tetin 1 e-reto !have antherof thlos ýteIItîllack îIIamond JVinsrel SIIows o ýer, Publisher Apr 11,lthand 12thi,dirce by Ms 1____ . .(c1. ThIis isspsod by the 1.O.QF. Lodge. Thefirst rhara took place this M onda y (evening. tintr l sows wr awysvry poplarl tis town yeanrs ago su'id o any rm- Walwys had Imre or las travellng trope srie htlorwwith s Imc- Canadisu Club bcýirug ery good>, s has Burges su ad ýernoon Iasttelamle .tihe Guy Bes.,Greens FTe- cie Broden, the mapie iusrelssud any all- nodored 1 ide Gilb and trouips, anud thoseC got up in the on Jý- urniout was corne of whlich diýsplayed conuÏideriie( talent in both injginIg, dancing sudIý, ci ehldrea sd'mnpua Ile e ousaVery ne- -S "Lost 11eir ,' ý ce'larv 1uict n i negrvo min- eepng Beauty,"stril sos atric-k soil d- ____ otber fraternal 1 mien tio I. rd ruing iii!- as Vo whjat is is pari of thle '1 r bowl.in zes out cf 1s ;getin1 g tin it& isl a s lu buri'ed in that ulaice o1n, Priay after- nonOF last week7. h'avig pse awythe peiuMn'y 1 as o1w cd' thldea Odfellows in the Iut u utl labout flire Yearsao when teWal's presenteI 'wth 'q Year je PWeil. For yeas e -worked as heakrin Por Prry suid was wel-known in Ille i st ricTT(,eisý surireuy two soRis sud two daugh:- Sbcieforv the Oronaý- Times * I *7 lu ai and area of are weul broadily e: able to cc istration Canada in Vo scili by çnibliac auctlon an ner'. residence MAPN ThETKEISDAL, D- JII ,}A, IIV1AIIC -2St, 19IJ40, i otveirCoolSto eiPndlay' buicnerCoal 011 Ste\ v ihL vn akuot ne; 1 inglo-iburuer 01>1 Stce 1OakRufet;1 Oak 1D'iing- room Exfensibn Table; 1 GIns1, Cup- boar-d; G KitchenùI Chairs; 2 Kitchlenl Ta lles; 1 Arrp Chair; 6 TVokiug Chars;sevralCan-set C1ai-~; 1 Onrkti Dsk1 u 'o mininPand Liviungroom C'ol'c; I Livingroom Table: 1 W-alnut W'hatnot; sever'al sniall abesau1d Jrii'Stands; 3 1rse Oheat ofiDrawers; '3 W\ashistanldia: 2 Beds, SpringS, Malt- treses ToletSetsý; quentity ofds- es, VaSes. ,Cutlery; I Cairp-et Sep er; q-Iuanitity of loor Covering, con-1 istiing cf several Carpets sud 'Con-ý goeum;Cuiýtains, Window P,]inds. Table Lampas, akt Lampa andI Haniug'Lups;clocks; 1I Wýa4ahing Machie, 2Wringe-rs; Tutad Tubs CoperBoiler: 1 Loews M-_Lv er; or>; 1 Cuitteri; Garden Toolsý,aud othier articles too) nuimer- 0115l ta men(1tioni. CEfl AIS,1T L.1oy, Auction -eerý 'Mrs. J. (Gx. TJac(ksýoni hadth i r Lune to faîl on the s4ppery deal whlen 'ptw (thlis mlornliug) Tus cLay, bre-aking hler righit lave sud et ler hj il lgor hip. Dr. MeKen'- mie 'was caled o Vs acus.She was akntot, Hoplosptalby im- builanci(e. This îýis theseond ca( výse in lire day, the trets t tllis timïe cf thle ýyear arc unsaf e. John C. Ruse, retired Cie(f ocf PoIioe c C4 bur.m,'rked ]his Slst btdayon Saturdayv lasi. Altlholugh1 he has been retired inceDeerbe ', hs Chial" la aloSýt'q adailyi visitor at th(- to-wn hall, being ual Vsliake off thie habit of M3yes Service- Classified ý COMING EVENTS Group -No. 3?ef4Ipark 'St. united cbMihi wibI preselt their concert on IFaly, MIarbcL; 9 F1'i~hl l onrt T h-' l e 4t h A n im a l . Y . P . A . E' a s tcor Tea.,wilI ho eký1in llte PairIih Ii on Wecdlnesday, 3Mar«h 2)ithl. A menu11 cf meat, saLa ds, Coshe, Pie, etc, AilI aIewece.a1-c TO 11E?