Thfýe E.r l Tr4; urt i Tace>i"Sa( oie x it Âla giýýveea-yagee ha y lawand Mtroat to become seô enste danother great insltake. TIefinest Tcice nd s-pech te besagree thet iastrîngthea-t ~f istenwiuglute brtuteP toward ë,irngafinle pkngoce A geatvole tachr bs siti eserefre an tterl rlaet pr ei( Phaa hoest S c ctr 1 sîfu sech c) cirtc t ise 'sbjEct is t tsepin; rttunu o!tis 1cialyasi Ct awa Reveals Steady Flan' o!' Men te Ceas aI faces cens anti ratinga o! tbe Rayai dia ~Na ai Velunfeer Resenve noving iii e ste ty flan' fnom or point la Canada fa tise f r -t inîng, It n'as mate n canly lu July t Nas.y ise.t- ens, - se sien t ke t eir tra;inins~ nig Pia- s are(, ieiea i reservîfuista etgtan CNV R.U is -Cominentary on Current Events I I THE 1WAR-SWEEK-- TOR ou secoriy by eemng n ctiîvity on !thje par't oGrmuy RthrIt van everywhere tithatHtier, rTHE ýCHOCPj-E PFOR B RITAIN 4i tetfist Itaiy and Grmany Greet Britein fel g e h chlebetwecn uredranids tcto.An Y tcl! uVlgnoGay- da' nwsaprobviouslyreerrin eccount choosig between submis- forces of Europeorextremely gri tossep toward Mia verthrow, 1îll be nisred not by yasa but b daysor or" TIIE PUSU SOUITHF KlrkpanickChicago ',Newýs' ors ,atios la sol;e Corl-1at Vr- mtan fre's Imi-gbt lgo ouhwr eithr befor"e Cor s;imultane1usl wj1ith heir expecteti atack onGreat Azors. Miliaryexpets egard unealaram e Ae aa the p jery Gernian objctivss m boh f 'lie cen contý1 rl aid- ora t rade routes). BRIT ýINryceinsl teBtih oe metesa- naunceaneuts: te ra rti ad o-nlly aceed etomJapan appe-l in artie Briu hl w tibe ing pshed y theHome e- tasy tat thegoverimen seem to evcuat chîrlrentcs heiVater hemýîphrbabenpapud Suayaires citrei hatth Brts fovud reIîe o L'd laidlu rina han itIer vicJtrous GermaaLbo enter Brtainwii gy shr l.ittePeir atat ehouldt ivder!onthîewl benolia dw fse maslmoh FRNCE: The end 0f the demoý- -,rîxic Tbirsl Prench -iRepuïblic unlder the Nazi onsQue't - as, weached hast week when the Freneh Periimeutapprovetiba biB ,giving thW overmment 0f Marna&Pea! fuEl owers a ew 'Constiuton. AntiFrnc bcame a ttltre state, its rmotto no tlonger"Lbety MEDITERRANEAN: Theefi Italien MtacS eganat ritsh sosl- sessions i ce Muitde Eat were keepig up tbeirprurme lest week, eordn lt ispatches fr-om Caio -aganatKenlya. naaimst Egyp, at British ,Scimealiud. Se- ver fghtgt ook lacejt ia nu-oi- ber csf outpOst, A boy etibeo the ue letthe ainetieBrth bomnibera Ètoacked It lien arwilm3e avy audairbsefrom M 14e (,it ,er - m-nneau Lâ3bye to h fip oftCe Reti IIO Mof tAItianfletvas re Pis pote aa eek il n home bon a autn fleig under cover cf a Sanoke FPA R ES: Muuicb o! the eas took plcelest ýeek weaGreat ll-nýtail. greecfto(Cclo)se the, Burmall Rond t,, untinsanti n'as- mate- p hiilethetansport ofamainto Ch1ine from the1uBrittsh eron'u col- onýy of Honog JKog. Thie US Stt tereti obj"etion to the del; buit titi noting to el CiIher o! IseBura lfelnethe Chinuese govermentla frcet tu oncîndoe a penuc witHiJaantwill menu thflat lu shs1ort odrJapenî will finti ber bnafreeta ize Frencloh io- Chine ,anti theDutchEat 1Idus. At home lunthe Lantio! the lRis- ing Sun, the Cabinet ofPrme Yanei rsneti eom blocn prn te make wamiy foi- n nen r-e.gime il ready tafljfil -'.Jpanee 7aryCde thb'Orient. I. ts elir a atsf epanision- Jaa iake fuîtll atuec h fa;i1ai1France ani 1HToLan1ibat a im haveich coonies ina the , c r orcas aiuin wi eARmEASyTi tay. ianwes Pre ier Yni ti bi oeg Mina lptî, acio l1I, numaicd' isDTiss, atiitio îi h oa ýsegaesne t netin nts REG'LARFELýLERS,--QuickWr Ol-lBOY/ ~ NY DOWNI h CATCI-I-DF QUESTONNA IE EeyMar nny Um" is e Do minion over the cgeo!1(ecp tise army, lae s o1Inane Zay?