r ~ ~ w~~ww'~ THE OROINOWEEY r Tim es i KIRBY l norning; Ontarjo AIl Job Prýinting ill- SOffice Unlited States,$2O leiv-e Our Pop teto R, A. Forrester, PuLblisher Cariýng For, British Children Frorm 5,000 to 5,500 BitIsh cildrenl,bewn the ageus of 5 and 'ers inclusive, areben vine recfuge here frorn war-troubled pe, during ihe Lcourse cof tthýe inent of July. They,, are being ýd In g-ood Canadian homes for- the duration of1 the war. Dffers to tk these children iin and gv thern a comfortable have been pouring îin te the provincial organizations set up for pur-pose. The ninnber of offers far exýeedIs the demands for thýe nt tima. rhe ririldren are being sent te Can-ada only with the full appr- of thieir parents or guardians. The Domninion Goveinent is Sits rredical offleers and its in-lmigraqtioni authiorities overseas for rIluationI of the children before sai-ling.- It also takes charg-e of .receptien at Canadian ocean portsý, and provýide transpor-tation eare enroute te pr-ovincial dlistriibutio'(n centres. Welfare jrgani- )ns in the provinces are c-praigwith the Dmno Gov- ntin their pc(,eent mdatr-sprson [Vliore than haif of th nitial continIgenIt of children are being Md iii Otarlo»( and Qubte remoainder are being dilstributed in r iprovinces on a prio rata Population basis. Regstration A National Emergencyv Nationaml registraItionI, %wich i s te be put in,1to efl'ect in Cnad It Augbust 19, is a logicalan necessary step iii the prosecuition wragainst t he kind of an enemy employing, "total -war" m eth- linder or-dinary cruntne there -would be -widespreald pro)- agnainst Su.ch a reg-imentation of thie people, but we our free- anid the deum,-ocracy of our nation is threat eneed there is a i- CS ~to <give up semne of our ia'didual frýeedem-i that victory im-ay or sof every mp a and womrani t,awa anm il be the hasis ning in the home defence ni the authority of the Na- ýs ar-e provided for failure )n and it will be ob)ligatory huefor whichalo brings zistration card iis the citi- A foillows closely the Euro- accustenied way ofp living mal sacrifices and thie giv- ýse May al ho essential for stration is akin to national id necessar,-v as a nationial O f The War ana nl Ys of the new Payia- g edk since 1914, Oan- bas cage.Our ancial position has . The problemis of >evolunitionized by the 1of aircraft, subinar- ent. Thie machine of Mviltary power can. Fnmen enstoc" froin the situation in ow money outaýide of lnited States. Today Of the Unitedi States of the Treasury on rest-nt war bas been ýt eigt ontls Off the ýeent fiscal y.ýear was r-ev-io Of the esti- Wihout doubt over 1 be spending over ir force and no air e $100,000,000but h.n -,onlly $,0,0.Es-~ ore than three times elast -war. doubled ctheucotp"r il ber life adi 'St 17 yVears. Her ,d her in 1934. Be- slhe wa-'s BrtL. sUvvyed by one aif thewetr an i hînore ve been oigon -Mr. Franký Wian ils spendcinig bis, bolidays wvith Mr. A.Moow Mi% Ross Whittaker is sedu lshldys at Mr,1. George Forbes,ý. ),rs, Daym-an, of Port Hope, ia vi s it'ing her daughter, Ms Erni. Brysoni. Mr. Ray Bryson is spending bis holidiays with r Jelatives in Hamniltoni, _Mr. and _Mrs. Ray Bryson,. MisDonoghu-lje and Miss Cheatniey, of Toronto, are spending- a week's holidays -witb Mrls. John Bigelow. Mrs, (Dr.) -Miller is visiting her father, Mr. Thomas Beacock, and sis- ter Mrs. Baninon, for a f ew weeks. The finsa-nd neighlbours of Mrs. Williamns are sorry to hear of the death of' ber niiother, _Mrs. Williami VirtLue. Mr. and Mr,. Leonard Mor-row and Heleni, AMr. n(I Mrs. Roy Brýyson ,and mnarion výisited at Mr. A. Morrow's over tIhe week-end. The Brys7on picnic on Saturday was a great success. It wuas held in the Orange Hall. They -were there frein Belleville, Hamilton and Toronto. -Mr. George Forbesbrgh a sain- pie of his potatoles to the village a weekago and tbey sure were a goed spueimeni, the best around this neig-h- borhloodi so far. The West Grioup of the W.