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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Dec 1985, p. 9

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ÇCLASSIFIED ADS (o iudfront page 11l) AUCTION Ontario's Largest FARM MACHINERY Consignment Sale, Nor- wch, Ont. Friday,, Dec. 13/85, 10 a.m. (Sales conducted second Friday eaeh month). Approx. 150- 175 tractors plus al types of farm equip- mtent. Consigtnments wlom.For more information call (519) 424-9998 or (519) 424-9093. Proprietors K.S. Hamnuleeki & Sons. ARTICLES WANTED $50 paid forwooden pistol hoister shoulder - stoc ks. Canadian WWII equipment usually stamiped SA Ltd. 1945. Egles 834 Forest Gien, Burl- ngton, L7T 2L,2 (416) 634-0995. PERSONAL ADOPTION, the folloing adoptees are searching: Deborah Icene McIýManus, Bowmanville, 15 Dec. 52; Coleen Deacoff St. Michaels Toronto 9 Jani 55; Douglas HowNard Brown, Toronto 12 Oct 50; Roger Allan Gourlav, London, Ot 15 May 50; Ruth Elizabeth Atkinson, Toronto 24 Aug 44; Barbara Jean Martindale London, Ont. 7 Nov 36; >Mother fromn Midhurst Toronto Wellesley i7 June 27; Deanis Lyal Win- nipeg 29 Mar 43; Carol Ann Wýarnier, OttawNa 14 Sept 44; Birth relatives are searching for the following: Kalus Gobirschi, Windsor 5 Sept 63; Dean Allan Pierce, Barrie 15 June 62: Are you initerested in searching? Contact TRIAD, Box 5114, Station A, Calgary (403) 256-0729, 9-9. DATES GALORE: For ail ages and unattached. Thousands of members anxious ta meet you. Prestige Acquaintances Cail, Toli Free 1-800-263-9163 Hfoues Noon tilI 8 p.mi. MISC./TRAVEL Comning ta B.C. and EXPO 86? Enjoy hundreds of coupon offers and save thousands of dollars in skiing, dining, etertaiment, recreation antI accommodation while you travel. Fantastic value for only $40. 10-day mioney back, guarantee. Adventures Publications, 837 Haiton S., Vancouver, B.C. V6B 2R7, 604) 681-6652. Distributor enquiries weleome. TRAVEL Discover MEXICO, Februrary 14th ta 24th with Clare Burt Travel. Sec life beyond the cities as %we tour villages and agicultural areas. Cali Collect (416) 451-4944. Clae Burt TRAVEL features -ife, and Agricutural Study Tour ta AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND ;iicluidingz HawNaii, Fiji, January 301h ta February 26th. Ca!] Colleet (416) 451-49441. FOR SALE STEEL BiUILDINGS. Limnited Quanitity af stuel aNailable. Beat the price increase order now forimminediateý or ping deîivery. For savngs and for quality eati Miracle- Span 1-800l-387-4910. WýATER PROBLEMNS?ý NewN Technology limiiinaies rusty, smelly, bad stastirsg Nater, coliform bhactria,, omanganese, hard- aess, chemncial contamination and m rore. Fulty automnaîic, tested and provea in avei 12,000 rural intallaitions., No mecssy chemnicals, no taste or smellI of ciorine- FREE 61, Month Triial 0(1er. Sec the resuits toc yourself. If you wNant Bctter WVater for Beter Country Living Cati toli fcee 1-80f)-268 2656 or wite Aztec Water Puriification Sysems, 203-1030 Kamnato Road, %Misissauga, Ontario. L4W 4B6 Thie "Lowest" Cost Sytem that Ral' irs j FREE %MET AL HALIDE 100W row Nlight with every 2ILst entury Gardeai. 1iiLiine seilali or Wite forý details. Western Water F-armsý, 1244 Scymour Stree, aoue, B.C . V6B 3N9. (604) 682-6636. STEEL BUILDINGS. Buy direct and save. Building factary direct dicut20 îo 30 ta 40%. uMut clear înveatory. No reasonable offer refised. Order ao, ake Sprîa dlvey No storage charges Cal 1 8-3f)-87-8130 or (416) 828-6262. 