Orï ono -Lockharts Weekly O)RONO CAMPUIS House Lecague Soccer Cham~- pionlship Couigar 'boys lost 1itao 0ta Dragons ini the shoot out and were knocked back ta the consolation championiship), which they won 3 ta o againrist Cobras. Foi the chiampioniship the. Dragons will play the Pani- thers. Good luck to bathi teams. As for the girls the Panthers won 1 taO 0against the Cobras. Teams playing in the consolation and final matches are nat yet decided. P.S. Thank you for your suipport with the cookie sale. We're sure ail the students wilI appreciate your generosi- ty when they use the supplies you support,,J. Thank you. Reporters: Shean Keninedy Scott McAlister. Report ORONO CAMPUS The Harrier was ran on Thuirsday, October 24th at Enniskillen., In -the ra;n, nud and after ail the hIils, Jimi Partner came in 3rd place, Justin James was 22nd and Camieron Tomkins placed 27th for the boys. In th e girls, Danette Ward wvas the only girl ta try out for the Orono P.S., team, she came in 4th place. There were approximately 50' students from ail different-schools in t he West ern Area.~ C on grla t ula ti o ns ta0 everyone who went in the Harrier and ta Jim Partner fromn Orona Public Schoôl for receiving a medallion. For the boys soccer cham- pionship the Dragons lost ta the Pauthers with a score of 3 Re-Etect IRW[N A. HAMILT ON Hydro Commissioner For Capable Representation With Emphasis on Sound Business Practices RE-ELECT ROBERT STE VENS For Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission Resident in Town of Newcastle for 57 years. Married 34 years ta Jean, with 5 children. 5 years as Vice Chairman of Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission Graduate of Guelph Unive rsity Past President of Bow\manville Rotary Club. Past Chairman of Finance Trinity Chu rch 'Chairman of Fund Raising for Bowmanville Fitness Centre Nowv semi retired selli ng Real Estate Business Background Includes. 35 years as owner of Glen Rae Dairy. 36 years and stili owvner of Glen Rae Farm. OwNned and managed Dairy B3arn stores (3), Dari Dream, Bowmanville Country Club, Licenced Real Estate agent for 5 years:- Elect a Candidate with TIME and EXPERIENCE to 2. For the girls soccer championshîp the Dragons lost to the Cougars 1-0. LOCKHART NEWS If you- have read last week's column then we're suue ou'«re wondering how long that blade of grass is! Welit's 6' for 182 cm long. Drop us a line if you're taller than this giant piece of grass. Send your letter to the editors of Lockhart School. Mr. Eames' class is rolling along quite well. In fact we hiave already started our se- cond unit on E.S. titled 'The Balance of Nature'. ln gymn we are iearning many different, ways of hiandling the bail. Since we are starting Newcombe bail and Beech Bail for house leag-ue. If you want ta know how ta make a palindrome, read one. First start with a three- digit number, eg. 287. Then b>elow it write the samne number but this time write it backwards. Then add and reverse add and reverse until you meet a number that reads The Pines 'Report' Everyone at The Pineýs w as excited about the Halloween Dance last week, an Thurs- day afternoon. Everyone had been asked ta Wear a costume and the house with the i..ost costume wearers was admit- ted ta the dance free of charge. Those who did not.go ta the dance watched P 'io x"eecn rilm in the Rc. ,urce Centre. Mrs. Baxter'q class went to the Outdoor Eduication Cen- tre last WednIiesday,. We started thie day with a walk ta The Orono Reforestry where we saw how and where the seedlings are grown. We each received, a two-year-old spruce tree ta plant at home. After the walk back, we ate Trade Lecture at Durham Tam Greenwood, Trade Develapment Officer of the Department of Regional In- dustrial Expansion, spoke ta Durham staff and students Monday in the College's lec- ture theatre. The occasion was ta celebrate CANADA EXPORT TRADE MONTH. This observance is ta underly the need expressed by private industry for govern- ments ta participate with the private sector, labor, and educational institutions toatau tain 'Canada's full potential globaily. Mr. Greenwood emphasiz- ed. that Canada's future hinges upon its ability ta foster and improve its inter- >national trading and warld competitiveness. He called for the strengthening of regional expart trade comi- mittees, and the raising of the level of awareness of export trade- among the general public. This wiould make for- greater job creation and moire the sâme backwards and for- wards. eg. 481 566 ;321 184 665 1231 665' 1231 2552 Hint: don', use- a starýting number with zero in it. WXitches Whispering, lhowling, flying and screechingI on their broom sticks Hallowe 'en By Greg MacKay, Gr, 5 HALLOWE'EN Spooky Screechy Scary,, Creatures Magic Monstrous Moony Nights Little Leaping Lurking Feet Weird Wicked Wacky Features Fighting Frightening Fearsome Difhra Tricks Tasty Thick Treats By Michelle Ross hot dogs fo r lunch and then play ed the game ofsuva. We arrived back at The ines about three o'cloc k. Everyone agreed that it was a great day. Public Notice To its Citizens MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS NOVEMBER I2TH, 1985 Notice To Employers The Municipal Elections will be held on a reguiar business d'ay, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH, 1985. ln order that no one may be deprived of his or her right ta vote at the Election, EMPLOYERS ARE URGED, RESPECTFULLY, ta co-operate in every way by making it possible for electors in their employ ta vote. Section 49(2)(3> of The Municipal Elections Act, 1977 as amended, provides as follows: 49(2) Where, by reason of the hours of his employment, an employee who is a qualified elector will flot have three con- secutîve hours ta vote while the polis are open on pollîng day at an election: his employer shail, at the convenience of the employer, allow the employee such time for voting as is necessary ta provide the three consecutive hours. 49(3) No employer shall make any deduc- tion from the pay of any such employee, or exact from him penalty by reason of his absence from his work during the time allowed by the employer for voting. VOTI NG HOU RS - 11:00 A. M. ta 8:00 P. M. David W. Qakes, A.M.C.T. Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Our File: 10.50.8 Date of PublicWn: November 6, 1985 P.O. No. A 1395 - For your support, -encouragement and over the past 5 years. understanding -For taking the time to cali and meet with me to discuss your concerns. -And, for giving me the -opportunity to serve our municipality of which I'm very proud. O NNO0 V. 12, 198 5 VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE 0F YOUR CHOICE BUT PLEASE VOTE.- SINCERELY, D 1IN E EHA MR E REGIONAL COUNCILLOR WARD 3 Phone 983-5505 For Rides or Assistance TO THE RESIDENTS OF, ýWARD 3 THANK YOU