-A, are holdi-ng an-, ice cre(ain isocial and ila-wn party on AuIguýst 2nd, on M.and Mvrs. D. A. Mcinnslan. Every- onie cornIe iand enjoy themiselIves. Canada's Trade In creases OtwJuly 23>ý-Canian î-,exports duigthe fir st six moniths of 1940 werýe valuied at $'548,1'39,000 com-pared with $403,534,000 in the correspond- igperiod of 19,39, theý, Dom-inion Bur- eau of Statistîcs reported on Satur- day last. Exports to the Uniited, Kingldomn totaled $24'7,971,000, com-pared wi.ýth $152,971,000, during the first six m-onths of last yeai-, while exports to the United States amounited to $i1,849,000, against $145,174,060. Australia was the third ledg market with total purchases of$8- 441,000, compared with $16,ý712,000, followed by British South Mfrica at $13,124,000 against $8,56C,7,0 00, Frarice $11,,,24,000 against $3,619,- 1,300, Japan $6,922,000, against $14,- 042,000, Bitish West ladlies $(),574,- 000O against, $5,25,0ü00, New Zealn $,7,,ag-afinst $8,0i4,000, an.d British Inidia with Burina $4,055,000,1 against $2,414,0o00. operalte, and i býis O~wn way, gener-al epinio should -lhe stîr ity upsýet the us ? Don't blame in., on two tin .minds to have ttle more co-operaio-n pînessmie. iness ni-an -would Co- be can't always bave- ýt im- falI in with the % lIke amanl. Wh-y l )bortîess of the minlor- eorks for the rest of tefarmi-ers for, us be- 1one time and s;ticli toi A CLERKý AUCTIÔN SALE MOIN] 125 head of Sucklîng Pigs. Sale 1 mile in. Free d1 AY, JULY 29th Cattie; 30 Shioqts; 2 :1 be lheldat RERRY'S FARMI ith of Enniskilleni iivery of cattle TEd Jackson, Auctioneer. EXPECT ilBREAK lRECORD Tihe recent 'the Canadian i 260,000 on Lab mnarkT is expeci Iarg-ely to the U.S. tourist t Day will be ot .Iea attehdance at 1':ational Ex-Icihtînisnl ir Day, 1fi28. That1 1d to fal this year due Irenendous increase in wvel in O-ntario. Labor, served Septem-ýber 211d. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of' ROWLAND Z. HALL, Deceased. Ail persons having dcaimrs againsit the estate of Rowland Z. Hall, late of the Village of Orono, in the County of' Dur-hamn, Retàred Postmiaster, de- ceased, wlio died on or about the 3tb day of-May, 1940I, are hereby n.oti- fied to send- in te W. Ross Strike, Solicitor for the Executors, Bowinan- ville, Ontario, on or before the Ist day of Augu-,r.st, 1940, ful particulars of their cdaims. Immiedîately after the said lst day of August, 1940, the assets of the testator %vil] be distributed amongst the parties entitied thereto, having- regard only to cdaimys of w,,hicýh the said solicitor for the executors shall then have notice. DA'UED at Bowmanville this llth day iýfJuly, 19r40, W. ROSS STRIKE, Solicitor for the Executors, Bowanvi lie, Ontarîo r ank-G otinaged 6~4, of Oshawa and East Whitby district, piissed awoay on Tuesdaiy of last week. For a num-ber ef years he conducted a cattie droving business and was ell knowii. He is survived by two sons and sisters. H,ýs Charmu and Appeal antic Itailway. most nonular John J. Gilfillani QUALIFIED OPTOMETRISI Liceaitiale Of fthe College of Optoni- etry of Ontario Office Hours: 10 te 12 a.m. and 2 to~ 4.3',0 p.mi and by appointmnent Office iii C. 1B. TrelsDrug Stor Phione 68r2 J. C. GAMEY INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automo- bile and Lîability Orono . Ontario, LEW V. DISNEY 51 Simoee Sreet South Oehawa - Ontareio S'e'1 hene 1M r, James Nio vOouo. N-o ehee for AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSOe'N Auctioneer and Valuator CodutaAuti~ Sales of aL I gàm and at reasonable rates. Co,ýminincate with îhim at port Per'ry, Onitario, or -see ris Cjerk, A. E. orton, at Orono,fodae G. RI C HAR DS Ail1 Repaijra ta Wftche&, CIocJç,akd Jeelrwill receive our p'ýonipt attention PARK STREET, ORONO IrPORT HOPE Friday & Saturday GENEj A-NE AUTRY WITHERS ID "SHOOTIN1G IIIGHR" Monday and Tuesday- .TlILL WE MEET AMAIN" With M-er-le oberon, George. Brenit anid pat Bie Wednesdaiy & Thursday " FLIGIITANGES " With Vii ginia Bue Jane Wyýman and1(1Waynle Morris Planing and Rippirig Lumber Woodwork Cernent Weil Cribbing Furniture Repaired or Altered ROWLAND SMITI{ Seaside Holiday