Weeky Times Bol jantuary, 1937. e1, o]ies:t ra tir mring at Thle Timies Office ROst, Ab, Ontario iege Rl,. A. Forres;tor, Publishetr 28th .1940. HYDRO MEETING atl TheGrnuHreCr nant1 s,""iet ou eda vn aiwt calte m1emlbers rset orM. .Chase gave the reportl-,for. ~r 93,which showed titat the yearly eh rking profit lat the yea wa> rr $l;50,0O lie Te Wecd ad uTressetd the Coml-ý misioequiring abont rebàates forl insalato ofeitrlc ves, etc. The, mat er was lid onthtaeun tu tiiei hàécuit ak e ort an-on haý i, po sible te, do)along these ,of hlasit week. lviO cd byNia- in .Tail- taree f twe g' ferwaîd The ip rtarsisrucittet t wt e heH..PC.te5euro copies oSw th ~tv Power Cenaisien-,ol Act andApeuixfo usIe cf the ElTe olowng ccuns ee rder- cd( paiti Cla rke T'wp., irefunis......33.47 Thle Sûcrotaryrepýortedti hat thoro- finanecing of t1ie ddbenitures -vas new ,lnîpetd antia{er s11ite. expSses were dfeait wth, 'a sa-ing <«f M$ &5M 1 Eleetion Ower -Sn Flowîng In n'ot engable toelop the beyýs ýrte a 'ilalifax -var ~tnute anlc. Ani--, tale toe walk or -al" "-rey milihoUp towards stop- mlure a11i sente induItl r nines h, a xoth tO the Treaýaury. A Penn - hundrti dllarl Iwith an, eaînest usic f Ithe Allied cause, aniof lier Yoîlk ent $2000 ,Lrsia smll effort tetliaias' eathyno-rsa mtiiin Canada votuntarily offereti i-evenent ah intere)îa antidividonda(l tu'l sord urinig the course cfdtet us~~ flae ilau invester cf mdrt uemnaneuit $10,000 free nof itrsfor cf, Motea erato ty dollars noite : "I thlilk luat evryne5hult ft t we tnty cntinue to enjoy the i~Fouri mrcmauatrr rate ~ ~ ~ i Comsioe New York ta n Candian nar an, 25 per cent, «if ui ereandse.Thie prýsidtent «f one ry srongly thatSettc'w alasebing e foe ede mly bit." A New York, iniins. Ontfario, iba aiete sep- w),ith iia mssge:"Bin nty' f amniy amd imysiff oI ianti henepfits cnf Canada Porti. eB.C. Sent a Eishrmeuat ae,1.. 'À[eh r theshowig ofFaste as faraisA 1t- lntieCy. tmut 1 a'Iy peel'e Ut hre wil' ho the l geoti o!lismeriet, iiinuge in thlis friVoPitye;f s ,tïig ffyoir nw (ladis. WeiundenstanI ter, was a eveiin latbut we have net heard what w-1s doue i lu ttisrelperctIt is sa1iti veni hve 1ma11,ie pp!i 'atiolis forliederba bt we kow Matlis n idd~n the f, irst pac nd i thatis a1 Conducte(r cf thew dtte ye eueli Miho eau lay;agooti lealing cr nOt. Miwevar we w111seewhat fde 3Mndy melengoul bingIfo. Mr. llarol'd AlIl, N-asi,Vwas avisiter i-,i n tewn ca[ii'ng on ld frien1ds namise tcelok inh] Uie Service of St. Pu'sCurh ,Rv Mr. Daývison of Tciniry being il!i, the me+1nburr of tt dhrc oimete St. Paul's herIlte inlisier eahi Lis last sermon b>1 lefore dopartin;g ferý Kingston te enter miiilay e ia pde "f tht doison.IRem.31r. 111r(1eey n :i Ure . Miogers 2aise4 aesisted in the smeie. xMonday's Globe and iïi1crit a full aeceount of thie tragie ticath1 of thle Lateinanager oel TeRoyael Theatre loohtek paeonSn day afte-rnoon' Last. That thie citi- Zens «f VOTte toWn iWre terrib)Iy k eti gees without saying,'ns lewa very popular. We hiave net 1heaýrci U tliere vil 4, ean iuuet ont, preb- sbI-x!ynet. The big seoial ev-ent