12-Orono Weekly Tintes, Wednesday, November 6, 1985 A~~~~ bi upior Orono Kindergarten Photo by Janette Deseusa, The Kindergarten class at Orno, Fair. Bot. Front Row (L-R) Mandy Coathamn - Clown, Orono Public School itue above with the Gregory Finlay - Cabbage, Brandon France -Pumpkin. celebrated Halloween with a pumIpkin are: Back Rowý,, huge pumpkin.* The pumipkin Dracula, Diane Borremansat hr hvcre R an aDnli- B a -b e s inm was donated by Ted Coat hamt Little Bo-Peep, Peter Pum- II and was a prize winner aut the pkin, Jeffery Kanters- Go- , B. O O ki IfllU iBy Dorothy Rbno Simm STEVE Roosa-Master DIES[ DIESEL SPE( FUEL INJECTION SAI ýCrmnMAJOR & MINOI COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL-A AIRESEARCH TURBC ENGINE REBUI eMAPLE GROVE ROAD EBOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO E'S EL Amercian Bosch Robert Bosch -CIALISI ALES & SERVICE RF REPAIRS ýGRfcULTURAL-MARlNE OcHARGERS JILDING STEVE SAWYER (416)62341411i *DK2204 2850CMH.U Standabilft y ifat lets you Iiar vest a bigger corn cmop Th is Canadian-developed hybrid has set a new standard for standability. Extremely stiff stalks combined with outstanding yield make K2204 a truly exceptionai hybrid in 2850 heat unit areas. 1984 PERFORMANCE DATA O/o Yield Broken % Bu/Acre $/ stalks Moisture Co 15.5% Acre* Pride K2204 2.7 25.0' 138.3 443.94 Pioneer 3906 2.6 26.9 137.3 436.61 Average of ail varieties 67 25.9 1255 401.60 Data colletefromPr de les po p.op ramandO0Cç ýperformncetrai $/cebased on U3 50, bu ia ed yng Dennis YellowleeS, 416-263-2380 CUSHLA AND HER BOOKS This month's column is in praise of Inter-Library Loan in general, and the book "Cushla and Her Books" in particular. What a miarvellouis service Inter-Library Loanlis! Before this was offered a library member's choice was limited to the holdings of his own branch. Now you may have access to books from distant libraries. Peggy Breen cited Ottawa and Regina as ex- amples of libraries that have forwarded requested books to Orono. Because of this ser- vice, 1 was able to borrow an, inspiring story that otherwise might have remained unavailable., 1 greatly admire the philosopIhy of Dorothy Butler, author of "Babies Need Books." 1 learned that the thesis which she wrote to gain lier Diploma in Educa- tion was in print under the ti- tle "Cushla and Her Books". A search of Clarke Library'1s card catalog revealed that it was not there. An inquiry at the librarian's desk was al that 1 needed, and one day, a phone cali announced the book's arrivai from Lindsay. Without Inter-Library Loan, 1 probably neyer would have read this book, and what a touching story 1 would have missed! " Cushla and Her Books" outlines in depth as a case study the story of how Butler's daughter and son-in- law provided an enriched en- vironment for their daughter, Cushla. She was born with physical handicaps which caused her development to lag, behi"nd th-at of a, normal child. Experts advised the young Parents that she Was recommnended that Cushka be cared for at a Special Centre. However, thlese senIsitive, caring parents emnbar ked on a suiper-humnan programi of constant attention and stimulation. Books hecamie one of the most successfl tools in'their amazing effort. It is Cushla's good fortune that her parents followed their instincts. It is the reader's good fortune that her parents agreed to the publication of the story. Public Notice To its Citizens MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS NOVEMBER 12TH, 1985 Notice To Electors Ail Electors are urged to vote before 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of preventing line-ups at the polis. Please DO NOT WAIT until peak voting hours (5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.) to cast your vote. VOTE EARLY VOTING KOURS 11:00 A.M. TO 8:-00 P.M. If you have changed your place of residence since October 23rd, 1985, your niame will flot appear on the Polling List. You cannot vote in respect of your new address. You may qualify to vote in respect of your former residence. Please make note of the location of the Polling Place shown on the Voter Notification Card mail- ed to ail electors advising where to vote. David W. Qakes, A.M.C.T. Clerk and Returning Officer Town of Newcastle 40 Temrperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Our File: 10.50.8 Date of Publication: Novemnber 6, 1985 P.O. No. A 1395 F RA NKSTA P LETO N ""A PRO VEN PROMOTER" 0 i wiII endea-vour to serve you, the residents of the Town of * Newcastle, with a straight forward, common sense approach. a Municipal taxes must be stabilized and reviewed. 0 Municipal spending must be guarded. 0 Our Environment must be protected * Newtonville water quality must be corrected. * By-laws and local concerns must be reviewed. *Promotion of Industry, Commerce and Residential building is a must, however, that growth must be encouraged with com- patability. *You must be heard-. "LET FRANK SPEAK FOR YOU"q ELECT STAPLETOîNX L.OCAL COUNCIL - WARD 3 NOVEMBER l2th i