<-CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued frorn page 11) CARD OF THANKS On behaif of the Arthritis Society 1 would like to thank ail the canvassers and everyone who donated. We collected a total of $1,351.00. Thanks again, Donna Mudd 13,ap CAREER TRAINING FREE Career Guide ttescribes 200 Iearn-at-homne correspondence Diploma courses: Accounting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Maniage- MENT, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journalism, Television Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. HELP WANT ED TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement help is available. Complete Details can be mailed to you. Phone Rodgers School at (416) 769-3546 with Postal Code. FOR SALE "PENNY-ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes and quartera quickly & easily. One wraps al. Uses free bank wrap- pers. Only $895 postpaid. (Please add .63 taxi. Christmas Special - 2 for $16.00. (Please add $1.12 tax) Send cheque or MO to Penny-Roller Pro- ducts, P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ont. L2A 5N2. BUILDINGS Priced below wholesale. Final inventory clearance. Varlous sizes available. Ail Steel. 10 - 20 year warranty. Limited stock available. Act Now and Save - No reserves held. Cail 1-800-387-8130 or (416) 828-6262. BUILDINGS FOR SALE. 1985 year-end factory clearance on ail quonset buildings. If you are ready 10 buy we are ready te deal. Savsngs front $700 to $7,000 depending on sizes. For fast action and big savings cal Miracle Span Toit free 1-800-387-4910. CHEAI> FOR CASH Ail steel qonset buildings, neyer erected, ship anywhere. 46 x 72' for $7,900 aso 26 x 32', 35 x 42, 40 Xc 58 (416) 699-6151. PERSONAL DATES GALORE For ail ages and unattached. Thousands, of mesnbers asxious 10 meet you. Prestige Acquaintances cai, Toîl Free 1-800-263-9163. Hours Noon tilt 8 p.m. FOR SALE KITCHEN CUPBOARD. Reface your old cupboard instead of Sreplacing i. Save up to 60 percent. Leading manufacturer is having a clearance sale of certain styles. Package includes doors drawer fronts, handles, hinges, backing, laninate, valance and knck-knack shelves. Regularly $1995 clearing at $995. (519) 653-0176 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. FOR SALE ONE STOP Building Shopping Centre. Ail Steel Straight/Slant, quonsets, cladding. Free brochures on request. For Action Value and answers cal Wally (416) 426-1794. Leave message or collect eveninga and weekends. CAREER TRAINING EARN EXTRA INCOME! Leam to Prepare Income Tax retumas by correspondence. Local franchise available. Write Tax Tise Services Limitedi, 1304 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontario L6L 2X4. EARN a second income, Learn incosne tax preparation. For free brochure, no obligation, write U & R Tax Schools, 1345 Pembine Hwy., Winnipeg, MB. Money back guaranteel PERSONAL WIN LOTTO 649. Unique number selection method correctly picked ail 6 winning number on August 101h and June 22nd draws. To obtain method, send S. A.S.E. for fre information toP.O. Box 76825, Station "S", Vancouver, B.C. '/5R 5S7. TENDERS TENDER 1973 Rolîs Royce Corniche convertible. Tenders received by, Nov. 22, 1985. For terss and viewing, cail Bryan Pacello, Baliff at (705) 726-8350, Barrie, Ont. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Ontario PoUled HEREFORD Club Sale I p.mn. Saturday, December 14, 1985. Markham Fairgrounds. Note new location. contact Craig Lymburner, R.R. 1 Caistor Centre, Ontario LOR iEO (416) 957-3695. TRAVEL CALIFORNIA, Portugal, Argentina, Chile, Australsa, New Zeaiand, Hawaii, Bermuda, Texas, Mexico. These exciting agricultural tours await you with C1are Burt Travel (416) 451-4944 Collet. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "SEASONS" Casada's first nasne in Colour Analysis and Glamour.. Earn $100 te 5300/day! (Chatelaine) Acadesny Certification, 212 Pro- ducts. Cosmetics, Skip Care, Silks, Replica Perfumes 1-800-387-7875., GOLDP!I Ail thoit glitters in life is flot necessarily Gold. Good health and financiai freedos work hand in hand. If you desirç to be part of a huge Canadian succesas sory, with first year sales of over $3,000,000 wholesale, make the call tisaI could change your outlook on life. (519) -453-9007, (519) 453-9008. Monday te Saurday 9 a.s. t0 6 p.m. ONLY for the aggressive. Would you invest $10,000 in a business that could net you $50,000 bottons line in just 6 months. Secsrty is one of the top industries in the world market today because crime goes up by sisçh a drasatic ainount each year and the burlary crime rate is rising daily. We *are looking for sincere aggressive business people te represent our pro- duct ini different areas of the country. Write or call collect: Astro-Guard Security Systelsss, 814 Erin St.. Winnipeg, Man. R3ÇI 2W4. Attention Mr. CGary McDonell Pres. (204) 775-2401. MiISCELLANEOUS COMING toef.C. and EXPO 86? ýEnjoy hundreda of coupon offers and save thousands of dollars lu skiing, dining. entertainsent. recrea- ioanti aiccommodtion white von travel. Fa tastic value for only S40. Women of distinction i Durham honoured The fourth annual Womnen of Distinction Dinner of Durham Region was held Iast Thursday evening sponsored by the Oshawa YWCA. The evening hanours the achieve- ment af women in Durham Regian and as well is a major fund raîser for the World YWCA Co-aperative Development Fund. There were 250 in aitendance. Elsie Drygala, nomi nated by the Oshawa Festival Singers, was awarded the arts caîegory award for her con- tribution ta, music. Joy Brooks was the winnei- of the Young Wornan of Distinction Award for her work at Bowmnanville High Sehool in coaching and extra curricular pragrans. Ediîh Alger received the award for community service working with numnerous organization providîng ser- vice the the community. Marjorie Hadges won the award for her contribution in the field of education. Hodges is vice-principal at O'Neil Collegiate. There were 36 nominees for the four awards of which Diane Hamre of Orono was one. Minis try brochure , n aeenc (Continued from page 8) of ta lien lands, agreement foresis, conservation authority areas and other recreational facilities. On the reverse side, text and photographs highlight the ministry's pro- grains within the Lindsay district. The Lindsay Chamber of Commerce has taken on the raie of publisher for the district brochure. Ta offset production costs, the Chamber is welcoming finan- cial support from area businesses and agencies. Pro- motional advertisements focusing on goods and ser- vices required by outdoor recreationalists are being in- vited for inclusion in the brochure. The advertisements will act as a service directory for visitors and will promote area businesses. The collec- tien of advertisements wil appear on the reverse side of the brochure following the ministry's text and photographs. The Lindsay district brochure will be'an asset ta anyone planning a visit ta the area. The brochure will be available ta the public in ear- ly 1986. Visitors may obtain their free capy at the Lindsay district office, Cambers of Commerce and tourism of- fices. In addition, the local provincial parks and businesses advertising in the brochure will be distributing copies. Anyone interested in plac- ing an advertisement in the brochure should contact the Lindsay district office as soon as possible. lea ves FED. 0F ONT. NATURALISTS WOODS, WATER WILDLIFE By Mike Singleton AÂND Fallen leaves! Jusi about now - raking away each weekend - we cry ENOUGH! And yet ... the annual leaf sh- ed piays an array of impor- tant raies in nature. t might even be argued that leaves become mare important after they leave the tree. To the deciduous tree, leaf drap is essential as a moisture conservation mechanism. Unlike evergreen needles, these deilicate leaves are unable ta 'shut dlown' the pore-like opening which caver their lower surfaces. Wihout this, the vital woody tissues of the trunk would become desiccaîed and die. Sa the trees simply shed the entîre leaves. This provides, ai the same time, for annual rejeuvenation - the complete replacement of worn out food-factories ai next spring's peak of moisture, 'fertilizer' and 5unshine. Triggered by fall's diminishing light and abun- dant moisture, and ac- celerated by piummeîing temperatures, most leafy plants grow a cork-like abscission layer ai the base of FOR SALE BUILDING CLEARANCE. There is sti11 urne 10 builti. Final clearance of 3 strasght wal buildings. One building is 28 x 30 with 12 hîgh sidewal for $5,975. Cal (416) 221-7353. .WHOLESALE STEEL BUILDINGS $ Manufacturer of quonset buildings clearing out odd-sized buildings. No siddlernan. Limited quantities. Best value