Thnomas Stan ton Plaque at Kirby Native son honoured at Kirby on Sunday 'lhle locýal co-nimunity along with the Province of Ontario on Sunday paid tribute to a native son of the former Township of Clarke through the unvIýeîlinlg of a plaque at the Kirby School House Museumn. Sir Amibrose Thomas-Stan- ton, bornnin Kendal in 1875 and who began his illustrious career as a teacher at the Kir- by School at the age of 18, went on to great acclaima in the field of medicine and bc- ing knighted by King. George V in 1934. His carcer is noted not only in Canada but ini London, Enland and in the far east where hie is credited with a' n umnber of medic al achievernents.- The ceremiony on Sunday at Kirby was fittinig and most interesting as tribUte was paid to one who held a great coni- cern on the global medicai and] heath scenie. The unveiling ceremonies was chaired by Derek Barnetit, chairmnan of -the Clarke Museumn Board with greetings being presented by the Hon. Allani Lawrence, M. P. Du r ham N or- thumnberland, Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. Durhiam Fast, Cary Herremia, chairman of Dur-hamn Region and Garnet B:* Rickard, Mayor of the Towni of Newcastle. In bringing greetings the speaker didl speak of the im- portance to remember and WContinued page 3) Apple Blossom Shop now FTD member Municipal elections are be- ing held this coming Tuesday, Novernber l2thth the poils open from 11:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. when some 25,000l vo)ters across the Town of Newcastle have the oppor- tunity to fill 17 positions from a list of candidates nunlbering thirty-nine. Last Saturday three ad- vance poilis werec open to those who would be unable to vote on November l2th and fron reports the turnouit was somewhat above average. On November 1 2th voters wvill make their choice for Mayor of the Town of Newcastle and filli three posi- tions (one for each Ward), for the position of local couin- cllor and regional councillor. Voters will also miake thieir choice of two school trustees front each ward and as well choose four commissioners (Continued page 2) Orono Weekly' es, Wednesday, November 6, 1985 There was a good turnout of close to two at a Mayorali- ty candidates meeting held in Bowmaniville on Monday evening sponsored by the Newcastle Commercial and Industrial group. Prior to opening addresses by the four mayorality can- dlidates area and regional can- didlates in aIl three wards were given the opportunity to speak for a two minute period.' Ken Hooper, Bowman- ville, seeking election as Mayor was first to Ilead off in the opening addresses. Hooper, stated his main concern was taxes and how o The Apple Blossomn Shop of Orono, Ontario Ihas recently been accepted as a mnember of Floi-stS' Transworld Delivery Associa- tion (FTD), thie worldwNide foers-by-wire del ivery organization. As a new FTD memnber florist The Apple Blossom Shop can now provide delivery of fresh flowers, plants and other gifts to almnost anywhiere in the world, often withiin htours. More than 20,000 indepen- dent, Professional retail flor- ists are FTD mnemrbers, serv- ing customners in over 22,000 cities and towns in the United reduce them and said it was not impossible to make such reductions. He suggested that as Mayor h would reduce the mnayorls salary by fifteen per- cent and do away with the mayor's entertainment budget. He saîd staff and council expenditures would States and Canada. FTD shops are also located in Mexico, South America and apan. Thrnugh the FTD- affiliated international delivery netwvork, Interfiora, The Apple Blossom Shop can also provide floral deliveries to an additional 80,000 corn- munities throughout the world., The owner of the new FTID florist shop, located at Main Street, Orono is Yvonne Maitland. 1Founded in 1910, FI'D i.s the world's oldest and largest professional, inter-city, flowers-by-wire delivery organization. have to, be approved first through a proper procedure and lie as well calI for the disconInued use of credit cards. Hýe pointed out that the Town's telephone bill was at a mionthly figure of $4,(M0.00._ (Conti'nued page 13) Guess the merchants and'win $10.00 in D.B.I.A. Bucks PIZZA SHOP TO OPEN IN ORONO The old Firehall on Main Street, Downtown Orono hias been sold to a Port Hope couple who intend to open a Pizza and Sub shop following renovations. Debbie and Dave Kusiar are expecting to have reniova- dions completed by the middle of December when they wish to have the Pizza and Sub shop in operation. The shop will feature take-out only in the initial stage. The shop is to be operated by Debbîe Kusiar and her mother, Mrs. Florance Grant. The couple hope tomove into Orono sometime in the new year. AUBERGE FIRST ANNUAL, FUNDRAISJNG DINNER Auberge, Durham Region's emiergenicy shelter for abused womnen and children, wÀill hold its first Annual Fundraising Dinner on Wednesday, November 2th ai 6:15 p.m. at Royal Canadian Legion Brandi 43, located at 471 Simncoe Street South in Oshawa. Bob White, Canadian Director of the United Auto Workers, is the guest speaker for the event. Ticktets are $25 each. Reservations for tables of ighlt at $200 are available. Sponsorships of $100 or more are welcomne. For further ticket information, please caîl 728-7311. Sponsors are as follows: Alpha Delta Kappa; Soroptimist International of Oshawa and District; The Steel WVorkers Joint Executive; Royal Canadian Legion Brandi 322 (Ajax); Royal Canadian Legion Brandi 419 (Port Perry); UAW 'Aux\ilîaryV àHX'HWeROCîAt, CLUB BAZAAR AND TEA Thic Heather Scial Club Bapzaar and Tea will be held on Saturday, Decemnber 7th fromn 2 - 4 pi.m. at the 1.0.0.F. Hall. Everyone is welcome. An impromptu mieeting of the Orono D.B.I.A. was held at Momn's Kitchen on Thurs- day, October 3lst. If you can give us tic first The winnter will be drawni on niamle of eachi member present Mlonday,,, November 1 lth. in the photo you willwi Please drop off your answer $10.00 in D.B.I.A. Bucks. at Reflectionis. Hint: AIl aýre women and ail are on Main St. c called to the Mayoralty candidates November 12 debate town issues