14 01LDTIMEl DANCES Nwiih insruLctions. lncluding: Valita Waltz, Lambeth Walk, Barn Danceý , 1 oc, Seencr Step. Send $1050 Just- TwBox 1926, Mý'elfot, Sask,. SOE IAO. dimENaadquROLs4I FR Trden anlyf! e e.Wrap peai s nickean, PinEnNY-RLý ER" TrINadmrk Optnied.Wraplp eie nks Nviaper,.Offly$8.9 posLaidi (PItu ad 63 entstax).Chita Speial2 oi 16.(Pea, ad $. 1 Sed heqeoMO. ta Penny- Legýal Homieb)re,! Kits Beer i8e glass, Wiae $1 .19 litr e. Moneyback quality gýuarantee. Very easmy profesionsi single stage. Profitable business poînt. a .. immediately! 1-800-663-6957 V'isa/MasIercard. BUSINEýSS OPPORT(UNITY PERSONAL C'0O0'UR NAYSlS. Seasonat or cool/warm. ms aii nd imaterialsi vîabeta olorand beauty consultants. sdrapes, swatchl bookcIet, etc. for ladies and men. Corne Alîve Orono Weekly Timnes, Wednesday, Decembher-4. 1985-1) ChiÎ/dren play a big part in The Lighting of Christmas The above grouip of Orono thie steps o)f the Orono Town stage on the steps with their with' Christmas songs by Brownies and Guides enter- Hall. enjoyabie carols. Janette in the Hall and the tained at the Lighting of Prior to this group a Following the singing the serving of hot chocolate and Christmas in Orono with similar group fromn the Orono cifldren were entertained cookies. numnercous carols presented on Public School held centre AGENTS & Dustrîbutors waated. Promote Crystal, China, Cookware, Etc. Work front home. Leads supplied. Up to 50% commis sian. Write to: Galaxy Cry'stal IlCiaslac. il Latonia EOr. Rexdale. M9W 2J1 (416) 741-1758. HELP MWANT ED TRUCKING Careers. Driver job traiaiag wtth placement help s avaîlable. Complete details can becaiailed ta youi. Phoa RdgrsScoo ai (416) 769-3546 wth Postal Code. FOR SALE $WHOLESALE Stee ldig $ Final mianufacturers clearance ai 3 quonset buildings. One is 46 \xI(X), wîth 14 t. hîgh slîdiag doors on bath ends for $12,500. Finai,l ear end claraice. Serons only cati (416) 440-6029. We hear a lot of hogwash about Canadian Identity. That we don't know who we are. 1 think the idea was started by a few over-zealous nationalists who forgot that we are ail living out brief spans on a small planet in a big universe about which we know very littie. We just happen to have beeri born at a certain time, in a certain country; of certain diverse cultures which have dovetailed into a certain way of life., We're lucky. We live in an environmient that has some of the most beautiful and useful natural resources in the world. If we were as smart as the birds and animais and flowers we'd let it stay thati way, and enjoy il. The North American Indian Lqnderstands that better than the rest of us. But hie has the edge. He's been here for centuries. t's his natural envîronment and his needs and desires blend into it. Rick Nash, a young man who came tci Canada about, 10 years ago, is aware of that too. He was a success- fui commercial photographer in New York, but lie has always had a yen for nature and the natural life. So hie and his wife and children moved up to the Haliburton Highlands in northeastern Ontario. He Iearned how. to make canoes - the Indian way. He studied native cul- ture and traditional native methods of malçing things. He found that authentic native-made snowshoes were hard to find. He went to the eastern shores of James Bay where a few Cree tribes were still mnaking the real thing. He watch'led. He Iearned. He leaIrned well. Both his canoas and snowshoes are now in national, museums. In his log cabin workshop framed by the forests sur- rounding Dorset, ýmagnificant authentic Indian snowý,shoes hang on the walls. 