Photo by Janelte De,;tusa' Residents request municipal water A petition has been receiv- ed by the Town of Newcastle council asking for an exten- sion of a Regional water main to serv ice properties north of the Village of Newcastle on the Regional road a distance of '1200 feet. The petition re- quests water service north fromn the Stubbington farmn to the Talisman Fiee Market. In speaking in support of the petition Arlene Bonsma said one hundred percent of the people had signed the petition and were agreement to the charges for frontage and connection to the extend- ed municipal system. Although charges are not finial the cost would bc in the neighbourhood of $4,000.00 iii a cash payment for lots of 10 Mfeet. Mrs. Bonsma stated tlîat the private wells could flot be used due the high content of sait and that many residents wecre bringing water into their homes from other sources. She said the Ministry of the, enviromnent had been involv- ed in testing the water over the past two years and she presented counicil with the most recent results. She also said she was aware of the lengthy process in ob- taining the service throu gh, the municipal system. The Region of Durham noted two possible problems being low water pressure in the 'Newcastle system at the north end of the systemn and also noted that the extension would require an Official Plan amendment. The Region stated it would possibly require a booster pump ing system to eleviate the pressure problemn andI that the Region had not been con- sidering such a pruject nor had they established any' price as to the pumping systeml. The petitioni did receive the support of council. A Milk & Cookies Cam- paign was held at Orono Public School w,%here students sold cookies and raised $2000.00 which wýil go towards the purchase of comn- puter equipment and other s chool items. On Thursday a who helpeýd organize the suc- Kimberley Burkitt-. small assembly was held cessful event. The PTA and students of where the students who sold Back Row (L-R) Lina Orono Public School would cookies were recognized and Shetler, Wendy Roy and San- like to thank everyone for the presented with pins. ýPictured dy Wallace. Front Row (L-R) parent and eommunity sup- above are the top three sellers Top Seller Justin Hughes, port they provided ini pur- and Orono PTA member, Stephanie Burkitt and chasing cookies. T.î -own to forego fee for rezoning land -town charges as to a rezoning application by Gor- don Garrod on property on North Street in the Village of Newcastle are being- eliminated through directioni of counicil. The application came, before tihe general purpose committee on Monday whien Coune. Hamre pointed oui that the property did have an old residence which was demoîished as a safety measure. Now that the pro- perty is being considered for a residence the Town requires a rezoning and Counc. Hamre said it did not seemn appropriate that the Town (Continued page 2) T he resolve of Newtonville water tabled to new couneil_ The general purpose cm mnittce of teTown.ilof Newcastle hsrecommended thec tablinig of' a report l'rom the Chief Adinis,,tr-ativeof'- ficer, IDavid Johnsýton, as lo proceeding wýith a iPrivatte wel!improvemnent program in Newtonville. The Chiief' Admninistratixe officer p-resented a report as to the Newtonville programii mutlining ihat residents had not shiown) enough interest in a communal water systemi n order that the Region would proceed. Thle irepiort then pointed out that the To-wn had mailed out 142 quesionairres b pro- NEWCASTLE & DISTRICT CONCERT SEIRIES Thei Newcastle & District Conicert Series presents the ORIANA SINGERS this Suinday, Novýember 24th at 7:30 p.m,., at the Newcastle Communnity Hall. Ticýkets are available at the door. CRAFT SHOW DRAW WINNER The winner of the free draw by Ballooni Ext ravâ at the Art and Craft Show was Jackie Borrenjansý of Orono. FASHION SHOW AT CLARKE A fashion show wilt be held at Clarke Hligh Sehool on December 4th. The show will commence at 8:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. For tickets caîl 987-4524 or 623-2226. HEALTH CLINIC AT SENIOR CiTUIZEN COMPLEX A health clînie wilI be held at the Durhamn Senior Citizeni's, Comnplex on Novemiber 26thi at 1:30) p.m. A Publie Health muse wiil be present1 to check blood pressure and sUgar con- tent. T1his service is being prov ided for evervone in the area through the spotof' thec Grtat Pine Ridge Kinsm-en. if anyoe hs any inlquirýies thiey imay Mrsý. Day at 983-9754. Girand Champion at Royal Winter Fair Just1amere Bobl 861R, jointly owýned by\ Stuari MaeKay, rono ad WAood D aksnofPeterboro1ýugh wasthe Grand Y..iîmponPoled Hceefor bLl1 at the Royl inier Agriculture l"w ~seondxsnnrloi Lormmta I'rs1 a NSU Spartai 8446 perîy owners in Newtonville as t0 their interest in the Private Weil Improvement programn whereby the Pro- vince would assist individual by funding 85 percent of the cost of indixidual wells under the plan. The report stated that ot the 142 questionairre 38 weie returned with 20 shoxing anl interest in the prograîn toi- 1986 and 6 anl interesting in participating in 1987. Dav id Johnston recoin- mntded as bow residents had nlot shown enough interest in thie commnunal svstein that the Town now submit to the Ministi v of the Ensironinent l'or funding undei t he Prix aie Weil linprovecient prograin f'or those xvho hadi shown anl interest to becorne involxed ini t he prograin. He noted that tbis would not solve the water problein iii the lhanilet of' Newtonvifle. Councs. Hainre and Hobbs inox cd thai the issue be tabl- ed and that the new council ask for turther dialogue withi the provinc as to t heu fin- ding foi a communld x ci n the cbanicît l cf Netons ilie. il had heen icc,d b\ ianv Newt oux 11e hesdents ti laithle cost o(f' the comniial xx steit xsas îoo high cci lliou1,11 etti pi os ii necwas lprepi cd ito t und soute 65 percent (If the cosi. The V-issc nox i e t mil beiing taken Up by- tilîc new counc:il forIlie V10\Iîof' Newcat le. A dash of colour ai Crafi sýhow A,'nother new enitry in the Oronlo Town lHall Cratt show oxve! i tepai eek-end w\as a c:olourfuLl disp)lay by Karen Mlartin ofBwavlewt balloons and itbse. Karen o-perates Blon go crowdý in attendant,: Extavgazaandasshwn and godsales. abov)e was al deked out t: 1 liere was a fine selection hier clownl costumec. ot crýiafts, available Frmal reports the show' throughout the displays. was, a decided suc"ess with PuhIishe%,lvey Wednesday Orono WNeekly Tlimes, Wýýetnesday, November 20, 1985