. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HWY 115 TRUCK & AUTO REPAIRS LTD. To Ail Cars and TTucks TOWING 983-9151 or 983-9152 Phione 416-623-3393 Orono cali 983-9547 For promptx, courteous efficient secrvice ,when buying or selling and for the Jargest selection of properties in the area. 234 FING ST. EAST O. CHATTERTON Electr-ical Contractîng Pole Line Construction PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono, Ontario Job Printing LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS ALL BUSINESS FORMS FLYERS Etc. Cati the Orono Times 983-5301 COMING EVENTS CRAFTS & BOOKS Corne fo the Kendal Hilis and visit the Elva Reid Gallery represeining 30 professional craftspeople and miost miajor book publishers. "The Coffee Pot is Always On". Open Wenidesday - Sunday 11:00 a.mn. - 5:00 p.mn. Located on Durham Rd 9, 3 mniles east of Kirby (Hwy. 115 & 35) Phone 416-983-9339. 16,23,30,6,ac COMING EVENTS BLOOD DONOR CLINIC WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th (today) 1:00 p.m. - 8:30 'p.mn. at Bowmianville Lions'Centre. BabyIsitting available. Ad sponsored by Pine Ridge Kinsmien. 6,ac COMING EVENTS ATTENTION 1. Pre-register now for your chance to imake a beautiful cedar door wreath or an attractive table Christimas cen- trepiece. Limnited classes f0 be held at the Orono Showcase, corner of Chur-ch and Park Sts. Pre-register by Novemiber l7th, timies Saturday and Sunday 10:001 a.mi. - 5:30 p.m. and Thursday 1:00 - 3:00 p.mi. Price $12. 50/class which inicludes al materials and refreshments. Classes f0 be held on Decemnber 3rd and 4th, 7 - 9:30 p.m. for more informiation please cal Elaine Haines 983-9218 or Gillian Stubbs 983-5423. 6,13,ac THE CRAPFT PLACE ROWE STREET, ORONO CHïRISTMlAS OPEN HOUSE The Craft Place invites you to their Third Annual Open House on Friday, Novemnber 8th, 1985 fromn 5:00 to 9:00 p.mi. and Saturday, Novemnber 9th frp, .10:00 to 6:00 p .m. Corne and see our Christmnas decorat ions and gfs Free Draw. Please join us and feel free t0 bring a friend. Refreshmenits will be served. SEA SON'S GREETINGS from Yvonne Trafford, 983-5475 and Donna Hutton, 983-5717 b-30-6 FOR SALE Love seat, Victoria Chair, Buffet Top with Mirror (6', long), Iron Vanity with Chair, Round dining table with 4 chairs and hutch. Ivory and Black Oak Fire Crate. Standing Carps. Phone 983-9524. 6,ac FOR SALE Box springs, suitable for cotta.ge, phone 983-5301 8:30 - 3:00 during the week. 6,ap LOST A smiall grey and white 1 year old femnale cat. Answers to N is,îy. Wearing a white flea collar. Last seen October 26-27 on th Line. Child's pet very mutch missed. Cal 983-5076. Rewý,ard. 6,ap CAREER TRAINïING FREE Career Guide decribes 200lerXa)hm corresponidence Dîploma courses: Accounting, At, Bookke-einig, Bu1s1inessMIanageL- MIENT, Clerk Typiss, Secretary', Journalism, T'elevision' Sericing-P, Travel, Granton (A)263 Ade1aide WVess Toronto. - 6-11 il FP WANTEI) T Ru(CKING CAREERS. Driver job rainîng wssh lacemenihelp avaîableComleteDetils can be mailed lu ou. hoeRodgers School as161 79 346 i s osalCode. MARK M. STAPLETON 0 Farrier 0 MOBILE UNIT 0 R.R. 2, ORONO, ONT. TELEPHOîNE LOB 1iMO (416)983-5244 FOR SA LE ONE, STOP BildingË Shoppaing, Centre. AMl Steel Straighti Siant. quons[Ieis, cladding. 1ýFree boLrocrs mn requejsi. For1 A-ctIon VaIlIueand weekenids. FOR SALE BUýILDINGS, stoage, g1arage,,barns, waeoss tores, airpiane hang.er, you namne il, we',e goti i. Big special for October , 40 ide by 60 long as much ias $'5,00offl l. Direcit rom fiactory phonieinow,,collect (416', 4460.Liited 0Offer. BUSINESS OPPORITUN1ILIS DISATIF1E??Multi-mrillion dollarintraioa orporation1 ,oth oer 60hdtnrbutors earnîng uip to $000per year expandinig massively iiiCanadca. Investment under $400., (ail soday (416) 827-8984. FOR SALE -PENNY-ROLL ER" Tradcitnark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dumes and quanrs quickly & easily. Onew aa. Usesfree bank wrap- pers.(Olys$8 95 postaid. (Plueseadd .63 ta\). CrsmsSpecial -2 for $1600X (Please add $. 12 lax) Senid ucque or MO0to Penny \RouIer Pro- ducts, P.0. Box 405, FortEie, Ont. L2A 5 N2. BUIL DINGS Priced helow% wholesale. Final inventory, clearance. Varjous s17e, available. AIl Steel. 10 - 20 year warnyFimited stock avýailablle. c Nows and Save- No reserves ld. Cai]l -800)-387 8130 or (416) 828-6262.' WATER iPROBLEM-NS? New Tchfnology - liiniates rus,, smelJy, bad iasting waer olsform bacteria, Itaiinig, 1ir on, mangane,bard- ness, Llcmical containation and miore. Fully automatic, tested and proven n oet 12,000 rurial installations. No mecssy chemlicails, lio taste or smiell of chiorine. FREI 6 Month Trial Offer. Secethere suîts for yourFse1l. If your want Betitr Water for Better Counitry Living caîl tol free 1-800-268-2656 or write A'ztec WaiIter PurIificattion Systemis, 203-1030 Kamiaio Road, MisissauLgai, Orntarno. L4W 4B6 The "Lws"Cost Sysîem shilat -Realy" orks. PERSONAL DATES GALORIE For ail ages and unautached. Thiousaniids of mnembiers anions to mlecs you. Prestige Aýcquairntanýes, cal, Toi[ Free 1-8K)-263-9163. Hotirs Noon stilI 8 p.m. FOR SALE KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface your nid cupboard instead of repllacinig i. Save III,10 60 percent. Leadling manufacturer is hiaving a clearance sale of certain styles. Packagenincludes doors drawer fronts, hianidle.s hingeýs, backiing, laminaite, valance and knick-knack shelves. Regularly $1995 cleaýring atS$995. (519) 653-0176 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. McCRIMMON'S ANTIQUES "THE HOLLOWVS" HWVY. 2, NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO - 987-5204 WVe Buy and Seli Antique and OId Furni'ture Old Hanging Light Fixtures Aiso buy Estates From the Grower to you! Fre#%sh, UC'risp Apples Special 10 lb. bag Maclntosh $2.95 Del icjo us Sweet Corn - Veggies - Toma toes Bartletts & Flemisli Beauty Pears 1 Free Squash per $5.00 purchase Fresh Cider Fred'sa Fruit Market Highway 115 - South 0.f Oronýo 983-5628 tic