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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Nov 1985, p. 11

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Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 27, 1985-11 Computer cornes to Bowmah ville High School Computer workshopo-,,,,, Canada closed out its populan lighthouse stamps series with a four- stamp issue Oct. 3, show- ing "imýodern -navigationai aid stationis." The first issue was Sept. 21, 1984, also four stamps, ail 32-centers. One showed Canada's first lighthouse (Scott 1032) at Louisboung, 1734-, another showed the iight at lie 'verte (Scott 1034), buit in 1809 on the south shore of the St. LawArence River opposite the mouth of the Saiguenay IRiver; Gibraltar Point light (Scott 1035) completed [il 1808 and existing as an historic site on Toronto Island; Fisgard Iighthouse (Scott 1033) from 1860, and stîli in service at the entrance to Esquimaît Har- bor on Vancouver Island. The 1984 ighthouse is- sue was judged the most populan in Canada in 1984 ini a number of poils. The 1985 issue makes a quantum historical leap, to the modern lighthouses navigational aid staions, if you please - of today. The 1984 series -was designed by Dennis, Noble of'Toronto, the 1985 series, by Louis-André Rivard of Montreal. The 1985 issue is destined 10 be at ieast 'a conversa- tion piece, if not more. Marin ers may not need charts in certain waters, but only these stamps.1 plalanned for farmers The Northumbeland & Newcastle Board of Educa- tion has purchased two com- puterized lathes for the machine shop programs. Thesù- lathes are shared ecqual- ly wiîthini the six high scýhools that have the mnachine shop prograis, - Courtice, Bowmaniville, Port Hope, Cobourg East, Brighton and Campbellford. In the picture, two senior machine technology students,' Br ian Young and Brad Guess fromn Bownanville High Schiool are .hown programim- ing the C.N.C. computer lathe. T-his lathe is an in- d!ustial modiel made inl Aut iawich is marketed around ithe world. WVith the rapid pace of the advnce~ntof rechnical knowledgé in the areas of plroduction. it is vitally necessâry 10 the students to be exposed to thiis type of education early in their high school careers. In this way they ca n become familiar with the basis of comnputer té«hnology. They can sec the relàtionship of other high school courses to the corn puter and t hey can make career mnaking choices as to what courses they wish 10 take in high school and fur- ther on in life., On the other hand, phi- latelists wilI need charts 10 decypher what some of the inscriptions mean.' Beneath -the identifica- tion of the names of the lighthouses - or aid sta- tions - is a line of information "similar to those sailors, might find studying marine maps, other nautical charts and publications." For example, one stamp shows the Rose' Blanche (White Rose) light ai Cains Island in southwest New- foundland, near Harbour Le Cou (prominently men- tîoned in an interesting Newfoundland folksong, by the way). The fine is "Fl R 10s 15.2m 8M." As near as can be figured, this means: FI (flash inter- val) R (red) 10s <every 10 seconds) 15.2 m (152 me- tres or, for the tradition- alists, 49.868766 feet, above sea level), 8M (miles nauti- cal, 1 presumne, since 8 inetres is only 26 feet). The other three staînps indicate lights flash in white, although the inter- vals vary. One of interest is Haut- fond Prince, a modern lighthouse compiex built on a shoal in the St. Lawrence River at the mouth of the Saguenay River. It flashes every 21/2 seconds an id can be seen tfor 20 miles. Perhaps the light is visible fromn the lie Verte light ofl the 198;4 series, on the southshore of the St. Lawrence, opposite the mouth of the Saguenay. Another stamp shows a modern lighît at Pelee Pas- sage In Lake EFie. This is onilyv isible for five miles, but it has a radio beacon that goes forever., Now, run, don't ,valk, to your nearest Catnadiatý at- las and look up Peiee. You'1l see a national Park there, and you'll al ne- mnemben Point Pelee as On December i2, area farmers will be :oing Lto Kemptville Cleetogea taste of high technology,. -1he Ontario NMiis ,tr\ ofr Agriculture and Food w\illfbe Sponsoring a o)ne-day emna on comnputý, er use onthe iarm Thesesosiiinuda lecture b\y Mike T-oombs ofý the Kemlptville oleg Engineering,,, Section on AGRICULTURE-ý.Mage ment Specialist, PRobert Mr rison, wili examinesrea sheets while Randy Ross, the Computer Specialist from, Reidgetown Colee, il speak on DTABASEÏS. Farmers w ýill havýe an, op- porîunity c e nwtecm puter sytem G(-RA-SSROOTIS being the sutbjecl of' a $5 definitive stamnp (Scott 938), which also rated highi in poilis as an attractive stamp. Point Pele is listed in atiases as Canada's most southern point. lt's not. Considerabiy south is Pe- lee Island, on which the lighthouse shown on the new stamp is located. Even turther south is a microdot called Middle Island, but it's stiîl in Canada. The fourth stamp in the, current issue shows the light and a djacent build- ings on Sisters Islets, which means 'two microdots bo- cated in the Stevens Pas- sage, northwest ýof Van-' couver, B. C., and the Strait of Georgia, between Hlorn- by Island to the west and Lasquet Island to the east. The stamp and inscrip- tion seem to indicate the fligh tgoes FLAS H FLAS H rapidly, then 15 seconds later repeats -the pattern. it's ail visible for 21 miles, and there's a radio beacon. The four stamps are also available in a souvenir or mniniature sheet, issued to support CAPEX 87, the international philatélic ex- hibition to be held at Toronto June 13-21, 1987. The lighthouse issue Is cailed a -theme" issue and usually goes for three or more vears, such as the series on trains, and will end this year. It began with a four-stamp issue in 1983 (Scott 999-1002), followed by four in .1984 (Scott 1036-1039). The lighthouses end at two issues. LETTFERS Letters are Inv ited. Please send enquiries b thc \writer at P.O. Box 40, Beauhar- nois, Que., J6N 3C1. Want Ads Work 9 83-5301 oper-ates. (.RASSROOT-S weteleports, and crop in- In Mhe afternooni, dairy and beef' farmiers wvill show how thley uise computers on their- farmls. ini the final talk, Dr. Robecrt Kok of' Macdonald Co ,eeil speculate on the fuurise of computers. Stamps byLarry Mclnnîs Total of Eight Issues in Lîghthouse Stamps Series RogQers World Travel nc, HOME SERVICE Every Thursday Commencing Thursday, November 28 (Except Decemnber 5th when on Friday. December 6) IN THE ORONO AREA ai Armstrong 'sIGA, Between 2:00 and 6:00 p.m. or Cali Collect for Home Service 11-416-579-2261 H ome' Service now provides a complete Travel Service to the Orono Area. Fr iendly, Courteous and Exper ienced Consultants Established 15 Years - 3 locations with Home Service Complimentary Limousine Service to) and tram airpart JANUARY SPECIALS New HyattContinental - 'l wk. $529-00 January, 4 and January il '2 wks. 669.00 Florida - St. Petes Beach Sheraton Hotel - including Car 1ivwk. 339.00 - 2 Wks. 459.00 Jamaica - The Negril. Beach Club Jan. 6 & 13 - 1 wk. 477.00 - 2 w/ks 669.00 <Ail above double occupancy plus departure andl hotel taxes and service charges) CALL COLLEOT Mon. - Fni. 9 ta 9 - Sat. 10 ta 5 Knob Hill Office 1-434-8800 Air Tickets at Airport Prices for ail Air Lines Camplimentary Commercial Delivetry

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