CHANCE 0F DATE qiaime i t ryinrgto celiver tlie malon Monday fter ithe heavy 6niowustorm over utheweken. r John Wnnaù, lho:tkcý the mail f2 iN.rou[teý, upse4t1three turies etenOrono md Jon Best'sjiarmi,1 abouit hif a mile norùh dE Oron andi to cap lit ofi jis bouse - a away, s thle mail Cfailed te go trolugh tiht day, àas (1J Ill(-othler rusfrom flIcý F. F. Morris & Son Funeral Directors Furniture Dealers AMBULANCE SERVICE Bowmanvulle - Orono Phones: Bowmianviile, Day 480 Night, 734 and 573 Orono. 27-1 The Oldest, Largest andi Most Complete Furniture Store ani Modern Funeral Service in Durhiam Our Srvice-THE BE5T Our Gods-TH-E NEWEST Our Prices-TRE LOWEST MORRIS & SON -90WMANVILLE -- ORONO 4 1 lbeheld on Friday, ApriL ith at .0 o'iokin ithe schloo cd mlec;irais. hee il b agod rsi cal programme dE lctln n Ta1 is1 ,,ted o ( i >hsti. Ad theStno .aiwshtotaui' Get Those ODD JOBS Done Now R. E. LOGAN PROPRIETOR Centre st. orono Phonle 30 r 18 I________________________ - 'l'lie I.0.0.F.lie id and" daxsccd 1 Tommý -Mr. GronL kw, elit wrigw r -- ~ troii~ is on hi at pres- Rciwe ai to takc ne next )od suc- ing tosatneia rciejn Oronol ot hlrt ckinArl while D.Mnigi .a uatv seri.D. M(ý,eLan wîlocuythle former offices of'Dr. Ma nnrPiing inthe, Th1e WM .of Park 't..Chureh iiietnl on Tuesdla, Apr 2d, aIt 2.4 .m1>ý . in thelschoiromn. Mrs. W. C. S'm;th, cýf Courtipýe, wilft be thie iscxcde t loetoo be 1(ýpre's- Parlarnet ItereSt-Orme Gmb doedint'o 0111e Ceeýper's on elec- tien dayiand sid: 'Welfl kware electin mattrs4 Olie said,"0. Wel, said Ovine, 'q wilfk plaqy yeni one IIý gaeOf Ipool a ' f I beat you ynare to vote rthe sanie way as1 do, aal h I lse I wilf agreete vfte tie rway you oi. They p1îaYed the gaine and 'Ormie wn.Whal,,t ,,ai fested jnitereýst they boâh 3istlayed oýver eleetion mnatters. IN THEI ITON RANG(I!'ç on Xens~y Miss Erra Uocof T RT'. A. Fo'rreste, A good eongregiatio lEatr srvicuc at S C'uc ol lntdLly 4at. MJiss Marigareýt Diekatý, lcr,tl isr visitinlg with i ir mng the Baster hdc,'idaysý 11,11% i. W. Sý,Ott sc week-end with hiS d1 igfit K. Senneof Peterboo Garmewn Crihand1 er are s pndIhg their Eaà wiih elaitesin Tormot Mis FiraCdIledic Iiiimie on ThrdyList ing a few wéksinTo Hall, Gepi pn with ber Cr.and Mrls. Fi Toot, were iEast( the fre" ahr IMr. nd Mr, haIve been 1lýii havý,e ove-d'in - Mrs. R. A.1 igtoi, lias -spenDînilg a wc( siýstey. 'Mr. and -Mrs ,ring and Repairs Mr. Seg Eaister W, Le untirilig efforts and loyal co-op)eraition, of Lat e wre able to ailti 'ch splenldid rdsult' nj- behaiiif of lny f am-iiy 1 wotdd-1 like tLo thank tdies andi all hose ywiho hlelpeel on Titesday e-ven W.FRANK RI 'Mrs. MNr. E. J. St. Thlomiý with the f' Quite ia m'sent Fni - WtTeeIl .nts cf itI ston on 11, E. M vmsited wi ýKendal N !PflICBOWMAN VILLE * INIHOLS ONT. .5 Electi