A New Look Apparent 1As the 1985-1988 council assembled ai the council table on Monday night for the Inaugural meetiag it was quite ap- parent that there was a new look brought about by four new memnbers recently elected to office by the electorate of the miunicipality. Surely there has to be somne optimism with the miake-up of the new counicil which still contains the proven stability of the re-elected regional counicillors but who possibly will face somne new ideas fromn the yet unproven and untried newcomners. The 85-88 council does have youth on its'side more than any counicil since the inception of the Town in 1974 and it is to be hope this is an asset. The next few months should be interesting for the general public as the council sets its pattern of affairs and deal with the everyday problemrs of the municipality as well, we hope, break forth with somne new ideas and directions yet un- tried in the Town of Newcastle. We wish the counicil well in the interest of this comn- muflity. To Celebrate 1Oth Birthday Carol and Floyd Nicholson are holding an Open House in their home for frîends of Ernie Nicholson who wiIl be celebrating his lOth birthday on Sunday, December 8th. Open House from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. The Nicholson home is located on Highway 35 and County Road (I concession north of the Janetville cut-off at the l4th concession of Manvers). Best wishes only. Everyone invited. 4~e a Winner in Orono Downtown draws Thc Orono Downtown Business Association is holding a series of draws during the weeks of December 9th and December 16. There will be three draws each week, first $40.00, second $20.00) and third $1000 in Downtown 'Bucks'. Draws will be made on December 21st. Draw tickets available in ail Downtown store.s in Orono. 1Another Oronoy Downtown puzzle will also be included in the feature. appoin-1lïtM e n tS At the Inaugural meeting to of the Town of Newcstle to Authority. councl or Monay a Mayor John winters, numiber of by-laws were pass- Forn .HlMcngt ed setting forth miembers of kra Stapleton and Arnot counicil stting on various Wotten were appointed to the committees. Striking Committee. Mayor John Winters and Counc. McKnight is the Fran Stpleon ýercap- Liason council for the Fire pointed representatives o f the Department, Counc. Hamnre, Town to the Ganaraska Public Works; Counc. Wot- Regi on Conservation ten,' finance; Counce. Hub- Authority.< bard, Planning; Frank Councillors Marie Hub- Stapleton, Community Ser- bar an A nnCowan ere vices and Counc. Cowman, appointed to the Central the Clerk's department. Lak CosevatonAuthority Counce. Ann Cowman has and Arnot Wotten to, the be appointed Acting Kawartha Region Conserva- Mayor. Wife beatig treate#d wit-h indi*ffe-,rence "W'ife abuse is treated with UA,ýW Director Bob White. an amnazing amýount1 of Iindif- "Most of us think of home ferenice," said Ontario as a safe pflace and refuse to Federationi of Labour presdi- admit to ourselves that abuse dent Cliff Pilkey, guest occurs," Pilkey said. lie speaker at thie Novemiber 20 blamned our power-orienited fundraising, dinner for society for the lack of respect Auberge. accorded to femnale victims ,of' Auberg-e prov Ides emiergen- viole2nce and added thatl cy shelter and services to society appears to give men abused women and children lticence tio act superior to in Durham Region. The womlen. money raised from the dinner Pilkey discussed the- fact- will help Auberge expand its thiat governmrent social ser- miuch-needed services.,' ices are being squeezed dur- Pilkey spoke to a sel-out ing these imeiý-s of economic audience of over 200 at the hardship. This can lead to Oshawa Legion on behiaîf of uepomn and a feeling Horticultural Christmas show (Continued fromn page 1) new miembers this year, Mrs. Marjonie Garrett.- Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Sîute, Bowmanville wvere the very capable judges and Merlin gave out somne helpful hints. A new class this year "Sleigh Belîs Ringîng" drew erave reviews. This class was- on the stage and Donna Hut- ton's creation of ail sizes of tcddy\ bears in a steigh,i'was certainly a conversation- piece. Best Arrangement in show CoryDeJong Judges' Choice - J1essica Mostert's 1986 design for our year book Most Poinst in entire show - Yvonne Trafford. With Jessica at the piano, the crowd enjoyed some carol singing and the lunch com- mittee of Marg and Clare Gunter, John ana Joan Hodge and Nellie Baird serv- ed a delicious lunch of Christmas cake and cookies to close another -year, with- -Orono-Hortidultnre. Kendal- News Common Things The things 1 prize of greatest worth Are just the common things of earth. The rain the sun, the grass, the trees; The flowers, the birds, the glorîous breeze; Clouds that pass, and stars that shine Mountains, valleys, alI are mine; Rivers broad, and open sea Are riches none can take from me. Our God is here on every hand Uipon the sea, upon the land! And day by day my thanks I gîve That wth these common things 1 live. Sunday morning at Kendal Church was the First Sunday of Advent. Advent means "coming- or "moving towards". It is the season when Chistians prepare to celebrate the anniversary of Christ's coming. We follow the ancient custom of an evergreen wreath with five candles placed inside. One for each Sunday of Advent. Brad Foster read the explana- tion and said, "As we light the first, candle (Randy Frank lit the.candle), we remember that Jesus said: "I amrn the light of the 'world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness but have the light of life." The choir sang "Good King Wenceslas" This was followed by, a fine Advent sermon. On Sunday afternoon families gathered at the church' when two large Christmas murais were painted and hung on the church wall by the young folks under the capable leadership of Mrs. Jean Hoy. Then at 5:00 p.tn. a pot-luck supper followed which was enjoyed by aIl. The long table the whole length of the S.S. room was needed to seat them. Sunday evening we had an electric storm. 