n Wpedneoiday eveninig at tlieBdiln ton. hall las beeu Caneeli etiasth, dcePaseti i"Was a lpast presidentt of thai eJinl. UTe sad ieven't ascast a loincveT te whole couniitrysidle as ho was se wlik 1kn , iswido-s tIer plant bas been establishlet ruT tItis nmn,)-th, a umo-dern dry- nig aquà dlyoin'g tepartm'eut. Mi. elon inerl y c, (fLaitg-ley' ýe -wuIll have itreiavn wenty yolais exPer3imen. Fe --, andi delivery, Teleph)lone ,520. we shouhLid dmgl-ine teeshit01I goei trade lo)n.g titis li110 Mn as -wo noIItice agenIts sud aitos euaryfientri outiide points, ta outsde b ialkers outflts doy. Se arP o fl c itizenls of the (ýtown tronize 'he now coeneern anti we te t(-C n tice tat they are doiug gh~Titis aiipplies a1so te thei baker ani onfecicnery sliop lins takeil the olti Cortbett stanid whi'ch oponet eout Last weK ha1s s okie tck of a,1l that goeýs afrtIas sop cf tittdsel W shttc ,new iri ago cftrade 'as te hut ae 1 l1aýve iati on o thier elections f nIw, bt we (du net 1crienre ýod lti it'l ite bandi beys couldi naululae thîr 1nstuments ru do neit reeniber an, éettion ve 'did neot haye iimlu or leasS muin luitis tcwu, but se far, t dri rasher or a note «if anti on our 'tret ereCor-l vchugng in thattuir ,eect, andý teýr i st radPio thaýt is thlel or> 10t, or uthe telephlonie, but wel t ha1ve tiie sine othusiasain was d avcundtiite vatrion1scontte W>e Ic net fintipeieset tr:iat is die ltstfenBrati- ~choo? 0r s m utyinig distrifit ýda ys. Thie telephione euts in, fon at andt theofil gagif tlhrs ýTeGit or Toryv, d'en't hav7ethe oppe)Crtudtjty of lia-ing lt, l on ("eehotler àas they titi oýn id time hci.Te zesýt lias eut c'f the businjess sin1ce à, e anf:tI -flicmotor vehIiele -bafive ýk thesihe S1 pcons,1m1v]ity lie cf4 w Laidi Isbeen laid 1701d lEddy, jship, now t Whiitby, ,ath 01 his lO Was sei- frem ]whlioh lie faiied ,te ocor in natirriage, tic Miss MdiNil, anti feti yearUý i" fter hiýmrigertri te Orene where ho hasji sne eidd lewsavalliuetIlwmembor of lthe Demray cfDertoit; Mite [Etna, of Mrs Sjit îeecasd lm oj ,n Aug. auspic-es of L.O.L. N-ci 40, will be, held (todiay) ThuirsdatLy, Malzrch 28thl, att 2 V-1m1, ih Rer. . LittlewoedK haàvinig chaýrge af the ser-viee. In1- terment will bho mateienle rono Civen Presentation At St. Saviour's Tea The Eae tea he(ld in eii-Anig]i- eaui Parish Hll o n Weesa evdingi, was weil attenýdet. Tea tale(s seatinig four were prettily de- catdwith flowers iant i arealsu - tueus tona served by the A.Y.P.A. andi theý Chu3rcl mnbes Duir'ing the tea heur, Mr. aiMs recipieuts cf a ove!y Alatidin T ableý Lansp, wi waýs a tokýen cf remenuri- bran~efrere he nie ,ers fite An- of thIis ihyetemtamnily frelik the cemmun1.11ity. R"ev. Iede matie theprena tien. SIying hoe wa4 sorry te acMr. anti Iltr,. Manuiling ani faauiiy frenin the congregation, but !hoped tiey wou'ld iait lhe Smndoy services, cf- iton, as they arc net imovinig very f ar aa ayfroint tfii eorbnnit 1oth M sud linfrs. an.njng repiietivery luitfably. Infants Delight SOAP 3 cakes 1 cake free Serub Be-usb-es, ea$li...15c. Gillcýtt's Lye, 2 tins.......23c Lemnon Oil, bottl ...25c, Mop Sticks, each .........17c. asngSoda, 2 pkgs. for -............. . ........... ... 