- nmr) lernet i4st 'ek thet be- twCeen 1e date;j Auigulst 9tb anti ,3r, tbey 'uv aet nie qu(estionnLaire frnaina rgste tion purposeS,,4lvig flitetid Ulmth reard luaredweuation,; occa- Tise bsines j.rfnatio-nl rgste ti;on--a treodua unertakin isbenglketi -4fter b 1y t5c wy anden HaIli, J. dniefre Iiste a!Agicltre. The Be vp0ýartme ail)(, Ilc therslaa the reistraion w-an tispoah etthe overmen; i- mi ontibtios ori rer anpati-ier pîu'poses;c-ar l'ycte exsf)ingpb gartIiing refugees or othej ý-jîpesn partasemtsasoltses occasiona"e Cane dianaeaing leastbîî$2 fensive Draws a d ian sP repa re ý,egi.ster gietheSy rie f ýIlmedIiat o, 3cai and material cipport intheir effort %o become ind endent, NO.1 G sSING aM UNITED SDATES: (Oue fte bgest gessi ig game,ýs luilbs tory W"~ in p gress last week 0 thie Demioe iatàl nationial cnventioný iii ChicagO, whl e tire de1egates (and the cniaï) atd eeling, more ld nmolr. fustra,,ted,'LeforPe- sident RUoGsevs t LeýO crnje ùont îth bi ntention, or engpineered susý- pese here adpchas eyer ben aytbingik t The wee.k biore tecneto bad been eotu.Pr-esident ooe vei, dclaînithatthe Unlited States must p.i pare for, "ttalde- fens" aslsd qi.ogresfor 54,8,- 181,157 additiîpifor the army nd navy and procpimed thistwo-fold policy: "We w I not ndor e to take parct inurpa.w s" "But ce will eper aggression ag- ainst the lAUit CSatosestorte West- ern hrnisp 1r .,. . Tne buge et l, which rbro ght hesession c appropqriations r ej the armed for-i- es to $i10,7,7,,id in n t give the Unitel Stlates a start on,! arnly-navy-afir fp ice f ýýabout 3,,DoI eqIliuiment for s ]anld force 0ýf ,0- 000 me. i CANADA: A rulsh for mrig Ileenses, wbuibamut ed taa ve,, r- Itable sta.mppede luQuebrecpoie toflowed lasL , eek upon thean neun1Yceml-ent by f lederal uirte that ail Canii n ime-ýn maried ýont or after July 15M Wouod be conid- ered as "single en" su Mr as MUi- ltary somervi f5onceed . , .A nti thoe yuii n mc betwveeAn thbeagt:s oC 21 anud 24 1Who ddn'tge tbrouigh runder t e wr oleifor- wrd to udor'ring mltaytrajin- Mng this suummet etr as voluntew recrulits for, the n-eranet ct sare orgnn»iytin. .. The calling OP~ of hfu le classes for train Ing was expeord as sont aste De_îfenoceDpr4etwseayfr W/ON"T TAKE M TWO SECONDs TO TieLBoy S couts, Gir11 ( le ý i - s , l Boys' Brgadeof LDumO , e carîgout anI rg', zt la ooral itis a <-p air n'a efot.The tyia td tes appaineedtiut panan WC e getring antig i soin f ll sce WbnLordBaePnl-its Toonelu 19,tuinga >1o Caaa etoltie. gtW Oi no" heP sxo! the îu agt en nw nEnglanCti', ellj r i -jiejoy thi e te heCi .cu Cbeci, Ont.,Sct ' ing upotto o ploi g ci tmab nhere It bat lan for thous- aîîtacf yess togive the ùwn'sid;a gren sany ricelsakarhesoica i o h e U. erhy lu juh fe 15 montha ia Egypt, reporteti tse Riýng Ttl i he afate innermost o ibibis Pu ragoi, t fhelihlm frejýin the per is ns es-n warfare. o!a geolagist for an1 olIcpay 'knwswhee hebody hasben tkaItis gonle fron- the Coiro Msutii-a la efinte. The mu- eum tsel, wtb ifs prceesaca-1 lectn o! gpes,"ntiô rais, asn week Toqïify forihe enefiti eoïrker muaIýt .bave pati0 weekl y contibutins or 180 days. PAyea o! benefis begins ine Opnyspte unemployment. p oic f rciuc eief na ,IjI ýha a senlest %n'eek as puttîng theil acreson fira, themucpatis stieoff relief eve'ry persan wh e "mpo iane lueah case be- iag forced t tae any jbofrt hl, no ma1tterbaw iîseraýble tise wage, ai hon lî-fitteti for the work bu hppend tabe.The et tha sores 0f thoes"mloale" a anyrjion,2 slIi epp il( t ThI cunryn's uina tisp PLitt oms oenrlfsfrpr th BithisVh Goermet atde1- eti to postpoue the a aaion o chîlir e ta thefomSinsanich US. -- - Dclart nio'a MCinis- li e lPot,-er ItI sý CitroSiII-a om0'l tracetiosDrîeGun, 71)te vc Fat Hssy oi -iî iït a tratonfribnau Ci -o ý: By GENE BYRN~S NOLY ~MOKEEs 1/ P4N' TNE PAPKI r LIMIT 16 ONE' n. \\ ,1 j i Fansed Egyptian Mumnly Re- buried in Three Coffine by Cairo - New Resting-place Unknowr~ Historic Fort For Interne~s