1 have always heard it said that an electric st orm in November foretelîs a mîld winter and December I st is3 close to November. People of Europe say December 1 st determinies the weather for of' powerlessness, which Pilkey said tençks to escalate fa ivilenice. Accord-Ingl to Pilkey, Auberge is helping to alleiate the problem of violence ag-aiit women, but it needs the continued sup- port of the commi-unity. the winter and December lst was very mild there as here. In fact on December lst the farmers were cultivating the fields. On Sautrday evening a "Welcome home", party was given for Bernie and Mary Martin who have just return- ed from their wedling trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoy were the hosts of the party. They invited twenty-sx neighbours to a self-serve dinner in their spacious nec- room. It was a good time to get acquainted with some of the new neighbours and renew friendshîps with the older ones. A table centre was given to Bernie and Mary as well as a pretty, decorated "Welcome home", cake. On Stmday and Monday at 8:00 p.m. on T.V. most of us have listened to Anne of Green Gables. There are several lessons we can learn from that play. One is neyer to tell a thirteen-year-old that she is homnely. Naturally she wîll be heartbroken. Yet think back, remember girls ou have known at that ag-e then at about sixteen they have becomre beauty queens. They have Iearned how to dress in a becoming way, emi- phasizingtheir good points. They have tried various hiair- dos tili they have chosen the most becoming. Make up also when used discreetly has added the finishing touch. Then somne of our greatest leaders have not beenf hand- some Elinore Roosevelt was a great leader but no one would have called ber handsome. Our life expectancy keeps going up. According to the Iatest statistics, average Canadians will now live seven years past the timie when their money runs out. Send the children out to, school with a g-ood oatmecal breakfast (large flake oats). It wiIl keep them warmi tilI noon and make them grow taîl like the highland Scotsman. Oats are the most perfectly balanc- ed grain grown. Told by Gregory Clark Two beagle friends of mine, Skipper Stanley' Howard and Dr. Reg Paul, were out with thier littleý hounds running a fox. But this fox was behaving oddly. Instead of running a wide course halfway out of the, township, it circled too, brief- Iy. So the doctor and the skipper'walked over ai few- pastures and a couple of hilîs and hearing the hounds comn- ing, sat down on a hilîside to watch the valley the fox was apparently returning to, tim-e after fimie. A minute or two ahead of the hounds came the fox steaming by. Right below the watchers tIierew\%as ia hollowv log lying in the bush. And in- to it the fox darted. It waited only a moment, until the hounds were tongu- ing a hundred yards away. Then the fox darted out the other end of the hollow log and away. The hounds milled around the log until finding the hot trail they followed on. -Now, why would he do that?" the sportsmen wonCkred. So they sat. And, in 20 n-,inu*tes, round came the fox again. And again it darted in- to' 'he log for a moment; then hottnds nearing, out it pop- ped irom the far end. Third time around, Dr. Paul exclaimed "There's two foxes!"- For they noted the dif- ference ini size and colour. As one fox came in, the other fox nicely rested, would pop out and carry on the chase. Th-ey were going to run the hounds ragged by relay. There are a good many sportsmen who have anl almosi affectionate feeling for a fox. st Saviourys Anglican Church MILL STREET ORONO, ONTARIO Rev. James Small Rector 987-d745 Sunday Servicç 1and ChurchSchool 9:45 a.m. Orono ýA Unite&ý-- 01, Church Rev. Fred Milnes Phone 983-5502 Suriday, December 8, 1985 Sunday School ll:lSa.m. Morning Worship 11:15 a.m. Sacrament of Baptisin BIBLE STUDY Wednesday 8:00 p.m. Friendship Roomn EXPLORERS Wetlnesday 6:30 p.m. Upper C.E. Hall C. G.1. T. Thursday 6:00 p.m. Upper C.E. Hall KIRBY UNITED CHURCH Sunday School 9:45 a.m Morning Worship 9:45 a. m. POT LUCK DINNER Dec. 10th 6:00 p.m. Entertainment by "Yorkshire Lad" Adults $1.50 Chiildren under 12 $1.00 Pre-schoolers - free Ticke-ts available from U.C.W,. Memnbers Dec. 15 - White GlUt Service 9:45 a.m.i Dec. 22- Christmas Ser-vice 9:45 a.m-ý. Coffee hour following LESKARD U.C.W. Regular meeting Dec. 4th 7:30 p.m. Card Party Dec. Sth 8:00 p.m. Christmas Pot Lu ck Lunch Dec. 11lth 12:30 p.m. . ...AND COUNTING FOR, HER KRYSTLE ENJOLI VANDERBILT WIND SONG CACHET-NOIR NIGHT MUSK CHAPS SEX APPEAL GAMBLER OLD SPICE JOVAN MUSK MATCHABELLI ORONO, ONTARIO 983-500m Happ in ess Is.. Prof essional Colour Analysis ........ $35.00 Complimentary Facial ............FREE Nail Tips ............... 25.W0 For Future, Appointments> Cali Evelvn On: Saturday, At: 983-5749 1 mý