thiough thde m11111toun'~n u sed was 'ý LCtLI W LU [IULUIWIf lefeanl'd fo oubforthje _Na-11i taoua 1 GouV(,.rlnmen ,t camp igi n tEl 1,1is âe t ll stj blon ot of thle *ityby 1the hIigh sa o mfr hlepesin fopin) ýoi. Thje viwsexrese my Or Mf wid.Ths s nw ~yof deliver- ntage'wt4hevew fthe editeri expeisiv tho hainlg t 'tm ditrib'-hM ad tir apperancein thi ted by eys whlich i ;sa surerwa f oumtdosnomply th enors thoo gttig ii4othehms 'no h pbihr Orono Tinshop, WE SELL AND INSI'ALL Pediar Barrn and Stable Equipment R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre st. Orono Phone 30 r 16 F. F. Morris&So Funeral Directors f FurntureDealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmnville - 0Orono Phones: Bowmanville, Day 480 Nighit. 754 and 573 TeOrono, 27-1 TeOldest, Largest and Most Complets Furnture Store and Modern Funeral Service in Our siervciT: BEST Our Goods-THE NF-WEST Our Prices-THE L0WEST MORRIS & SON BOWMANVILLE - O'RONO Orn (s 'r nice poý laetoiv iii. The peale ar 'enendl" aid I~~~i ùug fcote uen wic uual a-oes with smll i l]a'essuc a O' ono.No mtte whee ee gos t our ne engine, llour Chberit eomm reorjanoe. no'rfs- "ls res.ib' >if i tr, butvte tb0 rteýrroiju asdtut-'emtnd hae eve ear(4 tI'at. oltrl say in t are t1ltbinsriit nwuW1 (-stsbouA ldb dnebuoes n -tma911 any mor toand prformance. ýq. f 1lý allk s. done wrie hashearnaIlthe amns Adcledand not one hs been a rlre asnrnotl tadoing it t.ot ftiloserice won bid cost elly a'e faeolr'(h'h ol optit thp o (e d1i a baawsued i oaud andwbsebs u .nd fti sandt Iiing s onr e uiliknow te mba ing f headagef ueted above lit'en datefthantniier, buiýt betternove Ee othfer mat'oil) noust aseis' Nloegh15n ocuenjt bas apened crs alig nd rtru s ih go 1Cthrrg lourý itreoSouobod'is gLnog te) eg hut oeor illl. nCest ifrend-s bd if r'it is eue oufu wokoww agel te'n e iblit yi mot a knu'te be a ttil cb'i hoin e ay is te 1\v) I (Contîied from )page one) Napaoe; . JGu M o11, Sni;i 1- 3'. ChjxaPikrig C a R.eteiitohor Mol G. i ar, ort aR il;R . Ket- J lin; F WeTneyW. Fiikerîng; àFo cboro; A . ArsrnIa qan.le; F. H. WesPotnE. Piekein E. Coltr eFx br C. Ketlion p.Vnewte, Foxborb; 'G. an-r *okPeerorP . Arstong, Id-a. Ci',(', 2,poatms, dNY.gC.p fllton; E. W et r'il Btay lunrq , Porit 11ope RR 1: W: J. '11l wlnd, :Ne w l a nd , ma,, :K.ate judge. 'Ili 3. pfiatsIi: e i ob (', H.f Blakeilyi, i Pny e l; E. Tully." ii n 1,o T. Watbe&rilt. Bethxanvyc Do. ' Kechsn, g e ville. ý I n- aay's j Dig esut feroent about and I intond1te kee01o grurnlbl'lng luntil we rlize ifiant The care ofthe' oli f i and tEe eill-ren i~~~~~~i orrsesiilt.Tdrathier 'have THE GIRTJMBLER ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH CONDITIONS OR Ail sorain <Orono iilb e p ) r. mand -NIný. 1 ri (1 sd BUi ll cf Torcnt, setSn h1r1ahe1s Mi.. . l1Pae(.. Mies Eva atterson 'has returu hoeafter speing ml a few w(el wi th he'r sister, Mlrs S. Souch-1. Mr,)Iohn rnstrong bhas Ief±i f Too to to repare for bis Westel trip fo)r thie Cooýk Gohn Co. Mrls. Ormne Flîs 7,andi baibeIhabee sendnga few eeswitlh 1 parents,1in. and -r. W. .J. mavtv p ruy heid i Tues 'oy ever il. Tn abf ns. Ueo. Morton ' id. Dean. \4en uh i-elat~on, Aubrev ni ire for higlest T ~cs went t M s VC as for eucl.arc an un; cOnsolation jlo u airis imet with M. bas movod bis wh wehois, in Symi snsfrm. _Mr. Wilfred Vecte17iuary 'Coil hmw daysat ber Mnrus Sbwin. cous.posic North DakIIiotai,s ATnmsreng, die atDiinnN The Plice Ti M-otric CoannuE Mondhy cveang. Neil Perters Om nWn. Confl aini Mn. Win. ( not veeyMw l thon a speedy nm Mnr. A. -Maniiih eolEc ingbisfï Jrunt o 1n Supn IMrs. Peýter Lai jteeast *uatn wluhis, n r. an c'f thlein soni wli Do You Want a Square Deal From a National Government? Ross Strike, Durham'& National Governmnent Candidate, promnises farmners dîrect action ini correcting the unfair treatment they have been and are receiving under Liberal admninistration. FACTS THAT CANNOT BE DENIED! September lSth, 1939, Mar ket value of top beef was $8,75 per hundred. Market value of Caniada Packers stock, $84.00. March l3th, 1940, Market value of top beef cattie $7.25 per hundred. Market value of Canada Packers Stock, $ 104.00. In Iess than 5 months the price of Beef to the Farmer goes down $1.50, but Canada Packers shares go up $20.00. tirne by ice Thie seciai *March l 9t uval an Toi Un M nilnd sud Mrs Ai Mr. and il aifteýr a f ew tor',s brotheu- store-, wliclb proueuli'ent, , anid DOES THAT MAKE SENSE!1 THERE'S MORE!, The Government fixes the price of hogs at 9c a pound but does not fix the price of feed! Does that seemn Fair? Pork imports rom Unted States în 1938, 4,760,000 Ibs.; in 1939, 25,887,000 lbs., and in one month, January, 1940, 9,000,000 lbs. CAN FARMERS CHANGE THIS? ROSS TbRIKE GOVERNMENT CANDIDATE narketiij FARM ERS 1 1 1