on msrket todsy. Serous only cali (416) 440-6029. LINDSAY FLEA MARKET on Little Britan Rd. Open Ssîurday & Sunclay. Save up 10 50% on new clothing, shoes, etc. Antiques, china and colectibles, crafts, gifts, excellent lunch bar, home baking, fresh eggs, farmn produce. Vendors wanted. Phone (705) 324-2783. Free draw for Cabbage Patch doîl. FOR SALE BUILDINGS FOR SALE. 1985 year-end fsctory clearance on ail quonset buildings. If you are ready 10 buy we are ready to deal. Savings from $700 t0 $7000 depending on ises. For fast action and big savings cati Miracle Span toi[ free 1-800-387-4910. LADIES KILTS made 10 your ise cof 100% Pure Wool tartans $75. Send S3 for information. (Refundable on order). Clipton Canada, RR. 1, Ayer's Cliff, Quebec, JOB ICO. FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene insulation. Quality work at Western Ontario prîces. Certified appilcatora. Experienced in agrieuturai retrofit since 1975. CalI Warmth Insulation. (613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, Ont. K7H 3GI. their leaf stems. These not only eut off nutrient supply ta the leaves - initiating the whole series aI ehemiucal and pigment ehanges wvhieh pro- duce fall colour. These abseission layers also release the leaves, seal over the 'wounds' and provide for new growth b uds, from which will sprout next year's branches. But the siory doesn't end when the leaves ht the grottnd; ta the contrary, it's only beginning. Throughouî the comning winter, the leaf blanket now forming will provide fantastie insulatian. This layer, 5 - 20 cm. thick in Ontario's forests, is an efficient mix of cellulose and 'dead' air spaces- not unlike home in- sulation. Along with snow, which is also an efficient in- sulator, leaves sharply reduce the heat loss from warm soil ta frigid winter air. Indeed, in dense woods, ihe combinecl leaf and snow blankets keep the ground - and ils resident plants and amnals - from freezing. Many of aur sen.- sitive flower and animal species simply could nat sur- vive winter's extreme cold otherwise. But unlike snow, the leaf layer lasis right thraugh bath falI and spring periads, when the freeze-thaw cycle is often mare damaging even than ex- treme cold. By siowing the graund's warming in the spr- ing, the leaves will help ta en- sure that trillîums, hepatica, jack-in-the-pulpit and other~ woodland beauties will flot CAV Simms Roosa-Master Curmmîns spr-out prematurely, to be killed off i flower by a late snowV. Ever wonder where ail those leaves suddejnly disap- pear to in the spring? The answer lies in an astronomie array of earthworms, insects, fsingi and other decomposers which go to work, using those leaves for other roles. If you sit stili in a woodland - or even on your Iawn, about dusk - you'l hear worms dragging maple and other palatable leaves into their burrows. The leaves are mun- ched and rotted ia raw nutrients - recycling the nutrients captured lasi year by the trees - and into the vast numbers of inveriebrates upon which almost everything - from woodcock ta toad, songbird ta fox - ultimately depends. And the by-product of this aciivity is yet anoîher con- tribution ta the rieh humus soil - hundreds of years in development - which sustains the woods, the wildflowers, and the richness and variety. of our Iandscape. To anyone who will look there are many< other stories in those leaves, tee. 0f oak and walnut leaves, containing special chemicals that slow the growth of competitors nearby. 0f grass and other meadow plants, which are prompîly rotted if leaves are net removed. 0f leaf nests and mouse irails. Have a fresh look; even in leaves, there's a world awaiîing diseovery. Amerclan Bosch Robert Bosch DIESEL SPECIALIST FUEL INJECTION SALES & SERVICE MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS COM MERCIAL-1 N USTRIAL-AGRICULTURAL-MARI NE AIRESEARCH TURBOCHARGERS ENGINE REBUILOING MAPLE GROVE ROAD BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO STEVE SAWYER (416)623-1411 STEVE'S DIESEL DURHIAM EAST PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING Election 0f Officers wednesday December 4,1985 Maxwell Helghts Public School (N.E. corner Taunton Rd. & Harmony Rd.) SPEAKER 1985 memberships purchased prier te Novemter 22, 1984 or a 1984 membership renewed prier to the meeting is necessary for voting privileges. EVERYONE WELCOME ,..-