1940 ~An Clamo r,I4-owwl tdf rer fsom 19a9? And who iIbt The nwcacodigto s cmlexp~~t, wuldbe the Dce Uera some of Lhe fore(uaais abictenewtp:Mihhe (P,, ris di rç re onb fr DeanCona muralpanr: figurnwticae ,And sha'1! e b'o Mvie dlïum i 1, mules aL c- avenJaiviny bit short but ellraudadbody albout 5 ably ioywliewÎ Ilair --bl ndîes, rai brnettes'ai, corne inti Psyeholoe Lif e D Has Awa.r waC.c k!ny twoý,ý- c.rd T. Lapia; lunivcrss oeae, fron Tiseprfes ont iromiil,- s 'rasiea yau.th tia cnpatb~r,, ps i isteace." "Wlsila the je ns i~eiy ~i othar aicu ai bandly isï hswifeb OW ELL-h-ýi T H 0 R V ALD- ýer portraýit- -he mlet hie mnOst ,Der- Wlse lUastailce rea- she sat dis( -Nlon tie f ie etalrway -lip ent, however, sha was herseli tA lseui eO(f coure no latter coma frarn Caiiort-ila by sits airah 11( rancwas u' probably thse pastaffie . - ,ilt 11 -f Dereklu hd lber lat isaug s sie had wriut holeui ani sent ntAby scaldelivery stamrp. n ut this moment Desr turnad anwy-rM an box --hurt ami angrcy. could be ein tImEa=d not keep pace Whtlhbi e ajnathar long latter ta' glit It wsa ml I!"-i nie ise par'agra'piss wVltis hlm mretiall slsis ta hnilow ..Sha did, a ;h comedy off ber exper aii saund flue ý'a cie t todum nitieHo p am Bartletts n'as Qui tes swank- lest storela te CUty.Sa exclsiveý n'as it thant an an,,ecdote n'as glec- fÙllytold ceniaDg ana eeru Scostomar, wba, going hume altar îa day's shopping, cmplaiuig bit tcply tisaý,t ppopla had oghdand sncazed ail day aauad lhar, finli- e'd hopeIully, "But thaniei ,,was in B titsil the t 1 idan't up pose I'e cngist aIsItLiIig very bas." dig ibelfhlzst liew ,-duy-s ak~Or Sise kamnedtbat altisough 'Tapa Antan"was nMinýally isead o tise publiit' eprt ant, auappeau d ita lend Contin"ental lusttaai ltie Daewlic)did most of tie wrm, and made inost i:tise ipratde- !,lea s More ýGot Married~ Last Leap Ye ari ~ ,In Canada in 1936 A Fivé Per Cent, lncrease Was Noted Over Preyious Year-A Chance for Spisters in 1940 tlat"dened piteli t kep mi -o twle on "V Adequato faminin e a ,ati ion as stUc came' tis tese (ies Co igbQ13, NEA Service, Inc. lesly ibb~rig wthrage or es "Andshas gtlte ri-glit .d ua, (lrrce, thie tali blonid coildedc-( ta Constance , "lier job, we tbay bstrt ryîg to dama lier. w?,at she'S gottaCO L)iS ta liý nthemc Hlie way, Mi c'rttreY tfi be ta(ýtinl ai - and aboya al fair... When aShe could le, se as hid as weill As for, the other [models, eýxcept Yor a few amateurs Who appeare1 onl slnlyysaný of Lhe, ~gavaemslvsthe rsof inea stars; moatair hem hoped sonw- timie to ork uta poitions as liuy- aaoaseXecutives - luke Els 'Dare; ami thcy layed politics wiÉth a sillen fejine ierocity that liet Cons(tapca am'used -- sonma- trmes a lttia irghtened. hrewas no ltter irons Daral th-e second da, orîtise tird.' On the a iaurthl, Const"llce Llayed a ganxit'is erseif, To keiep i romL hocping tuf-)painiullyo tise1(-waýy home, sDe countad ail theearsthmat paýssad Thasida ai tis e ar side, btigWitis hersaîf that isr would 0be 5,(000.-But ilse soan l ast caunt. And this ItUne0i', latter- was there. c' imagine wh'da itrsu lvely phacethis i -- with an Ai& world atrnasphecre of legend w výhlchý "Theiseranhbouse, Êit au-- Eý 1filanchadel Oro; -- iiie ~ a vnst open va]%e, wuthiMOUntai.s Jua clIo'se, enou1glis areak Ine ian and akea a mjestic bine ,aud Vin-ý -1eýt bnDcL'i-rp, ti P roi'diisg upon VyL]. News Fromi A Lover "Thse honse cas origi ally buil, Iarn told, by a Spanish ggrandea, lon Falipe Sedillo but bAsCespu ndddcta xeniel. Thaeider part ai thabhase has all- two fe-et thicit i Usiapdand its three mer vau,,sare coii;ustcte about a ioeigpatio wiltha POL a-dfountain, lin the Moorlsh sye Tisa fourth s Diaof isa pae tio lÎe baunlded bly iýI higliswall itha ssrouht-ion etrnce gate beyand wiic yu sei a Osai rFuit l COMSC-gaist te on f thaý monan.Rauig aroud tie murwlsabout thre patio, On bath the iirst and sacond stoie, ara'ý: gallaries on ,wlbiclisbghcn b)Irds (chatrc, (oîis talitly. At eacil Of tise ltwo injsidle corners te ings descend iroin tisesecond gi lcr'y ta the co1urt. "Bsdstise ider bousec, there- ara wo lrgewiugs, blit lu ep iug Withe e et.Tise rOOM are ail spaias, saine of tbrn Dfiaih- ed la nsuît lstar. - vepry pýool u la vica woou panihng- Mfi Miýss o'adtelîs mne l tntin thbEe )t Saisst-adi i. Ai the'y are fnmishedtis oit la si aras possible in tise-aalyCalîro- n 'tyerhere ar'ebîlatsi and b)askeýt wormk, ami tisera is sýomeiý ]caally ýrarecavdunire "My stdio, wtha bedroom suad hatisadjoning. c ip one nifHCe oujter wnsta get tise hast iigist, for the MUer 1501Ms about tise pA) are very slsadOWy. "Tiesa spacnussa andshndow ai thelidhadnlse wil iaverly ara àa'We lutis naCfIuefo ard ic is er w mlera. Tish atoi a mnass a of wa ndsIimuhai, a someaiftisa dozus ni climbin raýssabottisa muier ga ieis r,e linn.Scsareyadmgi- cene i olo. .hiyenw3e'nm u iseat iaa il han unr rage o)f pi plnrased ih Cabla, tbi ai town.j oewas hlis owul hlave anyý asle thliig, Outsize Hoose Lai-gea jW]i n the wv Ward iu ,Shaniiaiý coammodation fai more 0300 p] isonars. "The populairity o' the peare reivas l nt hman natuire is hiolding, Easy I pas fra pocitats, r orr se ai so b t aea ais, "ta amati b lise ~ha nisîcis ~se fln Lydia E.1 IIOUtC5 Ofi t171C rSflCIl Dmlende4 For en that