Ànswer te Previons Puzzle lie of4h eerc ork for those, i~a in îprosjperu ahonhols. Th reas , a sys liedeel[enrir1 e'en a a a tua sowifl4 enac aMi laire w, wth gr ~w# rai skating pond'. m7 One hat doseS. 18ý To haît. 21 Rnvtd 23 Topiece ut 21, Maiiple srb 26 -ppL e t ara. 38 pair, 29 3r, 410 Crucifix, 42 O-nager. 44 Tea.I 16 Storage bus 51Greekletr 53 Hardens. .55 Causti,' 56Anythiug th-bat i heals. 57 Mîalaria.ý 159 A uon Cil The rier hat formis eaist-er beou ridaryi 6'2 Muti OVER DATH.-Mtthew27: 5 2S; 15, the firetfruits of them that are 1 ep.ICor. 15i 20. TELES5SON IN ITS STIO ,ome ,time bfr i .n nFI;- dAy,ril 7z le isit of the wo- mente he epi Ch'reoccr--) 9ASD. 3 by ïotomb of Js-of rrahc 57. Adve vnwscre theream arich m1,an fl mAi-. mataea naadJeaephi, vwho aiseý tsmaiwentte Pilz'te, aid ias- ed fordte bd fJus. The matiof ean ofrine ,a A- Ara biani 6 'Box. 10 amousj paricle. 16 Itl i a - 19 Anim ran iridust-y il, this land, 21 Thing. 22 Spanih gentleman. 25 Objec of art, 27 Darligs. 29 BMue gras. 32 Venwomus 37 Ratitebid 38 Consutn cem"palien.!I 41 Play, 43 T, e ret upen oems feet. 45 1-aîf (WoueiY" 47 To cunie 48, Noua ndng 49 Fastidieus. 50 B1ste 52 Pertéining tW nvings. 54 To sink, 58Senior. 60 Rem. Shrýolkngsmtehl , haùforth- mith seugit the Ibepy Or Josus te bury ir a in wogrvpie-. pure d rben c-lybua 59. An iJesl] i tec lebedy aud wrapped i aa en ie new tib, whIcble, had hew'L Ot sýla te rock: and oïrILda rat J-1nete tdor f hetonbsu dearted. The bedynio was' lý- L Ua Il loruis fortheMombPrmeu icy a 1lub cf s-to plaes aoe etmmti cf oor ordi au ,-rkh . 56,!me. fJa. 2:1 whi'îfotild hat tIc M'sa uld make his grve "ittu tîrst(icoterd ary, sitn wý ih Marýy Mafle, math ses (ec v. 56). ese weo womea wh had iisreteJa The Guard Watches 62rieNagaon the morrow, hmch ior te thdy fer e Pepb araton ]ybu chic!petsue d tsuPhar- Hee s we atoredtghrtiý nte bed wbt That deeiverbu id hile ho i a Cyat reAfter three day foem th ave aepulcî bemade 1yhlasciles coe sud0 stih MAP PUZZLEj QIhaveia 5-acrýe farmor]sand sou. s i hve nt e îeh baayar sud iutnd geting lm o a laa. ilI yn! p a le mekeo if ~ ~ ~ " tih aaws hn 0dI e itase let e kH1, i llaîO more 1pcnil e? S. ., Dulria th maujn!I pi t lon the aighcr"cil. Itý may h th tehev1 a yI Y0 lSe1of1 l would beneit mteily iofrem light applicaion t manure.sol havathe ou t ated iIleind h on it.Ifycu cull hava asample t sgora ta e m~rdng tA thu ¶Stî'u ticens cil paýges 21 e o etthe ean- closad paphltnd ferward the lanme le tIra DCPt of Chemstry, a, O.AC..GuepIwwc- i hva itts- ed u î hn aal te teUyA 1*50w hathar ont Lime' je isr- quira.Limaeis net a lmsre orca planttùod, it lasi»Ply asUcni sema ifrminstie1 reardiag sui1pli- ai' as ain acidifiai'o!sel.Ibave lia aer ithougb aluiii sut- plte-illcorrect pt.1 hava beau told that suiphur has a longer lasi- ing affect tanalum-'inum suphate Christ And The Birds Hefre the firstfoint hope of dawn couldly Its siender finers Illte purpie s~ Chi8ts issued from H1is tomb On Elster Day, Andpasd h sepigsoldiers soffly by. Thle brs, soearly wakig ngfo i r sleep, Rcousedsin theirlnests thicway Be went along; Knoing the promise tht He rose tu kep, They meant to grt thieir Maste ith asong! He laid Is fingers to flis lips, acd ttrned To Indicate theguardsheadis dos-e And then He smiled, bu-Lt in] His eyes there urne Ricl plesureat the utfle id' net The Jeih autbenites of Jer- Usalem apparently could net rec after Jesusas dead, IauGîed by- deccapd tu ht he caould ruse froi the dead on the third