when the addition was built at St. Saviour's church there was supposed to be 30 park- ing spaces provided. This, she said, was not done. She said she had phoned (Continued page 3) Presented with Leadership Certificates The Durham East 4-H Certificates. fifteen year leadership cer- dian 4-H Council certifica- organmzation at their annual Left ta right) Neil Aln, tificates. Jim Coombes was teand presented in recogni- banquet and awards night on Orono, Tom Barrie, presented with a twenty year tion of leadership given to Friday night at the Orono Bowmanville and David certificate. 4-H members over the period Community Centre honoured Kelogg were presented with The certificates were Cana- of years. the above with Leadership