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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Nov 1985, p. 9

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Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 20, 1985-9 GL-ALSSIFIED. ADS (Continued fromn page 11) IN MEMORIAM SUTTON - In loving memnory of a dear husband-, father and grandfather, Reginald Sutton, who passed j away November 25, 1976. There is no parting fromi those we love, No distance can divide, For each day in memnories garden, j We still walk side by side. Wherever life may take us, Whatever we may do, The memnory of the years we shared Stili keeps us close to you. Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by wife Frances, daughter Joyce and Kennedy, David and Ruth Gray. 20,ap CAREER TRAINING FREE Career Guide describes 200 learn-at-homne correspondence Diplomna courses: Accouriting, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Maniage- ment, Clerk Typist, Secretary, Journalismn, Television Servicing, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West, Tosronto. 1-800-268-I1121. AUCTIONS GjIGANTIC FARM EQUIPMENT CLEARANCE AUCTION. Fni- day Nov. 22, 10 a.m. sharp. New and used equipmnent inciuding approx. 50 tractons, 40 cars and trucks, A.T.V. and oven 2î0 pices of aIl types of tarai equipment. Special note: This is our annual Fait Clean-up Sale featuring a mystery row of tractors and farmn equipmnent that will be sold totally unreservedi and absolutely to the highest bidder. Also lcatured will be one farmier's full fine of equipment plus other local coîîsigoirrnts. Terms, Cash, Visa or gond cheque çlay fo sale. No( responsihie l'or ac- cidents on property. Tractors and vehicles to be -old inside. Last sale of 1985, Auctioneers, Cliff Gilbert and Birii, Ward. For more information cail (519) 534-1638 or 534-2980. Way ne Ward Farmr Equipment, 4lwy No. 6, Wiarton, Ontario. NOTICES/SERVICES DRINK NATURE'S TONIC! Now available. After 60 years inthe making. A minerai preparation in a hase prepared by a special process fromn extracts of flowers, foliage, roots and barks of particular botanicai plants. This Canadian product is approved by Health & elaeCanada and cornes with a 10014 satisfîaction guarantee. fi (:osts yýou nothing to eall toll free 1-800)-268-5252 for local distribution and information. Distributor inquiries welcomne. NEEDED: Farmi Famnilies 10 host international agricullural trainees April - November. Must provide family atmosphere r oom and board and training aIlowýance. Write: Angela Morton, 626 First Street, London, Ontario N5V 2A2. PERSONAL DATES GAI-ORE. For ali ages and unasýitaclied. Thousands of members anxious ici meet you. Prestige Acquaintances Cali, toit free 1-800-263-9163 Hours Noon till 8 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FRAGRANCE Consultants wanted. Market Seasons' 30 exclusive Replica Perfumes and Colognes - WrdsFiness Fragrances! Earn Hun- dreds sav ing oither thousands. Speciai $300 retail kit $99 I-800-387-7875. ART GALLERY PICTURE Fraining Business establishced ci ght years. Excellent location modern equipmens, good lease. Qualily operation seeking creative energetie owners. Retail framing experienceý an asset. Yukcon Gallery 100 - 208 Steele St. Whitehorse Yukon. YIA 2C4 (403) 667-2391. FOR SALE GARRETT MIETAL DETECTORS. Contact us f'or nearesl dealer. Ask about Christmas specials, eagerly looking for new dealers in On- taio. Contact Canadian Metal Locators R.R. 5, Waterford, Ontario NOE IYO (519) 443-5193. STEEL BUILDINGS. Buy direct and save. Building factony direct discount 20 to 30 to 4"11. Must clear invenory. No reasonable offer refused. Order now, takse apring delivery. No storage charges. Cali 1-800-387-8130 or (416) 828-6262. ONE STOP BUILDING SHOPPING CENTRE. Al Steel Straight/Slant, Quons&ets, clad ding. Free brochures on request. -For ac- tion value and answers cati Wally (416) 426-1794. Leave message or col- ledt evening.s and weekends. Hanihlon Township "FARMERS MUTUAL35 Insurance Co. ROLPH 8EV is now represented by Waket ldi Insu.ranco Ctail 0834438 Clarke Township Museum Corner At the plaque dedication to Sir Ambrose Stanton, Dr. McKenzie asked "Who was on the weather committee?'" No one - no wonder it rained! Otherwîse, we had a very suc- cessful day. About 60 attend- ed the ceremony held inside the mnuseum. Although imited, our space worked out very well, and we could have managed more visitors. Where were you? Our sincere thanks to the following, for their help before and on thc day:, Mabel and Rny Goode, for s'ointeering their manage- ment of the lunch after the- ceremony; the Museum Board members who supplied the food for the lunch, and for the luncheon served to the out of town guests, and. speakers beforehand; Mr. & Mrs. Derek Barnett, 'who graciously allowed us to have the luincheon at their house. (This idea came up while they were still on their trip in Bri- tain; we didn't ask them quite as soon as they got off the plane, but almost). Thank you also to the Reverend Fred Milnes for dedicating the plaque, and to our political representatives Mayor Garnet Rickard, Mr. Gary Herrema, Regional Chairman; Mn. Sam Cureatz, M.P.P.; and the Honounable Allan Lawrence, M.P. for coming out to show their sup- port. We also wish to thank aIl our local reporters for covering the event, not to mention CHEX-TV. A special thank you must go to Mrs. Elizabeth Cardno, representing the Ontario Heritage Foundation which gave the plaque, and who came ail the way from Seaforth, Ontario; to Dr. David McNeely, who gave the medical side, and tD Mrs. Helen Schmid who ably gave us a sense of Sir Ambrose's family background, and the importance of it wo his later achievements. Indeed, wthout Helen's deep sense of history, the plaque would not have been possible, since it was she who approached the, Ontario Heritage Ad- ministration in the first place, so that the honour of having this distinguished man from this area -would be significantly expressed for al to see and read. We ha ve openings for a few good sales people in our Bowgnanville office. Whether you are icenced or consider- ing taking the Real Estate course cali Walter Frank for a confidential interview. 623-339 W. Frank Real Estate Limbtd 234 KingSt E BowrnanÀIlle, Ontano "PENNY-ROLLER" Trademark. Patented. Wrap pennies, nickels, dimes ansd quarters quickly and easiîy!! One wraps ail. Uses free bank wrappers. Only $895 postpaid. (Please add 63 cents tax). Chrismas Special 2 for $16. (Please add $1. 12 tax). Send cheque or M.O. te Penny- itoller Producis. P.O. Box 405, Fort Erie, Ontario L2A 5N2. WATER PROBLEMS? New Technology, eliminales rusty, smelly, had tasting waier. coliform bacteia. staining, iron, manganese. bard- ness, chemical contamination and more - fully automatic. tested and proven in over 12,000 rural insallations. No messy chemnicals, no tasie or smiell of chlorine. FREE 6month trial offer. Ser ihe resuits for yourself. If you want Beter Waer for Beter Country Living cail tell free 1-800-268-2656 or write Azîec Waîer Purification Sysems, 203-1030 Kamato Road, Mississauga, Ontario. L4W 4B6 The "Lowest- Cosi Sysîemis that 'ReaIly" works. GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS! For D)rivers: The one aîîd onty Street Atlas of' Ontario; in compact book formi; fils giove comp artnt; con- tains ighway guide and mnileage chari; 300 street guides to ail major cities and towýns hrougRhoui Ontario. Over $250 worîh of maps in easy to read book formi. Orly $3995! For Studentis: Barholomnew World A las, with complete index; colour maps of entire worid; popular reference book. Or: muli-colour worid wall map; laminaed; washable. Regular $3995. Now oniy $2995 each, tidi December 3 L Decorate student work areas, bedrooms, rec-roorm, etc. Order now! Tax and shipping inciud- ed. Major credit cards accepted or ent cheque or moneyorder to: Maple Leaf Map, 4800 Dundas St. Wes, lslingîon, Onario M9A 4X7. Or cail: (416) 239-5553: 