day, he weut back te lilate, requesting bat a guar(I be placed at tce sap ulchre. The Pharisees uned peUt-. icL' ar1gumewnts te infIluencelI- sýte. Tbey contended that, if thle disceiples peYnýu1deýd tpeoplIe ta Je'-ss lad rsnfrom 1the dead, theymiglt case sfar Tmore sr quen> tat eus was ine cci-. sab atbdy, as' itbegaý-n te dw1 toadthe f irst day of tIle xeek, cameMar Madalne nd theý other Mary te s'e le tesepulchr. It was net iuntil they were edll on thecir way thUat it occurre.vd teo t-hem -te aIsk he'v the great -stene(, whiciih they had seen rolled teth doem, was te be rmoved. The dif.. ficulIty, hwevr mlel say Most as sSoon as it was raizd Thie steot wýas araygene, 2.And behold, there vwas a gýtreat earthqjuahe; for an angel of thýe Lord descended fre>iiiheb- and cam-e ad rcll1ed twasth ate, and sat upea) it. 3. Us al-. pearance was asulightninsd his ramntwhteas saoGw: 4. and fer fea r ïo1,h;îilm hewachrs id quake, anid becamie as dle;ad men, 5. And the ange! answered and said untetheweMea Fear net ye; fer 1I!knew thait ye, seek Jess V71.-)laqth ýbeen crîUucýified. f6. Heie2 nt here; forihe iriseeven a he said. Cemeo see the placewee the lord lay, Had the tomb remaied seale rand guarded, the world wou'd weuld have came sit dees tei- enfi' Lerd's subsequjent apa- Codceiby Prof, Heny & ll cf tie O.A.C. fcly Au dia yeu would givame hu A. il seul ay that" Flowa e nieuteradises tatou Sus tuat lick Sl4îrexdighctoI, I phir. te saiuocuýllod Suil- Wea.therý,-Phone Talepone ubaciber thrug- Il p.. bythe ocaloffice of1th IJ.SW~ater Breauover a ý r ectteetpeconneucn The soi- scribers onS yto teephone the, bureauand le reciLes helre- ordd essage. juryHnrd "May ce have the evening ff"a jUryn skedatM - treallpst week when the tiaul Of Romeo Foucanit on a cbair, of nmrer vas adjournedfo Che ay. Y1 suppose you want to go to ithe movies," saîd Mr. Justicýe "lesý" thle jure sid tigfor yvuu to se, you Vca go,'>the judge dcided afteî the rqetwCdsusdwt By DAVE ROBBINlDs ME X T r-T E L E V iSIO N l Teevsonl on the wysol but urey. a theî New2>0r0 Bld you ecrt consider just wn television would metan??? Suppose theydecde e tLeILvize su drama oncea wek or somo espo0nsor th' 1 r. he'dha e egetitte get'r u aweekyetUoywd If, itecoespossible te get al! ap)o>t a iiisliehcebo- in ud se o,11wbvio ill go, n eau Ithe sprt urvive wtortfanîs te1py-th shot Laith-e box office? Teeiinwillmaechanges lu ouractritesth.t are ot e05n DR,\MA ON T17E AIR~ TIc radie effara my excellenit dra"mas-but the ohrdaywul digslittle dial e.xplor iug w cama u o e ýýthiat in otiy irtinld takswith the- Lux theatro of the, ai sdit had wnetop nmsini th sa ither,. Thýe pott Mary, QCf Sccct, -a ebaptel'eï freio Cvacaaof Draira, bardl fri KO0C at 730W Mlonday, PaiWhitemustars in aureu-. stan1ding show ,fnrr the CEScal oach (.dIllday ,niglit at8,0 the pr01ogram lai as bi"g time as Paul himcîf I'l('arI in is lipart of thu couty freinWGPE on!t you sol adnSrne iag ~ ~ ~ G 4t8.5.5. heodite fro>l ererywheereI Th aal-ons ! nai oicrc ortha air . . . eue eu hu)rsay eenCinu .5 u- noued by h n "Tn rer they pass ofre he pmike n -Musr. ew2G .hppnigse ation abouheloc.auity i u tin li eeayu hnet lera moe aout"Min trt" ntd ai or hLear your on towu Thbe ceradef so. W l Ma'-.26 ll ho carrý,Id over thu Bn6acas Goo FIrpratio PLsu mýadeI 0avibe e vey ado oI E.S1.., if neiessr 'ýui, bibIî *-a pla fnT CHerd. t. arh 2,CB POP --Pickizig 0F NTCL By J. ILLAR WATT So, lon g, Chis wake ble thle 1lit Fiewen Hs wy. hemiracle asdonic.