1 Unlited $tntesý tire SLaw nd tewy t, muai oveto Uie yeieîîi iye ) SiHARCOSTS is Welcome's nthusiastr 't' if on ,u,, ng t ut Ibe b ck md ha il get ccl oys Bu or r-titi- ch- cga ereti le ise. Si n cd ille te~ -'ni or's Bi Woi lai-gent f e ivas recoin ibysician Calirerine tee ealleql EasernSnobdrs, how abvein ido Station just befor:e en- tranin fo BaffAibrta whrethey sutc ussfully comnpeted in the Doiin Ski Cap ion ships. CTheyiwerc o incd enro ute by a group) cf The aoviropinclud(es: (L f0R) TLorn M NezighLr, Jimmyý' Houhto, orohy icaels, Punch,, Borýtt, MdlieSAmour, Miss Dorothiy Miîchaelsý was cr-owvjed quen o tf the SniorLadies' divisi'on. w 4le Punchý" Bott fnse eodin c ind esis NEWSI PARADE I AslÏl the evenh moth f twa got uner way the ln-awaute apring ffensiv was siliinth ofIngI0 bteetswr pei S Vt UVî SOUCtionulinitolW0;ta lasSaandiwavai pu craidsur M ont CUvLabursnirs Moru u Che -he fatesi coulnn lujen oîYtMndt beludcnt -Clw- eial0c porte Wr1y 0 un aseroa, a îbit- clreima ..t'tiao cs o V-r y g' np to lan h he- Centre i PMIe WU h o in c. ;îy, Le cp1rtedo 1-,', Je. a N Sawmll Franceforsetc lm » vanf crci Exhibition Wfll Emphasize Music CN, E, Thi- Veaýr Wil Award The Surq 'cf S1,500 i CahI VoalbJ.- , Violn a ti ouill e iea furtie mla 7, ai thýi ycar especialy lai,,insg competitonsTheExhibitomn agemet ba docded e awr(dh sumjcf ,0 acs asoava lin ýU, an'in lsses, y unes M f h afoementioce mcarshmaps ma opsecretifro ahp sa o iselecteti la the cours of te nrdaary ompeitin WHAT PEOPLE W~NT Peasibly scine day- ou;- lrcmitleion, miii diecorer thal what lIre peeple are lena-ing for in public mca miro mili keep nloaely la teticin witbpub- lic foelîog anti pt-bile iiite-gpsts net îrei-cly pebbcr as coîttres about paî-ty un ai lent, but public feeling terrai-Ca mriteî-s tIraI bave ne rof- erenci- te irarly politica ubatever Ce ph t',lems'tiiî. 't'liom-o a ~cîîe nias- HNOESEEFI os cea cet se simd m-tii ressuna ws tussed oeuD U deparîet cfagrçltr.It miste menace cP f theprwi og Maeysho» -rêoe nanlaa are rfitMe ofpin itht it is praclie- ally 1i11possibe to as he rf italy on gmiount cfthe large nm- becf tiogswlich aealwdt rupA aIlarge. Asiarescîit iamnc o tgsthere bhas he eutoic 75per cenit, in teambr f see aseinla ee d!itict ila wbicl h th sbepare regardeti as ho bestpl-pay ing classofliotc. Few Accidents SUhedlti aiSr Unes le Caal ai cord cfon,ý!e acci-dent te 8,0, plane iles or abeoG 0000,0 of the rn-aaaArLnsnl a Moïnîrea;laudience in airecî r at- Amoeg the farera cOntrbn te nresicg safey le airUtael mere, he pointeti eutGovernîn"et amotolanti regulaton e eovelop ment o! gyre)Scopin flîhgbt astru,-- mmts which hati ehanlgeti flght teniqu, thergrustaigg- von pliots ani terses f s poasibiiilChe appliaton cf raL dio as an aid 1 nvgainnioh e2ffl(iintantind rsepn eer obagogl sorvcl, Ia C ana, ýda aprxaty 00 miileýs -~f ahtc air srie o- oaotTýýý li , Mr Wak emiin(sa i, ith r thc, T. C. A. sstm ibeage cf 372 at rosetn> ly9,23G Mes daily.The tota mîeag flwn)y T. C_le 199was ,125, xiitbInl ~ali g,ý e perfomanceefficentof 9S per en t tere were 21,569epassengers car ('eoifor. a total cf i'12.068,611 rpase'- ger mile,; bîfa illo en c 'air ma i erot raerted i, ami ,- 819 pounjdacfexpri (oes. [i' C. N.ugeeinues payn M.tenitfor Me 8-dayhe rird 19, iver..........$4,854,99 periodrcfp1939, andin sure thie fleuo mrgP edge:ýs is pooictand uný few m..eli-choseri, rtbrsal turcs. implicty cbnld be MAPLE - Aý7ANAOmpNS RANGEýRS.aBRUINSé MRCN BLACK 1HAWKS e RED' JG 7 NÂ... cres like ihe 7 big time hoýlcey team- w-ear thieyre duraoble-- thecolora are fastl h iook ama,-it on ajacket -or swae.You .cailown s do-end oseDe"ee Fi,- Durhiam or Ivory Staî-h label for ec ceat deaire jaeiycest or ereav, w-nedy ur ae ai Uaddreaa, encl.oae nece-aary lae,..,m il tn the BEE HIVESY RUP ~TuI The REALITY uA Canada's unlivWlOUIi.0c-vof greatniuonaî efft vis a soulre ; ;may 0 or nem -and a a ctpo f sength fu ourselves wa n oour Alles Wi Canaian shuldealze ustfuly i a cthir natians l îydusinu x aî o~ guvrnuent Dorng he pst ive Soues Ihe paeie uiisof the Ma,,nlzS, rcahes beîwren provinces uni raceond creedps; bencue teyWer qalycnýea nationl in scope, Canada is today uv n ot rauientoa a fol these aie tre sort ut lîLîgs shchial C.tiueil inftgornto A rgaifTaeTeais--leei C. C F ati Scia C' '2, Deveopmet oftheTr.as-Ca~aJ Air wAys-bi Tgtepul u aIa p etubve-ih cllc -celc rn th aceîzeKigGoeumît rn the asiies o~~~~r etît iws,îtnn CiI Caad Intthu uui r oucî-U pr Iment -( 1 ý L ie hlt u LtJi per unal ab0usf vewhiciiru as",J-Gbeapt Candie pcp andrn No nro ommýa" iens-LeKî0k - WB Th à I iL ~î,iil I ibeeni i edeinLon et Canada, Ct a ro, C; d