23.5632. Rapid courier delivery. Money back guaranteed - HELP WANTED TRUCKING CAREERS. Driver job training with placement heip is available. Compiete details can be mailed Io you. Phone Rodgers School ai (416) 769-3546 wlh Postal Code. COMING EVENTS NOTE THIS DATE... Saîurday, November 23rd 7 Gospel Con- cert feauring FORERUNNER ai Central Peet Secondary School, 32 Kennedy Road, Brampon. Presented by Shantymens Christian Association. Ail Weicomne! Contact (416) 821-I1175 or 743-7337. FOR SALE KITCHEN CUPHOARD. Reface your oid cuphoard insead of repacing il. Save up to 60%. Leading manufacturer is having a clearance sale of certain styles. Package includes doors, drawer front s, handies, hinges, backing, lamlinate. valance and knick-knack sheives. Reguflarly $1995, cearing at $995. (519) 653-0176 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. $ WHOLESALE STEEL BUILDINGS $ Manufacturer of quonset buildings cearing oui odd sized buildings. No middleman. Lissiied quantilies. Besi ývalue on marketî îoday. Serious only caîl (416) 440-6029. FOR SALE FARMERS: Sprayed Urethene inslation. Qualily work ai Western Ontario prîces. Cerîified applicatons. Experienced in agiculturai retrofit since 1975. Cati Warmth Insulation. 613) 267-6711, Box 460, Perth, On- tario K7H 3G1.> BUILDINGS FOR SALE 1985 Year-eund f2actory clearance on ail quonsect buildings. If you are ready Io buy we arc ready 10 icla. Savings fromi $700 te $7000 depending on szes. For fast action and big savings eaui Miracle Span teu fret 1-8)(-3874910. Whitby GO station to open in 1988 The Brock Street GO Sta- tion in Whitby is now ex- pected to be openedi in 1988. Studies arc pregres sing as to the extension of the GO Ser- vice to the east end of Oshawa with a possible com- pletion date ini the early 1990s. A study to determine if GO should use the CP line on a rentaI basis or build its own CAV Simms Roosa-Master Cummins line between Whithy and the east end of Oshawa was com- missioned last week. Seeks funds for aduit co-op education The Durhiam Board of Education i s seeking $200,000 from Federal Government over a period of four years to establish a co- operative education program for adults. STEV E'S DIESEL Amercian Bosch Robert Bosch DIESEL SPECIALIST FUEL INJECTION SALES & SERVICE MAJOR & MiNOR REPAIRS COMMERGIAL-INDUSTRIAL-AGRICULTURAL-MARINE AIRESEARCH TuRBOcHARGERS ENGINE REBUILDING MAPLE GROVE ROAD BOWVMANVILLE, ONTARIO STEVE SAWYER (416)623-1411 PUBLIC NOTICE TO ITS CITIZENS Removal of Snow & Ice From Highways and Sidewalks Within The Town 0f Newcastle Pursuant to the provisions of the Town of Newcas- tle By-law 78-119, ail occupants or owners of lands adjacent to highways or sidewalks are requested to: (1) Clear away and remnove the snow and ice entirely f rom the sidewalks adjacent to the pr.operty within 24 hours of the comfmence- ment of the fall of snow. (2> Clear away and remove within 24 hours snow and ice from the roof s of buildings where the eaves are less than three metres from'the sidewalk at their closest point. (3) Refrain from placîng snow and'ice from private property upon the travelled portion of the highway or sidewalk. * (À) Failure to remove snow or ice during the time prescribed in the by-law may resuit in its re- moval by the Town of Newcastle, the costs bei ng charged against the property. (5) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this by-law may be prosecuted and upon conviction hiable to a penalty of not less than $50.00 or more than $200.00 for each, offence exclusive of costs. David WV. Qakes, B.A., AM.C.T., Town Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. File: 10.3899. Date of Pulfication: November 20, 1985 P.O. No. A 1403 * YOU'VE THOUGHT ABOUT IT, NOW DO IT! * BECOME A BIG BROTHER A FRIEND IS WAITING THE TOWN>0F NEWCASTLE BIG BROTHERS ASC. 80 KING STREET WEST, BOWMANVIL LE, ONT TELEPHONE. 623-6646 1 ý ý -- ý -, t l ý ý m % % l ý m 1 ý ý e - m , M

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