T't.. P . Unlike 'the other major charities seeking your support locally, Your UNTE» WAY: PÂCT: distributes over 99% of ail funds collected right here in Oshawa - Whitby and Newcastle for services and supplies. PACT: makes ail funding, administration and expenditure decisions right here in Newcastle - Oshawa and Whitby. PACT: your United Way's total operating costs, including ail campaign and administration expense, is Iess thari 7 1/2% of proceeds raised. 92 1/2e of every dollar given goes directly to supporting our 40 agencies in Oshawa, Whitby arnd Newcastle. Now you n tow the TRUE TIACTS arou't yov gad you're supportind e- TOUR UNITIE» WAYI UnibedWaOF OSHAWVA -WHITBY -NEWCASTLE'~ ' cn b dà j , IIIRS.SUH SHWOTROL G 2-23. 0 106 WOLD ECOR)s .. dby P 1-1 Ch.tabe Reistltio No.03616645-1