6-Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 27, 1985 Fro0m Aroud the Region and area Oshawa airine service in flight Durîng the past year the Oshawa Skycraft Airline bias flown àso)M e !18, 000 passengers to Detroit, Wind- sot, Ottawa and Montr-eal and expctied to expand to' 25,000 fur the second year of operatiri Skycraft bas a class three licence and operates I 8-passenger planes. Inter-City Airlines expects to operate out of Oshawa b1y the end of the year using 52-seat British aerospace 748s and have on schedule flighis to Montreal, Ottawa, Winmd- sor and Buffalo. The two companies pro- vide different services with InterCity expected to take somte of the trafficfrom the Toronto airport. Could void election resuits Peter Roach, director of the Perterborough-Victoria- Northumberland Newcastle Separate School Board has stated that if challenged those tnunicipalities whicb held plebiscîtes on separate school funding could possibly have their election resuits thrown ouit.11 Roach said bis board had no intention of challenging the plebiscites held in Secymour and Percy To-wnships or in Camp- belîford, He further said that as far as he knew these three municipalities in Nor- thumberland County were the only centres to hold such plebiscites in alI of Ontario. lie said they had no valîdi- ty in this argument at ail. Four to court over welfare fraud Durham Region is to charge people with welfare fraud to recover more [han $11,000 in benefits paid since 1981.* Staff have been unable to collect the money without legal action. Pickering on short ist for Toyota plant Toyota car man ufacturer is expected to make an announicement in the next few weeks as to the site of their first multi-million dollar car Plant, in Canada and Pickering is eonsidered to be on a short ist of three to four locations. t is expected employmnent would rise to 1500 whichcl would equal the increcase in new jobs created this year in the Region of Duiriami. Expect Memorial work this spring Construction of the new wing at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, is expected to commence this spring to be followed with renovations to the old hospital building. Construction is expected to take two years. The fund-raising body bas announced the objective of $2.7 million bas been reached but that an additional $70,090 is needed to offset in- creasedý costs due to inflation. A tougher world for women Clff Pilkey of the Ontario Fedteration of Labour in speaking at a fundraising din- neri for the Auberge House for battered women said Canadian women working in low-paying jobs wiIl bc the mnost vuinerable if a free trade agreement isrecd with the United States. Pilkey said the world called for by free traders 'is a tougher world for women than the world they have, been living in thus far. Welfare recipients would work for nioney If two Oshawa counicillors bad their way able welfare recipients would work for their money. Cy Elsey and Doug Wilson state that some have made it a way of life and don't intend to ever work. The two lost jut on a tie vote to support an Essex County petition calling on the province to chanige the welfare rules. Tom Edwards of Wýhitby said the abusers represent no more than three or four per- cent of the total on welfare and Diane Hamre, Newcas- tLe, said neither the Region or province could change the rules. She said the Social Ser- vices department admitted there were abuses but that such abuses were under con- trot. Super Health Hero is coming A super health he ro is com- ing to do battie against bad habits in the Northumbeýirland High Scbools. A poster campaign spont-, sored by the Haliburton, Kawartha and Pine Ridge District Health Unit is to spell out the dangers of poor nutri- tion, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. The message will be "1t's your life . . . it's your choice". Board ratifies teachers' pact The Northumberland and Durham Board of Education bas ratified a one year pact with theirsecondary teachers providing a 4.18 percent salary increase. The contract for somne 450 teachersvwill run from Septemnber 1, 1985 to August 31, 1986, Teachers salaries will run fromi $23,090 to $46,200 depending, on experience and qualifications. Principals wýill receive a sligbtly less increase while vice-principals will receive an increase almost similar to that of teachers. Approve $8.9 Million Park Road overpass The Region of Durham council bas given approval for the Park Road overpass in Oshawa at a cost of $8.9 million. The federal government bas set aside a sum of $3.9 million for the project. Pro- vincial funding will also be available. Construction is ex- pected to start this coming summer. Narrows search for Firefighters museum Organizers have narrcowed thýe search for a site for the proposed $3 million Cana- dian Firefîghter's Museum which is to be constructed in Port Hope. Th ste selection is ex- Dpe ýcted to'be completed by the endi of the yeaýr. Durhm UFederal ridin,-,.gs unchanged The three federal ridings in Durham Region are unchang- ed and will remain the samne size for the next federal elec- tion. The Mulroney cabinet-bas given approval for the addi- tion of thirteen more seats to the present 282 but this does ntaffect local ridings. Farmer fined for raw milk sale A Hampton area farmer has been fined $ 1,500 for selI- ing unpasteurized milk to the public. John Benschop was fined after purchases of milk were analyzed proving unfit for human consumptilon and having a bacterial count twice the