Tise youuig Air Force oflier had jue atcrahd int a teegraph thîin1)g was mpdarudhm Ashes rushedýJ-c to bs aid and began to untangle himnfromtise wreckage, he m.eache-t oui bis bauds feeblfigered the wires ---o- 5tew is not enougli aven es 'Deed, suis, Le wasn't put lat(y fLava-i d tw.H Js supposed te Cliriâten it2' -o- MTei-re"reNots of p1.oit bt, ettailikpect tesait thecédi gyrit, an herearecore-i ha I do nt untrstan.JWy, sforin-, htancak e, heruneole lu ternt iOh, thatr' or1cuarle-itms, TCk pasns "auI ereetl asu i'la yacuam-can W"i -ký ai "Nots, pWteh aintgea1 "hr Th lo Engandoncea11. et Stihlingfle -et, he famous cer- from as% aucripi a th tise- ming Wer. hr bae ofaskdjhob e-p. 0fis tise ptclaed W Cub e9 P t BoyStcon fide77ntly verWeml, Fat, 03re-ni-e Wthe-o- an P886l» ury o'relavu faty - "he wges reai righi,4ret8rnedFat, "But I5e-e- 'avinga guihiyafeeling Ilbtise Urn tiningI' in a hor'4. S i eut of a job.', Sïoutý1s ssc,,it atn, an pe,5sse- b 10,0 ark, ila tgotal ai Oct. Ble, as ut10,835 acdnge tu0 The toal lncude-c 1.He- ,Cupbts, 4,6 9 BoGco t,,G7 R vr Scous,27) Sa Sot, o mad 8,ps86 and 6l "xip W taDae-: gi32 lae raing iande PYt si Na sct a, 6,023; ew 'tiNova k, ,96; ubec ý,; cjâ1Ai&, U40-428; r! 'U, SMaf,e7,58 lai »i waiumvI tuU' UWhI for betner roln gdnsFine Cui tÉo direct J~-r~ you ta gpar "ate- enjuymenii own, Tuis melluwfragran igaret uG baccogetsfur stýar riing in any umpan There is n sadi o With ge's)atiual BY ROBER fA L EE 1 of, manners, Nither a man nor aP- woman boi, sni-ke wher ther tIonaleAnd the persn "ho delib- ertey o;m uhtesydiet a hand uOf brîIdge hatbas eenjus played, Or aà, er alagatn tion )ýto mitaes ad iscss how it was played?, A. Yes, ThisisvywTborsg ta) gratmaiylpeopiee shouldfor get it snaId nrnrtonhent ,hand. Q. IIowsoudJaNotn h Masbllwo is sixty? A. "Mrs. Mrsh~1l, tisisJn ýIbis guiest f ls tLttegomis naking ai noruaemarpe A. Yes".ltefrtpate opinbi; second, if he Ci cOeCI is j jdgawnt the poùi*gumwl soun fiuit ou- mt and ahoul md ashappy as possbe o teshP time u i disiluine Q, Whalt is a go os o t'l ide aat wed-ýdinjg re-ce"pion?- A. "'God besthe bride. Sh ieký - ed l bthbst mian',oft the lotut's." Q. Is it alrgtt erepea a for iïinuer? A.N;it is inot one. Ish Clockecl By Speedometer Wve have a 'fair idea how sact mnost anmas risand ird y but ouly bazy nWoons about tCe speedis of fisb. Earl hmsu! Nova Scotiai angle, has evse special speedometer which regis- ,ers -speed in m»iles per hour, as lis, îne ru-,ns ou, Lt. 'ThLbisiveto 'Should beOf value týo sinitn v-estigating imaine hfc,frwfith je they will be abce togaugeth 'speeds ëof oceanmoses ik whIales, sbharks andsêdih r Tbmsnwas asked that summerýi to ollborte iththe Boston Na- tural Hstr Msum ndbs tuna, wihrcdoito cea t teneat, 4l miles anhorln the'sumn e iehopes tofind oui. Show Increasrýý I as fo 15hll~~ an iii- mq uet, 841,303 os- 25.8% 7 1 t F. Sy A N !7A hH' lýE y per eaiiy? muing ïÇohit wall paýper is to putr caup uine -ga itu aPbuckiet u o wat er-n witb alls toogl wih his solionii, Thepaeril re-adhl peel off wihprepar'ed hianurs'-o Q.huw u i coula ish out put ding, s any ther ot footnd ic. A. etLhe dish lu a pan) 0f el AUnoli th , badean pra sheet untl dry.ioi Pcmi i iemedy? P A. issl ue r u nce af fou ci nsxdadsoled. Aply ta ngt Q. uw ca I ai re a guod frist A. (ïý;ieTak ue wo unds 0f ited powdred sar anmstnitt th ee àicuSistamenc itborang ay podcinl[ Cnd offiiaietiat es nowparcd at 1022,00bs '2ePls an iceaeo 4,07,00 s hels uver Mue esti nie maoaeio npbe, 193. vThe aleylise, duc'tvIonas i 1938 was, 10224,00 s dielos'n by ibecUnte Stte dcpartmenr)ý of agriclture. rindeer il i ribsti bs2pr jcntbuttler- fýra. i, T eLn ï -4-.-. s *-*-*-'> tlP -fr-t.O--0---*-O- o 0- , The4 hev oei4aecugc i henropt Sne "nfce I Din g CATOMS RANSCR A viname, is dsloe n eG Unriveity ullt VirgLbecina oast i we cielgaea cieutfic ctue u culges are-fedinlto bemabieTie msahine it i sanosieu to act1- WEART -DESPOMDENT Cryîng Sapelis. rirrible Gil n rvoe due to funkctidn)al GIRLS aneoudfn 4à a i "o a' riend' l ir?. E. Pi- tam's vegetable C2ompound. 2~itî L y d ia E. P iRnkbham' s t' division ut ti-lc O-in tobniwerts vo) M ', Atrn, 'l dc bave causetanovet: Tu the ire-amers, cbups ai cars, etc. and saIle lite - gu nuille Ae 'z fNO)AA 1N -III Baden ('Il knuw thc: lty Goveri day ld sitarted chi poiis, und chosefr ýLlJiitd, tuee uuu Je aepu or tau ei Apni)~ovmtion at h anda bejud-ged oehe il toeo the wnten.Mrs, likeni vector B EAUT TO0pI1c s ilp,) onu u Thuis nove-iýl or une tdian ?'~ E VS. CANCEt ai ns 478'