15C Ilarity Amimoniia, pkg ... 5c. Pearl Naptlia Soap, 5 bars for ...............22c. Soap Flakes., 3 lbs . ..-..3 1-4 lb. Walntits..-.......- 8c. 1-2 lb. Black Pepper ...13, Gro-up Sý)o 3 (47',-i;st, Tlited <$chwill present t Tconcert on(m Frdayardh 2tlL im~i~nct 1istr frm ticrenit; Phon, , r11w Oronio.c-lp TlO 1RINT Apatmet e rnt iii Kmrnrftiteý Apaàrtmienits, Orono. NModem nen ecs.Apply R. R. Waddel. tf YO0ENG PIUGIS A-ý'<)JAj- Nine Yorkshiire You-Lng Pi-s for sae;asotaatity c(f Codai-rPosts. Apply S. 1D. Suih; Phoo e56ri14, OHmGCKS FOR' SALE atared hicM. lodte td fol,lR O. P. sýired ecjýk.s, averageeg t 24 unes theý dozen-. 2AJ1 gg (idce n ourifarmi. Over 30 yrsnusiness. Orer nw and salve cisappaimenýlt. Alvin ll 1eens, RIMFOR SAIF OR RN cGeoti jpastuire lt, ollsfsting of 15ý acres,moerlos rogsra of fresh aelu[ngVruhk eoti brn; w ares o goed bs.On Lot 17, Cneso ,Glraake Twn sflp.Aplyt, Mr, osphTebble, NecslOnt., f -c coýurage m ea minetiby v ao, thie r4i te super-lative tr ilmPhi. RED &WIIITE STORES Parker's' TEA lb. ith 2 scribhlers New Calibage, lb ...... ...5. Large Grapefruitl, 5 for 23c Green Onions, buinch... c. New Racili[, buindh.S Large Lenions, doz ....27c. Gooti Cookinig Onions, 10 lbs. for . ...........9c> JîelIy Powders, 4 pkgs-.19c. 10 lIts. Gran'tlated Suigar for. -........ ....63. Aylr-ner Infants Footis, 3tins fr ............ 25c. Glace Cherrics, 1-4 lb.9. Extra large Oranges, reg. 3-5c doz. for 30c 5 String Brooms, each Cottage Roll, peameal, lb. Aunt Mary's Krunchy Pear IlButter, jar Eciipse Pastry Flour, 24 IL Prunes, 2 lbs. Pitted Dates, 2 lbs. Breakfast Bacon, lb. CORNISH .Phone For It Proir .ut bag 23,c 20c 57e 21c 29c 24c j %. ë -MI à INSURANCE Fiiré, Casualty, Auttomo- bile ai-d Liability I Orono- LEW V. DISNEY 51 Simecoe Szeet SGuth Osliawoa - Ontatrio Ph.one 1550 See our looal Represenîtative, Mn James Nixoin, Orono.1 No ehare for llstings. (Faïms a SpecuaUt.,) AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON" Auctioneer and Valuator Con)ductos Auct[ion Sales of ail aize& and at reasonable rates. Periy, On taie, or see bisCek, F. ioeen t Oronio, for date. G. RICHARDS Practical Watchmaker AIl Repaire to Watchez, Clocka, and, Jewellery, wiIl receive Our prompt attention \ t //~PORT HOPE Fince &at, "Charlie McCarthy, Detective" Monday to Wednesday Bfore Toronto Sees It 1 "STRANGE CARGOS &'taxîmng Clark Gable anid Thursday OnIy "4The Secret of Dr,, Kidare" PHONE ROWLAND SM[TH! 83 r7 and arrange for Repairs Planing and Rippinj Luffiber Woodwork Cernent WelI Cribbing Furniture, altered and re- finished Windows & Doprs DEATEIS OJJRTflS - In, larke Township, oz& Friday, Mareh 22nd, 1940, E]siel Grace Curti's, beloved dlaugliter- of MT. and CMs. Artlbi W, uts aged 19 y'ears. STU'TT -- In Orono,on ady 'Mpre1i 26th, 1q40, Wi!liam r, Stu'tt, ee ~ years. f-rem in 1 iat4.eseýuce, Oro'no, om. Thuù'rtdy Max ch 2Sth., et .2. pe.m. m r+a t, ,T,4 reno G eme~ TA r Delivery Dumart's Famous Pure LARD for f laky pastry ib. tît '1ýq Ontarîo 1 1 ORONQ