level that was nee-ded to close a swimming area. The sweet taste of success Doug and Isabel Wright from the' Port Hope area capi- tured the World title for their miaple syrup at the Royal Winter Fair. T1hey com)peed against other ,coneitiors from Ontario, Quebec, the Maritimes and frm1WSae in the U.S. The Wrights operate aa small maple syrup opýeration on their ten acre p)rop-ertyý which they purchase-d for the; express purpose of producing maple syrup. Wright pur- chased the property uipon his retirement frorm Toronito Hydro. Don't look for rentai property in Oshawa The City of Oshawa has the worst record throughout Canada as te, the availability, of apartments for rent with a vacancy rate of 0.0. A recent survey showed Only three apartments available. Such a survey is conducted once every six inonths. taxes. Open House Sessions Open Houses are your opportunity to fully understand your assessmnent and to evaluate its equîty. Open Hauses are held in every munici- pality at canvenient times and locations, ta provide yau with the opportunity ta discuss your assessment with staff af the Regional' Assessment Office. An assessar wiII be pleased ta expiain the basis of yaur property assessment and is authorized ta amend any information as may be necessary prior ta the delivery of the Assessment Rail ta yaur municipality. If yau have any questions but are unable ta attend the Open House, please cantact your Regional Assessment Office at the address or telephane number-shown below. Assessment Notice Praperty awners and tenants will receive an Assessment Notice only if information regarding their pro perty or assessment was changed during the past year, if the assessmnent was appealed fast year, or if the pro perty has been reassessed under section 630of the Assessmnent Act. If yau receive an Asse ssment Notice, it may ref lect changes you have requested in your sctiool support desig nation, in the amaunt The Pines Senior Public School report At The Pines we hiave just compr-leted anin iter-esingi Car eer Week. We hiave had a loc2al lawyer and pltcaa paameuficd ic, anfd a veteinaran.They have ea,,ch pirovid edLithe GCiradLIe 7 of> what t1(:he jbsare like. On Nvmbr1lth, te e te schmolgaheedinthe gymnsiumfora \verymean- i ngfliii mbaneDay present(atkins made by the students th1emsýelves.ILt was a very m1oving ceremolny. Ini sports, we hiave just completed our House League Floor Hockey. Four exciting final gamesc produced four winr.The girls in Class 7C Iroquois claimied the title of champion. The Grade 8 girl champiilionsý came from 8D Hludson. The boys in Class 7D MIcLaughlin are patting themnselves on the back, as are cthe boys in Class 8A Ganaraska. We are now mov- in iný, to House League VolleyýbaIllwhich is being greetedi enthusiastically by al The Pinies Students have a special day ptanned for Deuember 3rd!. They will be goingtIo Clarke High School to, participate in Lifestyle Day. Liestyvle Day is a group of eriasregarding addic- tins ontrolling stress and l~rigabout yourself. There ,are six, main groups of m"P1iar. The groups are- Drug & lcoolNutrition, Streýss &elaxation, Decision Mïakfing, Self-Concept and Mental Hlealth. Each topic has eight to ten separate seminars from which the studentLs can choose four, since there are only four periods in the day. During this time, each student wil follow his or her own schedule. We hope that December 3rd will prove beneficial to the, students. Many thanks to the people who will make the day possi- ble. By Keith Smal af yaur assessed value, ar ather recorded infarmation an last year's Notice. Appeal Procedure If, after attending your local Open House, yau are still dissatisfied with your assess- ment, yau have a right ta appeal it ta the Assessment Review Board. The Assess- ment Review Baard canducts informaI hearings and is responsible for determining whether the assessment under appeal is fair and equitable with the assessments of similar properties in the vicinity or neighbaurhood, and may alter your assess- ment accordingly. Appeai 'Deadiine The finaldate forappealing yourassess- ment is January 7, 1986. SYaur appeal must be forwarded, either on a Notice of Appeal Farm or as a letter, ta the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board on or before January 7,1986, noting yaur property address, Rall Number and the reason for the appeal. Ta assist you in this regard, Notice of Appeal forms and the address of the Regional Registrar of the Assessment Review Board are available at Open Houses, your Regional Assessment Office, or your municipal office. Schedule of Openi Houses Town of Newcastle............... .Dec. 5 & 6, 1:00 p.m.-8:00Op.m.. Police and Fire Building, 132 Church Street, Court Room No. 2 (Side Entrance) Bowmpanville Min îstry of ( 5 Revenue Ontario DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICE 605 Rossland Road East, Box 270 WHITBY, Ontario t.IN 5SI (416) 668-9351, Tronto LUne 686-1422 Zenith 67140 PROPERTY ASSESSM ENT' and your 1986 Municipal and School Taxes Regionat Offices located throughout Ontario are responsible for assessing ail real property for the purposes of municipal and sohool taxation. The resulting Assessment Roils are delivered to municipalities which use them to set their miii rates and compute municipal property tax bis. The amount of property tax-you pay on your home or business depends on the assessed value and the m iii rate set by your municipality. The assessed value multiplied by the miii rate wiII determine your 1986 property