1 watched him as he squatted on the floor near the woodstove, and began to wield a crooked knife. The birch he- had cut f rom a nearby forest was slowly trans- formed, t would becomne the frame of a Westerni Cree snowshoe make in an uncompromnisingly traditional way. ~Rik is almost alone in. this work, even emiong na- tives, and as a resuit an important Canadian tradition lives on. Nash has no qualms about Canadian ldentity. He knows its rmots. He sees it every day in the forests and streamys, and senses it in hîs work. The irony of it is that he's an American. Or hie may be a Canadian. I didn't ak Somehow, it didn't matter. Awood splitters p-îractical FED. 0F ONT. NATURALISTS WOOD)S, Wý,ATER AND WILDLIFE 13, Ron Reid Now uhila thie inip of Dcemnber iýs ini the air, and thie crs rmatof fallen l;ýe a lae ftîiidisappearing benieab newicý-white snýow, the crackle of ftire ini tieheearth takes on an added attraction. 1 ueling, the biearth can mnean bouirs of toil in "getiing, up thewod assumning, of courIse, that you are one of those wbo believes that re-al men] don't buy thetir firewood. Now an American rerceWho has obvîious- ly spenti more than few swea- tyv hours on- the end of ani axe, bas puiblisbied bis expose on1 ix yths abouit spliaing wood in- the mnost recent issue of Amnericani Forest. Mybh No. 1 is to split from Ilie bottom, not from the top, of your b,'oIt of Wood. After pltngcarefully matched pieces botb ways, researcher David Tresecmer conclucies hat the average time dif- *feenc isI/iOtbof a se- conid. In othe words, it mae odiffe-rence. But MyhN.2 was upheld - it is iindýeed more efficient to split wood along the check lines that appear after a, few weeks' sea-tso.ning. Myh !'N ,o. 3 holds that frozen gee wood splfts easiesýt, but this test pcoved (rue onIy wbecn the pieýces CAV Simms Roosa-Master Cumm-ins guide were straight-grained. Since nlotty wood 0on averaige -Split betterwent haWNed, the auLihor su ýggeseUd that you are beiter to tackle the typîical mlixed woodpile wberI y ou have the cenergy, rathIer han aiigfor the right w-eather. The fourb mylitb ntut 0oodûSmIien (o 0 season firewood- for one year, or bet- ter- for two . 1In)act , the lengbh of' seasoing re-quireýd to, dry bardwood to the 20% mnoisiture range considered ideal lfor burning depends on the tirne of cutting (winter is best), and whether'it is stack- ed off the ground and, covered. WiLth good condi- tionis, most WOOd will be ready in one year. Somne speciesý are worth mnore (- han others, is a mnyth commironliy accepted. The fact is (bat a pounid of dry wvood, no miaLter what s;pecies, yields about t0e same amount of heat. However, 'since some woods are imuch denser than others, ii can take a much larger volume of softwood (and bi ence more cords)' to add up to the samnewegt Finally, Tresemerexaine the old mytb that cho, pping your own wood will ar you twice- once when you split it, and-again wben it is buned. Basically true, be sayvs, but wbien ail of the teps are taenino account, --ach piece of w'ood is lkeyto warm yu somsbing leie tilmes oe.At that ratcu i-t- tîng yoLurown wood is a coAd- wleatb-er bargainl! STE VE'S DIESEL Amercian Bosch Robert Bosch DIESEL SPECIALIST FUEL INJECTION SALES & SERVICE MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS COM MERCIAL- N DUSTRIAL-AGRICULTURAL-MARINE AiRESEAROH TURBOCHARGERS ENGINE REBUILDING MAPLE GROVE ROAD BOWVMANVILLE, ONTARIO -M STEVE SAWYER <416)623.1411 Hamilton Township "FARIMERS MUTUAL55 ROLPH BEV s now represented by ~ùWakefield Insurance Cali 983-9438 or Toil Free 1 -800-263-3766

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