-I'\T Apartmienit o rent în Kumrite Apatinuts Orno.Modem c onven- iences. Apply R. RB. Wadcle-1l tf !IALNIER REP1 AhMi RING AMIlki ild, of harnieisSrep)a ir.ed proýnj'tly a-n d rates reasonaible. Wal- ter Qoruishlekard; Phiolw5416 YOUNG PIGS POR SMAE Nine Yorkshîre Young Pigs for aleac untt of (ledKkr Poats. Ajdy S. D. Suc P hone 56r14, Ono.b-lp OHJTi&KS M~R SALE BaibyOhk, White Leghomrns and Boarred Ro(k", ixed o)r sexesý, and started ehi>ks. Bodtse loR. O.. ýsred chieks, aveýrage egg set si woce VotheImme. AUl eggis prowhctt(ed ono farni. Over 3G years inusnis.Orderno ýw aitd saive -nappitent. Alvin Cees F'AR'ýM FOR1 SAL-E OR R ET Goo)ýd pas ture landf, ensstinig of 15 are, ore orles stron'Ig sea cf fresh1 water runin hrvugh iit; goo(d barni; 25 zaes of good bCi On Lot 17, Conessàin8, Clareke Townv- sb!.AIyl>ly tVoMr. Joseph Teblble, Necslont.f-2c The Cooe-a-iesdAraC. of Qboug, rcelcd $7,S42 co- wichlmias to h olteduiniety days. The contraeli is fornceay rifle acre4sýsories. Mi~e usuel t"ni-,l be-r df oupccal hry-le,Lbut lately thlis niumbor baUs bceen inicreased o foýrty-s ix. R.ED & WIIITE STORES As uisual we are selling EASTER L-ILIES, take youir pick, tlioy will be here THUR>'ýSIDAY, MARCII 21Nt Alsc -,oit rnay choose froml a lce disýplaiy of Snok1ed Mdeats, suich as Smoked Baek Bacon, lb. Boneless Pienie Hams, lb. Breakfast Bacon, Whytes best, lb Cornation Hamn, lb. Smoked Cottage Rolis, lb. Smoked Pienie Shoulders, lb, Fresh Eggs, A med:-, graded .and candelled, doz. Amber Honey, 4 lb tin Fine Cocoanut, IL Christies Cheese Tangs, pkg Bonnie Creamn Biscuits, IL Lemon FiIled Biscuits, IL Catellies Wheat Egg Noodies 2- pkgs. H orse Radish, boule Fresh Oranges, doz. Large Sized Lemnons, 300"s, doz New Carrots, extra large bunches, 2 for Cal) Cati and IL Flakes, 35c 27c 29c 39c 29c 24c 24c 31c 19e 14c 27c 19e 52e* 18c 19e 27c 15c 19e 10ec 24c 22c 7c DENTAL DB.J.C.milNýE, Dental Surz- enOroino, Office hours: 9.OO' arnj,. to . p.n. Evenings by ai)- MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSI1,1(ind URGE(ON Offi-e H ours -2.00 to 4.00 p.n.; o .0pani.~ PHONE 1i-r1ORONO ,Oé John J. Gilfillan 'QUALIFIED OPTOMETR'ST- 1icentiate of the College of Optorn- etry of Onitario Office H]ou)'s: 10 to 12 a.m. aad 2te 4.30 p.in sd by appoin V'ient Office in C. B. Tyrrell's Drug Store, Phoue 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fîre, Casualty, Automo- bile and Liability LEW V. DISNEY 51 Sinie0e Sreet South Oshaxv'ýa - Ontario phone' 1550 Seour local IReqresenta1,Ùve, Mr, Jamles N!Xonï, Oi'ono. N0 ehage for (Faris a specia'ty) AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSO'"N Auctioneer~ and Valuator Con duets Au-ction Sales of ail SiLe. suiid at reasonable rates. Conisunicate with him at P*ri; Perry, Ontarlo, or sec iÀs Clerk, A-. E., A1ortonD, at Orono-, fordte G. RICHARDS P ractîcal Watch aker Jewellery. wili receive Our prompt attention PH'ONE ROWLAND SMITH~ 83 r 7 and arrange for Repaîra Planing and Ripping Lumber Woodwork Cernent Weil Cribbirig Furniture, altered and re- finisbed Windows & Dooar-s Orono -roTimes Tat thte 'Cowi a- op nyic haebra nged for ansuokerl tin haveiof ige dufr am e- 'trin taî ocety. I n er- driredtoraiSoe!u this Soet ar cf hesc two eý 1n-, o har Club of 'Turonto vll inePt iption, $1.25 in the( March21st190 very'asyou willnoe muaIli- thle storewno al !on either Ille south ' 1<'PORT HOPE Thursciay and Friday 'Ilachback of Notre Dame' tStarrinïg Chairles Laughito, With'au AllýStarCOset SATURDAY, 2.30. 6.40, 9 "1SUNSET "NIGIIT TRAIL" I WoRKr Wrfi. By .Iuges MONDAY & TUESDAY iFeaiture-Length Cartaorý "GCULLIVER'S TRAYELSey , 1 Ontario, 1-Orono - 1 ORONO